The Tickle Me Prophets by Adam Becker

By Adam Becker

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I don't know how many times I have heard people in a worship service or in a one on one setting give prophetic words but it has been more than I can count. I tell you that most of the time it wasn't prophetic at all but tickle your ears stuff that comes out of their mouth.  Today in Charismatic circles everyone says they are a prophet and has prophetic gifts, we have whole church's just filled with these prophetic people, there seem to be more prophets in some churches than any other gift or office.  But it always seems to be the same words that they give out.  If it's about the church it goes something like this "The Lord is with you church and is about to bring you up to a new level, for the Lord is pleased and will do mighty things through you" if it's about he the pastor it always says that God thinks he is so wonderful and is about to promote him with more anointing.  When its personal prophecies it has to do with God blessing the person and saying that He loves them so much and will give them a greater anointing or has called them to some great ministry somewhere.


You would be surprised just how many supposed future millionaires and Benny Hinns that are sitting in all the pews.  Oh yeah and there is the healing gift prophecies too.  One out of ten people get a prophecy that says something about how God is going to use them to heal everyone and how they will lay hands on people in wheel chairs and they will walk.  It is really neat to watch these people's lives, most end up never being used to heal anyone.  But everyone is pleased with their tickle my ears prophecies and lift up the so called prophetic people who gave them and everyone speaks well of them.


The Bible says in Luke 6:26(NIV), "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets."


Tickle Me Words


There is nothing new under the sun, there have been so called prophets like that around forever. Listen, you will have a very famous and well-loved ministry if you tell people what they want to hear, everyone will speak well of you and want to be around you. They will even want to give you money and search you out because you make them feel good and approve of and confirm all their plans. But don't fall into this trap as being liked by everyone doesn't make you a prophet as a matter of fact it most likely means that you aren't one at all.  It is so easy to give tickle me words, they are words that don't take a lot of faith to give because you know they will be received and you will be liked for them. But God doesn't want you to take the easy road of faith if you are going to walk in the prophetic, He wants you to take chances and stretch your faith. 


A prophet speaks for the Lord not the people; don't tell people what they want to hear. Don't try and be liked by everyone all the time.  I know there are schools of prophetic that are teaching people to always say good stuff especially in the church setting but that don't mean its right.  It doesn't matter what famous prophetic leader is teaching you to do it don't fall into that trap.  The Bible is full of so called prophets who told people what they wanted to hear and God did not approve.  Yes, God does have good messages and yes sometimes God wants to bless people and promote but if that is all your messages are about you have to wonder.  Are you really speaking for God or for man? 


Adam Becker


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