Lasting Success by Pablo Giacopelli

By Pablo Giacopelli

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Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. - Albert Einstein


Is easy in life when we see others experience the kind of lasting success we would like, to think how lucky they are. This point of view, however, usually changes when we take a closer look at their lives and see that their lasting success is the by-product of more than just luck. This could not have been truer in the life of Steve Jobs, one of the most influential and successful people in our era, who realized better than most that real success is not really a destination or a result, but rather the by-product of who we become as we remain true to the calling of our lives and travel down its path.


We live in a world that is obsessed with success yet very few of us ever claim to find it. The more we chase it the more it seems to elude us. For those of us that make it our main goal we very quickly find out that the more we look for it the less likely it is for us to find it. This is because success is shy and only joins our journey when it knows that it won't be cornered or given all of our attention. It is important to realize that we need to come to a place where we understand that those that experience long term success are people that understand that they are not responsible for being successful, instead they are responsible for the growth and development that takes place in their inner lives as real success is not what defines them, it is simply what surrounds who they become over time. Much like the decorations on a birthday cake. It complements what is within the cake instead of being the main ingredient responsible for making it in the first place.


Inner Peace


In the last few weeks I shared with you some thoughts and reflections about Inner Peace. In one of the blogs I spoke about the need to control things in our lives and how we gain the most control over our lives when we realize that in fact we have very little control over them or the bigger picture they are a part of. With success is very much the same. When we hold on loosely to our need of having it we suddenly position ourselves in the best possible way for it to become a part of us. This is because as we take our eyes of it we are able to finally see the traits that can really add value and make the difference in our inner lives. Traits like character, honesty, truth, integrity, peace, and self-discovery. The kind of things that lasting success enjoys and is comfortable being a part of. Henry David Thoreau said, "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."


I currently live by the beach on a beautiful marina where every day I see different size boats and ships pass by. Some months back as I sat outside on my balcony it dawned on me that our inner lives are like one of these vessels and the success of it is like the wake they leave behind as they go along in their journey. I noticed that the size of the wake very much depended on the size of the vessel as the bigger the boat the bigger the wake. This led to me to see that if the vessel represented our inner lives and the wake it left behind the success of them, then there was no point in focusing on the wake, but instead we needed to channel all of our efforts into discovering and developing who we were, and as we did this, the size of the wake would take care of itself. You see boats don't have a choice of how big or small they become. We do, and because we do we need to understand that the size of the wake that we leave behind us depends very much on the amount of growth we are willing to undergo each day. Like the wake, if our success is solid and real and becomes part of us over time, it will inevitably impact, affect, and be noticed by others as we travel along. This is because real success doesn't just bless and affect us, it in fact blesses and adds value to many other peoples lives apart from just ours, much the same as the impact the wake of a big vessel has on others compared to that of a smaller one that is seldom felt by many. Always remember that when we die no one remembers what we did for ourselves...but many remember what we did for others and this is the direct consequence of real success.


Complemented by Success


People that understand the principle I just described choose not to take the shortest route to success like the little dummy on the video. This is because they realize that though this route at first might appear as the one that will bring them the most benefits the quickest, in reality it bypasses the opportunities that will cause them to grow and lead them to become the people they were meant to be so they could experience the real success they were meant to have. Opportunities that will develop them into the type of individuals that will not be overtaken by success but instead will be complemented by it. Most lottery winners discover this principle very quickly as they blow away the massive amounts of money they win trying to superficially glitter their lives so they can experience what they think real success is, only to find out in time that real success is not made up of the glitter we display outside, but instead of the condition and size of the inner man to which the glitter complements.


David Brinkley said, "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." Make sure you remember these words every time someone or something challenges you in life, as the way you choose to respond will contribute towards determining whether you will become a cruise liner or remain a simple kayak!


Always for you!


Pablo Giacopelli


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