Living In Your Right Mind! by Martin Schmaltz

By Martin Schmaltz

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Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes


Thoughts are powerful things. They define our being and are revealed by our actions. It is our beliefs (thoughts) that determine our values, which in turn form the framework for our actions. Living in Kingdom authority requires that we have a transformed mind: we must think Kingdom thoughts, viewing situations from a Kingdom perspective. This mindset produces faith to demonstrate the power of our King!


The importance of this changed thinking is so crucial, Jesus proclaimed it in his first message: "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 4:17) The Greek for repent is "metanoeĆ³" and means "to think differently afterwards." Jesus first message was to think differently because the rule or dominion of heaven was at hand! Just as in His day, we should think differently because we are Kingdom representatives!


Paul's writing to the church at Rome gives us further insight into the necessity of a mind that is changed. In Romans 12:2 he states: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..."  What does he mean by conformed? According to Strong's, "conformed" means: "to conform one's self (i.e. one's mind and character) to another's pattern, (fashion one's self according to)." So, conforming to the world means pattering our thoughts and character after the worlds. It is being of like mind with the beliefs and values of the world. In short, it is thinking like the world.


A Change of Nature


In contrast, Paul states that we are to have a transformed mind. The Greek used for "transformed" is "metamorphoĆ³" and means "to change into another form, to transfigure." Another way to view it is as a change of nature. Paul tells us that there is to be a change of our form or nature by the renewal of our minds. It is from a changed nature we derive a different set of beliefs and values, which in turn, produce different actions: In this case, Kingdom demonstration.


Paul further elaborates as to the purpose of a transformed mind: "that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). The transformed mind sees the reality of each situation in context of God's design.  It understands they are placed here to demonstrate the will of God, living life from heaven toward the earth.


We are not to just believe the will of God, we are to put the will of God on display so others will see and recognize him! This demonstration brings the reality of heaven crashing into the strongholds of this world! We prove that there is something greater!


So, I encourage us all to evaluate if we are living in our right mind!


Martin Schmaltz


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by Martin Schmaltz
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