Vision - Lost or Blurred? By Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig
Years ago I received this vision. As far as the eye could see there were people on a winding road. They were all dressed in black, carrying something in their hands, and a gray mist was all around them. As I turned and looked across the way I realized, from the gravestones laid on the ground and the monumental mausoleum structures, that it was a cemetery. As each person passed through the broken-down gate they went to their own grave, crying over it, laying flowers on it, and mourning for something that once was but now was not. I cried out, "What is this?!" The Lord gently touched my left shoulder and asked, "Do you see that marker in the ground?" I replied, "Yes, Lord." He said, "Last night I sent a messenger, a prophet, to that woman to show her the way to her destiny and the call on her life. Within hours Satan had sent his henchmen to lie to her and twist her mind. Suddenly she was given flashes of her past. The same ones that I had forgiven and forgotten were resurrected in such distortion that she believed the lies. Now she visits this gravesite and cries for her true destiny that was aborted." We walked on, as the Lord spoke, and He showed me how so many destinies were stolen from fear, lies, and insecurities. I wanted to go to the monuments. One of them was so magnificent that I said to the Lord, "He must have done great things to have such a spectacular resting place." The Lord said, "No, do not go by what you see in the natural (the outer cup). My son once loved me with an everlasting joy and love and there were miracles and many souls brought into the kingdom through him, but with all of the great works he was doing he had forgotten me. Yes, he was doing good things for my people, but he lost his first love.... and I miss him so."
I was totally devastated. I walked across the valley scared and confused, not wanting to lose my destiny, but not wanting to lose my Lord. Through this I looked up and saw a mountain of people clawing and stepping on one another to get to the top. I asked the Lord, "Is this the tower of Babel?" The answer was "Yes." There was a flag at the top of this mountain, and whoever had the flag was "it", you know, number one. The title had become the idol. The Lord sat me down and explained to me, "Be careful. The seeds I give to you are life. These graveyards are filled with dreams and visions of ministries that I gave to my people, but they are dead. Some may never be fulfilled. My daughter, stay humble before me always because one seed can produce a forest and one match can burn it down. If this seed you have is that of a mustard seed, have faith in me. You will need to level down mountains as you go and possess my strong." 
You are not Forgotten
This vision was right after 9/11/2001.  Interesting, I see it as clearly today as I did then. I heard the Lords voice from Heaven say, "so many right now feel like Hannah, that you too have been left barren, and forgotten." That is not true, for the journey of our lives causes us to look at the passions and desires that determine which way we should go. So many have forgotten or have lost the vision due to a rivalry in your lives. Like Hannah she trusted in God for the promises and purpose of her life to be fulfilled. Nothing detoured her off the road, nothing, not jealously, insecurities or hopelessness.  Those feelings that come through the eyes, like Hannah, trust Him today to fulfill the calls He has placed on you, and you will see the next Reformation Arise.  For the Father has great need of each one of you. He is calling forth the Samuels, Davids, Hannas, and Debras.  Each one of us are unique and precious in His sight. 

Father, Thank you that each and every one of us can hear your voice and see you every day in the beauty all around us. May we embrace our dreams and dare to even step into the gifting's you have given each one of us. May all of our Spirits be charged up as we step into this new season with a greater revaluation, and revelation, of who we are in you. May your favor rest upon us, and the doors that were once closed will now be open. Listen when you have God's favor upon your life, tis like an open heaven every day, anything and everything you need you will have, because you have prayed and He has heard your prayers  and then…BAM!..They happen. What was a setback has become a set up and what seemed to hold you back will now  being a force or thrusting that will devour every wall the devil has kept you bound it will be a stepping stone into your freedom.. You will see your destiny unfold, and God has made it possible for you to increase every day.  Your past is just that, your past, but today what you do will echo in eternity.  In Jesus name, Amen.


Till the End,


Angela Greenig

The Divinity Code to Understanding
Your Dreams and Visions
by Adrian Beale and Adam F Thompson
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