Seeking God's Glory By Dr. Sandie Freed

By Sandie Freed
At the beginning of this year, I told the Lord that I was determined to completely abandon myself to experience His presence and His glory.  I knew in my heart that in order to fulfill the original mandate given to the Adam to be fruitful, multiply and "subdue" the earth  (See  genesis 1:28) that it would require me to allow His destiny for my life to take precedence over my personal desires.  
I have to admit to you, precious reader, I am not fully confident that I understand all that encompasses "His glory."  I am keenly aware of His divine presence whenever I experience it- but to differentiate between His presence and His glory requires some discernment, careful study, and of course, listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
In my recent book, Power in the Blood:  Claiming Your Spiritual Inheritance (click title to order)  I discuss the expression of God's glory.  It is important to recognize the fact that due to the shedding of the Blood of Jesus that we can boldly enter into the throne of God and immediately experience His love and His presence.  However, if you are like me, (and of course Moses who cried out for it), you desire to "see His glory!"
God is Invading our Atmosphere with His Glory
The word "glory" in Scripture has several different meanings.  One meaning of the expression of God's glory is when there is an invasion of heaven and God's reality into our human atmosphere.  Actually, God's glory is present every time heaven actually invades our earth.   After all, didn't Jesus instruct us to pray that way?  "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?"  So therefore, one can easily conclude that it is God's will to bring heaven to earth!  Yes God desires to take His glory, which exists in heaven in His divine time, and push it through our  natural atmosphere and our natural time on earth and establish the "super-natural!."
A very practical example is in the realm of healing.  As God invades our earth with his glory, he releases what has already been testified through His Word concerning healing.  We then mix what has already been decreed by God with our own faith and we experience a supernatural miracle.
God has already declared that all flesh shall see His glory.  He is simply waiting on those with hearts of complete abandonment to embrace truth and receive His glory.  And dear believer, this experience with Him does not require religious works- it requires a relationship!
The prophet Isaiah said that, "The glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it." (Isaiah 40:5)   The prophet Habakkuk said, "The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord..." (Habakkuk 2:14)   Believer, can you understand that it is the Father's desire to reveal His glory to us?  Get ready, saints!  The heavens are about to invade the entire earth with the knowledge of the glory of God!
The Shekinah Glory of God
As believers we are empowered to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit by faith.  Each of us is anointed by Him to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils, etc.  However, experiencing the "glory of God" is somewhat different.   Not desiring to split hairs or enter into a theological debate, let me just explain the difference.  The manifest presence- the Shekinah of God will always testify of heaven and the "powers of the age to come." (See Hebrews 6:5).    The manifest presence of God- shekinah¬ , will always manifest as He wants, as He desires, and He will do whatever He has in his heart regardless of our faith, anointings or gifts of the Spirit.  It is all about God and Him doing whatever He desires. 
His presence that visits us in this way cannot be prayed up, stirred up, hyped up or manufactured.  However, His manifest presence can come directly from our worship of Him.  He often heals, delivers and transforms right in the middle of worship.  I've witness this many, many times.  This is when He gets the glory and not a man or a woman.
Whenever we as ministers move out in an anointing, it is His power moving through us.  However, when He sovereignty moves, without any of us stepping out to be used by Him, he works alone and demonstrates His glory. If we will just worship Him- He will sovereignty continue to move more and more and more!  Hallelujah!
I have realized that many times I know that I am working under the anointing.  Yet, when witnessing God's glory there is a sense of "resting" as He does it all!  I love that, don't you?  I am not in any way stating that as ministers of His Word we should not study to show ourselves approved or that we should stop studying for adequate preparation.  What I am attempting to explain is that I am hungering and thirsting for His presence in such a way that He sweeps through the congregation or our lives like a mighty wind- as in Acts 2.  No one laid hands on the group that day, but God demonstrated His shekinah glory!  There is so much I could write on this subject alone, but for now know that you can experience His glory as you boldly approach His throne of grace through the shed blood of Jesus.  
Hebrews 4:16-5:1 (AMP) Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]. 
The Blood of Jesus
Dear one, and I repeat this to make a firm point, it is because Jesus shed His blood for you that you can expect to witness God's glory and enter into the Promised Land of rest and His divine grace.  Yes, we can be confident that through His blood we have immediate favor with God.  The word grace, as explained in the Amplified Version in Hebrews 4:16 and Chapter 5:1 means unmerited favor.   This means that we can approach the Father with confidence even though we don't deserve it.  This is what unmerited favor means- that there is nothing within ourselves that makes us worthy or acceptable to God.  It is only because we are righteous because Christ died to clothe us with His righteousness.  
Let's stop a moment and give Him praise!  Thank the Lord for the shed blood of Jesus, for Jesus' obedience to complete His mission on earth as He came to become the ultimate sacrifice for our sin!  Dear believer, it is so very true that we don't have to manufacture or stir up His presence!  No way!  Again, and I know I am hammering this in, Jesus shed His blood so that each of us can boldly enter into His throne- completely unashamed- and witness His glory.  
As a reminder concerning my recent book, Power in the Blood:  Claiming Your Spiritual Inheritance (click title to order) I discuss how easy it is to enter into the presence of God.  Why is it so easy?  Because we are blood bought and heirs to the promise!  Dear believer, you are royalty and you are also seated in heavenly places!  You have dominion and authority to subdue every attack that Satan even imagines against you.  Apostle Paul explained this well in 2 Cor 10:4-6 (ASV) (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds), casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ; and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full.
Fighting From the Glory 
Saints, once we realize who we are and whose we are- meaning that we are sons and daughters of God and we belong to His royal family- we can therefore use our spiritual weapons to cast down every imagination the enemy might have concerning us.  We have the ability, because of the blood that guarantees victory through Christ, to bring every thought (from the enemy or even our own thoughts in which we have been unable to control concerning breakthrough, health, etc.) into complete captivity.  Yes!  Simply pleading the blood of Jesus will cause the enemy to flee!  I want to encourage each of you do a study on the blood of Jesus.  As I wrote the book on the blood of Jesus, it began to change my life!  I thought I already knew a lot concerning the victory we have due to the Cross.  However, I never imagined that there is unlimited knowledge concerning our victory in Him and the power of the Cross. 
Just as Moses told God "show me your glory" we can cry out the same request!  God promises that when we call out, His desire is to answer us and show us His plans for our lives.  (See Jeremiah 33:3). Precious one, it's truly time for each of us to realize that we can do nothing in our own strength.  I'm weary from attempting to battle the enemy with my own strength- aren't you?  I'm also more weary from trying to be holy enough to enter into God's presence and experience His glory.  I'm sure that you can relate.  However, now I realize that experiencing His glory means that He does all the work!  Jesus has already paid the price for our victory.  Let's begin to walk in that promised victory as we see ourselves seated in heavenly places, declare our true identity as sons and daughters and praise God for the victory already accomplished at the Cross!
Let Me Pray for you Today:

Father God, I thank You for the finished work of Christ that guarantees us a seated position in heavenly places.  I also thank you that as we cry out to You, You are promising to not only hear us but show us areas in our lives that have been hidden.  Today, Lord, I pray that each reader becomes determined to allow You to empower them to renew their minds concerning Your truths.  Search our hearts, Lord, and reveal all that has hindered us from being confident in our true identity.  Thank You, Lord, for showing us Your glory!


In Jesus' name,




Dr. Sandie Freed

Power in the Blood:
Claiming Your Spiritual Inheritance
By Sandie Freed
Price: $15.99
Sale! $12.99
Click HERE to order.  




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