Time and Eternity By Barbie Breathitt

By Barbie Breathitt

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The Holy Spirit is the master change agent. He hovered over earth's creation when it was dark, formless and void. The Holy Spirit's captivating power, light and magnetic eternal life force established the boundaries of land and sea as He followed the creative directives of God's commands. The Holy Spirit creates something tangible out of nonexistent material. God is the only being who has the ability to take nothing and make something stunning. God makes everything beautiful in its proper time and season. He has placed eternity in our hearts; yet we are still not able to comprehend God's mighty works.


The Living Word divided darkness from light; cast chaos away; established order; beauty and symmetry. The Holy Spirit's presence indwelling us has the same effect on our lives. He enlightens us with wisdom, answers the longings of our soul, gives clear insight, divine direction and releases a peace beyond our natural understanding. When our soul remembers God's benefits, He pardons all of our iniquities, heals our diseases, and redeems our life from the pit of destruction, crowning us with loving kindness and the tender mercies of His great compassion. God satisfies our lives with good things. When we understand that God has given redeemed man's dominion over everything, including time, we are able to recapture the years the locust have destroyed and renew the years of our youth like that of King Hezekiah.


Chase After Knowing Him


The dreams God arouses in us beckon us to chase after knowing Him throughout all of eternity, with all our heart. Before time began, while we were still in the heart of God; the dreams that call us into destiny were sown in us. Once we were born, the path God designed for us began to arise out of our innermost being. Our spirit hears and responds to the call of God. The small inner voice and internal vision God placed within us, causes us to connect with our heavenly Creator. Worshipping God in the eternal realm of the Spirit empowers the Holy Spirit to direct us into our destiny, purpose and call.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


The eternal mysteries God locked within our spirit create urgency within us to seek after Him. God alone holds the key that unlocks the time capsule of revelation He deposited within us. Dreams enable us to receive revelation knowledge and vision so we can then operate outside of time to release the miracle realm. Those who trust God will never be forsaken or found begging for bread. When we seek God with all of our heart, we find Jesus, the only door of access, when we connect to Jesus, He is found of us. The Holy Spirit connects our soul to the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable myriad of angels. These angels celebrate the community of firstborn, who worship God, the judge of all. These realities can be grasped by the soul when an eternal heaven collides with people dwelling on earth in a time free dream zone.


And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You. (Psalm 9:10)


God created time for man to learn how to operate in and out of the confines of the natural. We were created in the realms of eternity, we are eternal beings placed in time for a moment. God placed eternity within our spirit and then strategically placed each one of us in a specific time period to release our measure of eternity into the history of now. Time is a substance and a tool for man to use for our benefit. If we sow time into the kingdom of God we can also reap time to spare.


Demonstration of God's Love


God's love for the world was demonstrated in that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, so that whoever believes on Jesus, their life shall not pass away, but they are given an eternal, perpetual life without interruption. To be absent from this mortal body is to be present with an immortal, incorruptible God. When we are born again that which was mortal is swallowed up by life eternal. God's incorruptible spirit enters our spirit and we become immortal. Eternal life is that we may know the one true God and His Son, Jesus Christ who was sent by the Father.


Eternity is the perpetual, continuous, and uninterrupted, inexhaustible discovery of more knowledge of God's unending attributes surrounded by His love and glory. Eternity is more than the unending bridge that reaches beyond the expanses of times beginning and end. Eternity is best pictured as a circle which has no beginning and there is no end point. Eternity is an arranged combination of past, present and future all wrapped up in a progressive proceeding now. The more knowledge of God we possess the more our mind is renewed and transformed into the mind of Christ. Knowledge of God enables us to destroy speculations and every lofty thing that rises up against the understanding of God. By taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ we are able to release the kingdom of heaven on earth.


In the beginning Adam had favor with and dominion over time. If Adam had not fallen to sin; he would have never aged or died. Jesus' death and resurrection restored divine healing, prosperity and everything including time to man when Jesus entered back into the realms of glory.


Bless the Lord at All Times


God has given mankind dominion over every created thing. Psalm 103: 5, reminds us to bless the Lord at all times and not to forget all His benefits. God forgives all our sins and iniquities, heals all our diseases, redeems us, and satisfies our years with good things so our youth is renewed.  King Hezekiah is a great example of God turning back time for fifteen years to bring healing and restoration of youth.


The sacred dreams we dream that are inspired by God, give us temporary entrance into the portals, windows, doors and gates that open into heaven. These spiritual gateways and their network of openings are known and guarded by a myriad of angels. When these doors are open, during certain seasons and times, or through sacrificial giving, prayer and worship, we are able to glean revelatory knowledge and an abundance of blessings if we have humbly positioned our hearts to receive through repentance.

The Garden gate where God walked and talked with Adam was a portal. Once man sinned, an angel was released and stationed at the doorway of the portal so man could no longer access the realms of the spirit where he had previously walked with God before the fall. The exact location of the Garden's gate though sought, has never been found, because it was a spiritual portal. Enoch walked with God through the portals of eternity rising higher and higher. Enoch passed through each new chamber and heavenly doorway until he was no more. He did not want to return to the lower levels of spiritual existence once he had tasted of heavenly bliss. For Enoch to be drawn back into this lower realm of survival, where the measure of revelatory light is so dim, would have been unbearable after he had been enveloped in God's glorious realms of enlightenment.


Portals of Blessings


There are appointed times in the Spirit, (Leviticus 23) and seasons of holy convocations that when carefully followed open portals of blessings upon the seeker of God. The children of Israel were allotted a window of opportunity, a certain amount of time to pack their belongings and exit Egypt. The Lord opened a portal of escape (Exodus 3:8); that allowed the Israelites' to pass through the Red Sea on dry ground. After the appointed time was over, the Red Sea closed itself up again, drowning the whole Egyptian army before they could flee Gods' judgment. There are many examples in the Bible of God opening spiritual portals, gates, windows and doors for His children to discover, explore, escape through or encounter Him in.


Malachi 3 tells us that the Lord we seek will suddenly come to His temple. We are the temple that the Holy Spirit comes to visit. But if we have not been purified by the refiner's fire, smelted as silver, refined like gold and washed with fullers' soap how will we be able to stand to give the Lord offerings in righteousness? The Holy Spirit draws near to judge each of us nightly in our dreams. If we have strayed, like the sons of Jacob, in a backslidden state; Holy Spirit urges us to repent and return to Him, with all of our hearts. When we rob God in any area of our lives especially in tithes and offerings we are cursed with a curse, so no matter how hard we try, nothing we do, will work or prosper. But if we fear the Lord, give reverence to His name and bring our whole self and the entire tithe to those who feed us spiritual food, God promises to open the revelatory windows of heavens' provision and pour out a blessing for us that will overflow our boundaries. It will be more than we can personally contain, so we will have enough to help all nations. God will also rebuke the things that devour our understanding, like the religious traditions of man. We will find God's blessing resting on everything our hand touches our time, health, relationships and promotions will all exceed our wildest imaginations.


Dreams allow us to exit this temporary realm where we are confined by time to enter into the eternal creative realm where there are no limitations of any kind. As we learn to understand how our dreams relate to the sovereign times, dates and seasons set by God, we will be better able to align ourselves with Gods' perfect timing to obtain His miracles, signs and wonders. When we are dealing with Gods' times on the earth, it does not depend upon the amount of faith we possess. It has more to do with our ability to understand His eras and respond properly in the correct seasons, like the sons of Issachar. When the portal is opening, we must move quickly in obedience, we must enter in while there is availability. Once the aperture of the gate or spiritual doorway closes, we will not have another opportunity to enter into the fullness of blessings, until another season in time. The way that we respond to our dreams, at set times of the year, will determine the rest of that year, specific cycles and can affect us for many years to come.


Pursuing the Presence of God


The supernatural gifts and revelation knowledge we receive in our dreams prepare us for the events that are to follow this season of shaking that has come upon the earth. Those who have been reserved for the Kingdom of God, the best of times, these last days, have an uncanny hunger to pursue the powerful presence of God.


We have entered a time on earth that has never taken place before. Higher levels of angels are opening heavenly manuscripts, books and scrolls for us to read, declare and sing. The words of wisdom these volumes contain are hand written upon the tablets of our hearts. These higher hosts of beings are now visiting people. The thoughts that are being inscribed in the dreamer during these visitations will ignite a new belief system that will inspire them to move in power through these higher realms and ways of God. The revelation that is assigned to us in visitations enables the dreamer to become the messenger who is assigned to reveal that supernatural realm of understanding to others.


Our dreams help us fill in the basic elements of faith so we can bring forth the supernatural manifestations of God. The more we know God and understand how to operate with angels in the dream realms of glory the easier it will be for us to step into the supernatural realms to retrieve miracles during our waking lives. 


Barbie Breathitt

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