The Supernatural Exchange Part 5 By Bill Click

By Bill Click

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Learning New Ways for New Days


At Zarephath, Elijah continues learning to obey God in new ways. Beyond believing personally and privately for self, he is now commanded to call forth the first portion from others. Not only is it their first portion, it is the first of the last that remained. And unless God intervenes, their obedience will only hasten their utter demise. But in reality, God is using Elijah to sanctify that which is left, so that the Lord can enter into it and begin to multiply it. Therefore, Elijah becomes the symbol of God Himself, the person of intercession (type of Christ) and equivalent of a Levite receiving a tithe.


This takes place in a critical moment in the Widow's life. It's not as if Elijah shows up as an Evangelist showing her better ways to prosper (although he does). This is a last meal, a ceremonial recognition of impending death, recognition that this is the end. That's quite an offering plea for her to hear. And there is no doubt that it would be a much easier plea to make staring into a TV Camera, speaking into a Radio Microphone, or by way of an Arena Headset Microphone. Much, much easier than looking at those you worship, war and work with. So when you call your own out into the deep of natural uncertainty, you better make sure that you've not only heard from God, but you are also risking that same consequence yourself. 


But because Elijah had learned at Cherith the degree to which releasing self-focus is absolutely required to receive anything from God, he is convinced he can follow the Lord's command. If those God sends him are going to be brought into the intimacy and blessing he himself has received, they will only be established the same way he was: by releasing all they have to God. So if we are going to see others enter into a continual Supernatural Exchange, we will find ourselves called to do the same: first become expanded in our walk with God, then called by Him to expand others.


Elijah's schedule is freed-up by receiving from God through the Widow at Zarephath. Back at Cherith, sustenance was THE central focus of daily life. Morning till night, survival through supernatural sustenance was the main objective. But in the same way God once commanded Ravens, He now commands the Widow. Many emphasize that God is their source, but it is much easier to talk than it is to walk. After all, why should she heed the word of a foreigner who (for all she knows) just wants to con her out of her last? God is the provider for Elijah, and although it comes through a human being, it is the Lord who does it nevertheless. In Elijah's words, she heard God's Voice.


Are We Truly of any Benefit to Others?


Many today need to release the expectation they have put on those around them. God is calling us to enter into the simplicity of trusting the God that will use birds, creeks, or widows- whatever and whomever He chooses as we walk in obedience to Him. But this is the favor which God has for us, and the assurance we can give others that as we align together for the sake of what God desires and has promised, we will not lack as we wait for the specific set times of God to arrive. Assurance of provision and safe arrival at the new season can extend to the households of those who covenant with God by supporting and giving to us. But this can only happen if we have been proven at Cherith and are willing to move with God at Zarephath.


By his obedience Elijah is increased in authority throughout that season, not only because he becomes the focal point of provision, but also for bringing life out of death. And through the experience of receiving back her son, the Widow sheds the last devils of doubt which have plagued her. She is healed and whole ready to not only anticipate but fully enjoy the new day of God that is coming (1Kg.17:24). Today, we will need to be as Elijah in order to bring others into wholeness. Such complete restoration is waiting for those who will walk in faithfulness, aligned with those being truly readied for what God wants to bring about. Those which abide under truly tested authorities, who have not succumbed to the influence of Baal, can walk together in the midst of processes which the enemy means for harm and see God turn them all for good.


We MUST do as Elijah did if we are going to avoid getting into anxiety, performance and be found in God's way. If not, we will miss His presence and direction in daily life. If we are determined to make it happen, our focus will not be on the Lord and His ways. Instead, it will only be on that which He can do. But since what God has promised can only happen in the way, time and place of His choosing, we must not allow ourselves to be wrapped up in a future that has not yet arrived, one we are not yet fully prepared for.


What is it Time for, When it's not Yet Time for?


As Elijah is faithful in the Zarephath season, he is being readied for the day when the Word issued to Ahab will become "now" in the work of the Lord. As he is faithful in Zarephath, Elijah is moving forward to Mount Carmel to bring rain. That is that word which he has been waiting on daily, yet continually dying to, one he can never forget. But the Word is about more than rain. It is God's way of setting the stage for demonstrating His power of righteousness to an entire nation.


People say "timing is everything," but it cannot eclipse the need for having the right heart. Since "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," without priorities that result from righteousness, nothing of significance ever really takes place that can last, or pass the tests and trials of faith. But while at Zarephath, God accomplishes much regarding these matters both in and through the life of Elijah. Although it was not his final destiny, or even the season he became most known for, God moved with Elijah in new ways during those new days. What may be greatest for us to glean from is that Elijah became established in what mattered most to God for the sake of others, not just for his own survival and ministry.  


Yahweh wanted the widow provided for; God wanted Elijah to grow into readiness for fulfilling the word released through him to Ahab. So, as Elijah grew by meeting the needs of others through the Lord's anointing, he was fitted for use as the conduit of faith God would use to demonstrate His Sovereignty and pour out rain on a drought-ridden nation. But this was only able to happen as Elijah put fulfillment of the word in his own life aside, in order to walk in the present tense call of God for others. And by doing so faithfully, Elijah was provided for and sustained until being summoned to move toward a confrontation of powers that required discernment, patience and maturity. There is no doubt about it: while at Zarephath Elijah was being completely prepared for Mount Carmel.


The Word of God then says "it came to pass after many days" (1Kg.18:1). Many times that is God's process, isn't it? We should be thankful He doesn't move too soon. Not only would it be less than God's best to release what He promised on our timetable, it would be detrimental and perhaps disastrous to us personally as well. Isn't it time the Church made it past "one step forward, two steps back?"


Apostolic and prophetic people must learn the life of living in-between promise and fulfillment- not only getting through it, but thriving in the midst of it. If the "righteousness, peace and joy" of the Kingdom are only available to us AFTER matters of difficulty and/or waiting are favorably resolved, then we are more occupied by those matters than by God (Ro.14:16-19). By that we prove we are not ready. We can all too easily fail to realize that while the Old Covenant said we were to "guard our heart" (Pro.4:23), the New Covenant exhorts us on more than one occasion not to be anxious, being promised that "the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds" (Php.4:6-7; see also 1Pe.5:7; Mt.6:25f).


Moving Through Obedience into Greater Levels of Faith


Paul the Apostle tells us "the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.'" (Ro.1:17)  Although we are confident the Apostle was using Habakkuk 2:4 as an initial reference in his writing, the Spirit could very well have prompted his understanding of many Old Testament lives for the phrase "from faith to faith." Beginning with Abraham, throughout the Scripture, and with us now: faith has to be built into us through the practice of obedience and like everything else God has for us, it is to grow as we continue with Him (Ro.4:20; 1Cor.16:13).


For Elijah to receive God's provision through the Widow at Zarephath was a promotion from the ravens at the brook Cherith. It probably didn't seem like a promotion, however. But at Zarephath Elijah took a proactive part in the process, one which not only included contact with human beings, but real involvement with them as well. That may sound a bit sarcastic, but Zarephath was a shift away from isolation, back into what we would call "ministry." And it would soon become ministry that neither Elijah nor Israel had ever experienced before.


Bill Click

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