Rooting Out Poisonous Fruit Part 1 By Bill Click

By Bill Click

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Periodically, all of us need to be ministered to regarding bitterness. Everyone suffers loss, disappointment, and deferral of hope at times. We must not be surprised by such experiences, because Jesus said: "in this world, you will have trouble" (Jn.16:33). The Lord also made it very clear that "it is impossible but that offenses will come" (Lk.17:1). Previous to that, God had made it clear that an essential part of true prophetic ministry was to "root out" (Jer.1:10). So we must embrace these issues head on, not sweep them under the rug of denial or project offense onto others, regardless of how it originated.


There are many sad stories of lives, families and even ministries virtually wiped out by unforgiveness and bitterness over misunderstandings and relationship failures which could have been resolved, even if not able to be avoided. In the same way that it is not what we achieve in life, but what we (instead) overcome -- it's not what happens to us that makes the difference, (instead) it's how we respond to it that determines our outcome. If we are not careful, failure to allow God to tend our soil will pollute and corrupt our spirits, guaranteeing we remain "stuck" and blocked from proceeding further. And whenever we remain bound by bitter experiences, we will inadvertently (& can even intentionally) infect our environments by spreading our disease, thereby infecting others as well (Heb.12:15). 


Dealing with Offenses


Those with the Apostolic and/or Prophetic call may be particularly susceptible to occasions of bitterness. Others cannot possibly comprehend the life of the Apostle or Prophet - whether in the calling stage, preparation process, or commissioned in ministry. Many times, even others with a similar place in the Body are without the slightest understanding of why God seems to be leading them in certain ways. But it may not be the leading of the Lord which is at the root of the behavior, it may very well be rejection resulting in rebellion by manifesting the fruit of bitterness. All because of an undealt with offense.


Apart from the Spirit of God being active and free within us, no one can fully receive from others in the Body of Christ. This lack seems to doubly apply to those bound by their past. Because of the immense degree to which our carnal nature fails to "rightly discern the body of Christ," offense-rooted rejection produces deep grooves of behavior which, unattended to, sentence persons to create the same mistakes over and over and over - prohibiting them from reaching their destiny.


Coming Under the Authority of the Lord


None of us can handle any aspect of hurt, disappointment and the often resulting anger which strains and severs our relationship with God and others unless we fully come under the authority of the Lord. Much of what it must often mean to "go on with God" will be to forgive, release and bless those whose actions - whether intentional or not - have caused us to bind ourselves and oppress others by not properly handling what happened. God wants to turn ALL things around, and will for those who will war to stay within the boundaries of the Word through receiving the grace given through the Spirit as they seek to truly forgive (Ro.8:28).


Next time, I will provide a guide that can be really helpful in breaking the pattern of bitterness through offense and unresolved issues of the past.


Until then, let's make it as simple as possible: you can give away whatever you have received (Mt.10:8; 2Cor.1:3-4).


Bill Click

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