Today is the Day, but Hype Won't Change it by Bill Click

By Bill Click

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Today is the Day


"First things first," "priorities" discerning between what is "urgent" versus what is "important."  Such are the hinges on which doors open and close, and the cutting edges which either clear a path for you or slice you up along the way. They are also the difference between being a "panic button" to be pushed by others, or a person who accomplishes what they have been designed by God to do.


For years, it has been time to get out of the rut of "I always seem to do 'this' when 'that' happens." Unfortunately, when the grace to advance has not been appropriated, people tend to eventually give up, buying into the lie of the enemy's confirmation of the flesh:  "it's never going to happen for me."


Your destiny is in the balance now, and will be determined by how you prioritize your response to God above all else.


The Lord says: "There is a time for everything," and this is the time for the following: Make, or break?  In or out?  Push or be pushed?  Healed or stay sick?  Be delivered, or remain oppressed? Fish or cut bait?  Dig out of this hole, or just throw dirt over me in it?"


There is no tomorrow in the Kingdom, only today! (Heb.3:7,13 & 15; 4:7; 5:5; 13:8).


Hype won't Change Anything


This is a season of incredible change, for so many. Unpredicted, unexpected transition is upon nearly everyone, and much of it comes without invitation or advance warning. That said, God knew what would be and prepared a way of grace. He has provided each needed new insight, every necessary strength, and all divine direction to run the race.


There are many breakthroughs needed, in so many different places, in so many different ways. Your challenge now is to think with the mind of Christ about what God is doing now in the Spirit; abandoning strategic logic which would act in determination to either "fix it" or fulfill previous expectations that no longer apply.


New ways for new days is what God is releasing. He has them for everyone, everywhere, regardless of what may have transpired or what they may be facing.


Anyone that knows me is aware that I'm an anti-hype person. It is true that "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."  To really possess faith, we must usually begin by seeing things from a natural perspective, then allow what God is saying about them to become our reality of how He wants to reshape both us and it. Taking hold of His reality (The Truth, who Christ is) we are not only reshaped, but enabled to move by the Holy Spirit with Him until all is accomplished (Ro.10:17; Jn.14:6; Heb.10:35-38). But that change is first and foremost about us being transformed into Christ's image. It is only secondarily about that which brought us to Him in the beginning. That way, it works for us, instead of us just reducing life in Christ to God working on it (2 Cor.4:17).


Hype is the flesh covering for what really ISN'T happening. Hype is not an overly zealous portrayal of what IS taking place, Hype is false. Hype is the flesh; it is man's coping mechanism or "sugar high" to keep going when nothing is taking place. Hype actually prevents us from being led by the Spirit (Jn.6:63; Ro.8:13-14). 


Hype is another form of pretending. Pretending is hypocritical; it is the personification of negative religion. It keeps us searching for something that we desire, or that which someone else sees in us, or wants for us. It does not keep God's purpose in high regard, but rather our own status or present condition.


The Maturity of God


Scripture speaks of being sober, meaning soundness of mind, sane, and with self-control (1Peter 5:8). The maturity God is developing in each of us is not rooted in excitement and enthusiasm. It is a matter of the Spirit witnessing to the Truth daily. It is a matter of becoming and remaining eternally alive, yet within the boundary of honesty; balanced and restrained in whatever way needed for integrity.


It's time for many to look at our situations through God's lens, recognizing that what Christ wants to do IS both new AND more than ever before, but also without the bluster which (when it fades) leaves one without any strength, real growth or true advancement.


That is what our objective as His Body should be dedicated to: being (1) authentic in the Holy Spirit, (2) strong in the Word of God, and (3) faithful in applying any wisdom we have received, so that God may build Himself inside of each one of us in ways that truly "work." That way, when there is no emotional surge, feeling of revival, or even any clear sense of wisdom, He still always "abides" (John.14:17).


God can do much in and through us if we will allow ourselves to become humble in our assessment, agreeable to what He truly reveals, committedly determined to follow Him, and then consistent in our confession. This, because we will be standing on the rock of who Christ is within us and what the Spirit says to us, confirming it by His Word "forever settled in Heaven"  (Mt.16:18; Col.1:27; Ro.8:13-14; Psa.119:89).


Bill Click

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