Why There Is No Peace! By Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake
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Is it just me? Or will you agree? 

Here we are, once again, at Christmas time and most of us are unable to find the fullness of that longed for Promised Peace. Seems more and more that we are surrounded by a social system stirred with storms of war, conflict, and terrorism.

The news is filled with horror stories.

PLUS, the media hype to look younger and have more fun - and get things we don't even need!  And, there's too much to do right now to even read an article!  

Need I mention the financial pressure that most of us are having right now?

Many have searched for peace. Some mystics and New Agers think that zoning out of reality is the answer...a lot of people drink too much to escape -- but, that's a false peace.

In memory of his soldier son who had died in the war, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote these famous words:  

I heard the bells on Christmas day

Their old familiar carols play,

And wild and sweet the words repeat

Of PEACE on earth, good will to men.


How can we find that peace? 

Jesus lived and died to establish many realities that stretch even beyond the salvation of our soul. 

A New Society

Among many reasons, He died to create a NEW SOCIETY upon this earth - one that is able to dwell in His presence and embrace His PEACE in our hearts in this world (Luke 2:10, 11, 14). And even amidst the turmoil of this hour, Jesus is our only PEACE. 

Divisions and discord have long existed. Archeologists explain the temple court in the New Testament times as having an elevated platform for the priests, with separated sections for the Jewish men and women. On the other side, the Gentiles were able to peer through.  Racial tensions were very prevalent even in the Old and New Testament.  

How can we find peace between us? 

We lose our peace when we build walls between us. Walls of difference. Walls of social distinction. Walls defined by economic distinction. Walls of tradition and diverse religious doctrine. Walls that divide.

Years ago, I did a funeral for the husband of a member of our church. His family members came and wept beside the casket - but when it was time for me to speak forth the service (because all those attending were of a different Christian faith) EVERYONE in his family WALKED OUT of the room! 

Oh Jesus - is that how you feel? It seemed like my heart stopped.

Differing doctrines and cultural differences can cause much heartache. I know that many of you have experienced some sort of prejudicial treatment in your life. 

Even the memories of those times often reawaken memories.

He is Our Peace

Paul explains that those who were afar off are bought near. "For He IS OUR PEACE because he has made both ONE and hath broken down the middle wall partition between us. 

We see here that Paul speaks about a literal "church without walls." Sure, there was a place to meet - but this is HIS BODY that discovered what it was like to have no division...this is a new dimension!

Ephesians 2:15 continues to say that God created the One New Man when He broke down (abolished, took down) the middle wall of partition and abolished IN HIS FLESH the ENMITY which separated.


In order to make the TWO ONE. 

Division means there is NO PEACE. Clinging to hierarchical systems of religious bigotry and biased personal opinions has caused blood war feuds (enmity) for centuries.

Jesus takes away all divisions of class, gender, and race (Eph 2:14-22) The BODY of Christ consists of those who have allowed the walls of separation to be removed. This is a NEW CREATION - a marvelous wonder that has not existed before - people without divisions and without hostility.

Yes, there ARE guidelines of behavior - they are established so that there would be no separation. No detachment. No discord. No disharmony. No schisms. No false boundaries. 

One New Man

Just as Adam and his wife were joined to make "one flesh," this new creation process happens again - only this time Jesus makes ONE NEW MAN out of all of us - we are becoming a new kind of ONE FLESH (Eph. 2:15, 5:31, Gen. 2:24).

Remember, it is our identity in Christ that becomes our PEACE! He has already MADE us ONE in His flesh! UNITY is NOT something to pray to receive - it is to be reckoned as FINISHED. Again it is restated in Eph. 2:16 "And that He might reconcile BOTH unto God in one body by the cross." 

Any action that prevents us from living in peace and demonstrating the Kingdom denies the redemptive work of Christ. 

We can't just put a Band-Aid on a failed religious system. We can never find peace through a pretended unity that agrees with every doctrine or by insisting on the continuance of archaic ritualistic systems.

Paul never intended for Gentiles to act like Jews - The Gentiles didn't have to observe the Jewish holidays, laws, or traditions. All of us are birthed into a NEW Creation that dwells in a NEW KINGDOM! Jesus ALREADY reconciled us "both in ONE BODY to God through the cross" (Eph. 2:14-16)

Peace happens when we reckon it to ourselves. 

Peace happens when we allow God to judge and we just love! 

"PEACE is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are."

Dr. Kluane Spake


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Visitor Comments (2)

Good article

That was a strong article Kluane, a good read and powerful ministry. Hope you are doing well! Your friend, Pam

Peace and unity between different denominations

I have traveled for many years in every state in the US and 37 foreign countries on mission trips. I have taught conferences, lead worship, and sung concerts in just about every denomination. If some denominations find out you minister in a different denomination they believe you have compromised the truth. They will not have fellowship with you. So sad. Joani Tabor www.joanitabor.org