Letting Go by Connie V. Scott

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*The Seeing Process of a Seer
*What Next God? Discouraged After Your Prophetic Word.
 A $20.00 Value
Over the past several years, I have sought the Lord for His heart regarding the coming year.  This year was quite different though!  All throughout 2013, I believe Daddy God was revealing His heart in very specific ways.  I had visions, dreams, prophetic words and prophetic songs, which were filled with amazing sounds, breathtaking images, light and life; and on occasion, these Holy Spirit encounters, broke into the physical realm.  They were beyond my understanding at times; yet all carrying the message I believe our Father wants to share with His people right now. 
This incredible journey began with Dad speaking directly to me, about my life in Him; but as He writes His truths on my heart, He then allows me to share His heart with others.  Am I walking in the fullness of all that He has shown me over the past 2 years?  No, but I believe with all of my heart, He wants me to share what I have come to understand (not just intellectually, but spiritually) with as many as I can.  Often times, words fall short to accurately describe all that I’ve experienced, but I know Holy Spirit will deliver the message as only He can.  It is my prayer that your eyes, ears, and hearts will be opened to Dad’s voice as you continue to read. God bless you all! ~ Connie
I Am Timeless
The cover picture is packed full of amazing imagery, telling the powerful story Dad has been speaking to me.  It is where we must start in order to truly understand all that He is saying.  Beloved, God is timeless.  He is the uncreated One, who has no beginning and no end; yet sees, knows, and has done everything from beginning to end already.  Just as in the picture, time is breaking up, but the woman is holding tightly to it.  God is calling His beloved one to let go.  He is saying, “It is time to let go of time and step into timelessness with ME.” 
As I inquired of the Lord at the end of the year, He said, “My people must understand My timelessness.  It is the beginning of truly walking in all I have for them right now.”  Dad used times in the secret place and conversations with my ministry partner, Rev. Kym Carmicheal to speak to me concerning His timelessness.  Because God is timeless, everything that will ever happen has already been accomplished. Every prophetic promise has already been done, everything you need for life and godliness is already in you (2 Peter 1:3); and when God’s people realize this Truth, the possibilities are limitless, because He is timeless!
What He revealed to me is not year old information or even revelation for a new year – 2014; but everything He speaks to His people is for right here, right now.  So, let’s let go, step into timelessness with God, and understand that this moment – Right Now - holds endless promises just waiting to be realized.
Letting Go
When we come to the edge of all we think we know and understand, often times we hold tightly to this natural world.  It is safe.  It is comfortable.  It is what we’ve been taught.  We have some type of control. 
Right now, God is saying, “Let go of your life.  Stop trying to control your life and still live godly.  Loosen the grip, because you cannot and will not walk in the fullness of what I have for you if you are holding onto fear, control, comfort, familiarity, and manmade religion.  You can’t do it in your own efforts.  Let go and allow Me to lift you and carry you into real life.”
A number of years ago, I was ministering at a conference with Bill and Carol Dew.  The last day of the conference Carol asked me to come forward, because she wanted to pray for me.  As she prayed, I went out in the spirit.  While there on the floor (just soaking in Dad’s presence), I had a vision.  I saw it quite vividly, this movie in my spirit. 
I was standing on the edge of a very tall, rocky mountain cliff.  There were great pine trees, and sharp rocky edges on this cliff.  I was standing on the very edge of the cliff looking down at the rocks and valley below, when I heard a voice say, “Jump.”  So, I did!  Without hesitation, I dove off of the cliff and headed straight down toward the rocks below.  I had no fear, because I knew it was God telling me to jump.  As I approached the bottom of the valley, I was transformed into an eagle and began to soar above the valley floor, even above the cliff I had just dove from.  I knew in that moment, God was speaking to me very clearly about taking a leap, and when I did, He would give me new perspective.  That was the year I stepped into a new realm of prophetic ministry.
About two years ago, I started having this vision again.  I was standing on the edge of the cliff looking down at the rocks below.  I heard God saying, “Jump.”  However, this time I wasn’t so eager to let my feet leave the ground.  For the next several months I had this same vision, and each time I was at a different stage in the vision.  Yes, I did dive off the cliff, but I seemed to be focused on the rocks below and the vision became fearful.  Just as I was about to hit those sharp rocks at the bottom of the valley, I could see the transformation begin.  First I was half person and half eagle.  Then I had the vision again and saw myself fully eagle, but still in the valley.  I must have had this vision a dozen times, until I finally realized that I was once again soaring above the cliff, looking down upon everything – it seemed so small, and I was taking in new perspective of the land.  I had stepped into another level of prophetic ministry that was beyond anything I had experienced in my life, yet, I was allowing fear of man, fear of the unknown, my own internal voices, and the voices and opinions of others to affect what God was doing.  These things were like hitting a pause button to the very purposes and plans of God in that moment.
Just this month, I had this vision again.  It’s been over a year since I had this scene play out.  I’ve come to realize that when Dad gives this vision to me, I need to pay attention to it.  I was back on the cliff – same valley below – same sharp rocks.  And, just as before, I hear Dad say, “Jump.”  This time without hesitation, with all of my might, I dove off the cliff.  Oh, but this time it was much different… I did not fall toward the valley floor, but this time as soon as I dove, I was transformed into the eagle!  Yes, I did soar, but I wasn’t flying above the valley or the cliffs this time.  I was in an entirely new reality.  I was soaring effortlessly in space!  I had no fear, no need to control what was happening.  I knew I was right in the center of God.  Or, perhaps a better way to say it is that I was allowing God to soar through me.  He had complete control!
So, what does all of this have to do with the Body of Christ for right now?  We are all standing on the edge of a cliff.  Daddy God is asking us to, “JUMP.”
  • Right Now, He is inviting the Body of Christ to dive into new realms, new perspectives of Him – stop looking through our lenses of understanding.
  • Right Now, as we release all fears, cast down every thought and imagination, every voice that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, and take the leap, we
  • Right Now, you have new eyes to see as God sees. 
  • Right Now, you have new ears to hear what Holy Spirit is saying. 
  • Right Now, you have new hearts – fearless hearts – to step into all Dad has ordained for you. 
  • Right Now, new levels of prophetic ministry will release through you and the Body of Christ. 
  • Right Now, God will live through His people, and His people will step into new reality – real life.
  • Right Now, God is calling for His Church to steward His Word, because His Word is for NOW.
Beloved, if we peer over the edge of the cliff through our own eyes, our own lenses of experience, our own paradigm (belief systems), we will see a dark abyss of unknown (as in the cover photo), and we will hit the pause button over and over again.  However, if we will look through God’s eyes, listen for His voice, and know that we know that He IS only and always good, we will jump into His heart and we will soar into The KNOWN – GOD.
New Wine – A New Paradigm
I had a dream; I believe is more poignant in this moment, than when I had it just over a year ago.  In the dream, I was the guest speaker at a church.  I was sitting on the front row of the church as the worship began.  I looked around and could see different groups of people.  There were people I knew in the dream – these were loyal people in real life.  Then I looked and saw a large group of individuals who were completely abandoned in their worship to God.  These people got up and began to praise with great zeal. There was flagging, dancing, clapping, etc.  These people were pressing in! I saw the Glory of the Lord engulfing them.  The more abandoned they became in worship; the greater God’s presence surrounded them.  It was beautiful and I could feel God’s presence and His pleasure over His people. 
Then I looked and saw a group of people who were present, but not real involved with the worship.  They were sitting in their seats, waiting for the preaching, but were not active.  They were mere spectators!  They were not happy or comfortable. As a matter of fact, you could tell that they had bitterness and disgust in their hearts toward the people who were “free” in worship.  It was almost as if they longed to have what the others had, but couldn’t bring themselves to it.  I watched this scene for a while, and God’s Glory increased more and more as the one group stepped into greater levels of freedom and abandonment to God.  Just as the worship time was about to explode and God’s Glory consume the place; the man of God – the pastor – got up on the platform and shut it all down.  He did not want such a display. I remember sitting there in the dream shocked that this man of God would "shut down" such beautiful worship. Worship that obviously was "new" to this congregation and producing results in the supernatural realm. The glory of God’s presence was obviously changing the lives of some of the people.  My heart broke to see the presence of God shut down.  I could feel the pain in Dad’s heart.
God began to speak to me about what I had just observed.  In this dream, the familiar people represented different things. Some represented the faithful, those who love God and are loyal to their church.  Some represented those passionate for more of God, and who were walking in new freedom in the things of God.  Some represented those who like the familiar things of God and don’t want their boats rocked – they are comfortable with what they have. I believe in this dream, the man of God represented an old wineskin; an old paradigm of thinking (belief system) as to what should be taking place as believers came together to press into God.
The faithful show up and some were pressing in, but mostly just "there". Those who passionately pursued found great freedom and expression in their devotion to God. Those who already knew the freedom were seeing greater freedom and liberty in their worship. They were experiencing Daddy God in new ways and depths. They were experiencing His glory. But then it was shut down.
If we are not willing to go deeper with God and truly know Him, we will not understand when He is moving! If we are not willing to have are paradigms (belief systems) shaken and ultimately rewritten by God Himself, then we will shut down what Holy Spirit is doing! If we sit back and watch as others press into the presence of God, we will continue to live out our mundane lives and eventually we will become offended at what the Father is doing.  If and when we shut down the move of God amongst us, we quench Holy Spirit, and in essence tell God that we don't want His presence, much like the children of Israel did when God wanted to reveal Himself to them in Exodus 20:18-20.
I believe Abba God is showing us what IS available to His people and we have a choice:
  1. We can enter into His presence abandoned to His will, and experience new places in worship and His glory like never before. As we walk in this new level of freedom and abandonment, God will take us into even deeper places in Him.  We will be open to hearing and receiving new revelation from God.
  2. We can sit by and be spectators who are comfortable where we are in this life, eventually mocking those who are pressing in to know God.  If we do this, our hearts will become hardened to God, what Holy Spirit is doing, and to His people.
  3. We can shut down what Holy Spirit is doing and desires to do in and through us, thus blocking His Glory from being revealed.  We shut the door to God and we won’t see or hear what He is going; and we won’t be open to fresh revelation.
Right Now beloved, Dad is asking for us to make a choice.  Right Now, there is New Wine, fresh revelation for the church.  Many have “heard what the Spirit of God is saying to the church” (Mark 4:23, Revelation 2:7,11), have allowed God to rewrite their paradigms – their belief systems, thus allowing God to pour this New Wine into New Wineskins.  He will not pour New Wine into old wineskins, because they are not able to contain it (Luke 5:36-39).
For too long we have relied on the theories, theologies, and traditions of men to shape and mold our belief systems.  Right Now is the time to ask God to erase all that you think you know, all that you’ve learned, all that you’ve been taught by others; and allow Him to write HIS TRUTH upon your heart.  God is not asking us to stop believing in Him, but He is asking us to set our belief systems on what He is saying and not others.  It is time to stop blindly trusting the watered-down, genetically altered messages that have been preached from pulpits throughout the world by men and women alike, who have intellectualized scripture, yet don’t really know God; and once again begin asking Holy Spirit to be the teacher (1 John 2:27)!  Right Now, God is calling us to truly be “stewards of His Word” (2 Timothy 2:15).  Right Now, He has fresh revelation, deep understanding of His Kingdom.  Right Now is the time for the paradigm shift!
Intimacy – Our Weapon
Right around the same time I had the dream above, God spoke to me in another dream.  I was in the military and had created a new weapon. I was presenting this new weapon to the military leaders, and they were determining if it would be something that would work against the enemy, as we were in a great war. I knew it would work, but they had to see first.
Right Now, I believe Daddy God is giving us new weapons to fight the enemy of our soul! Beloved, our greatest enemy is not some evil entity, but the enemy of our own minds.  We are called to “cast down every thought and imagination that would exalt itself above the knowledge of God” (2 Corinthians 10:5). 
I believe our greatest weapon is that we would step into a place of intimacy with God like we've never known before; that we would walk in the Spirit; and allow God to direct every moment.  When we receive these new weapons, we must be willing to step forward and use them!
Many people think they are living lives of intimacy with God, because they have a daily devotional, pray, read His Word, etc.  However, once that time is over, they step out into the world, making their own choices… basically controlling their own lives.  Some are doing many things for God or in the Name of God, but they are doing it their way and in their own strength.  This is not a life of intimacy, but in fact, a life of passive-aggressive rebellion.  We say we love God and are lead of the Spirit, but in reality we attempt to live for Him with our own human efforts.  We don’t really know Him!
Right Now, the Door to Intimacy is open.  He has sent His invitation for His church to “Come Up Here” (Revelation 4:1-2).  Right Now, He asks us to open the door to Him, so He can come in and commune with us (Revelation 3:20).  Right Now, He is asking us to know Who Real Intimacy is (John 17:3)!  Right Now, He is saying, “Come abide with Me.  Come away with Me.  Come hide in the shadow of My wings.  Come soar with Me; ride the breath of Holy Spirit.  Come step into Real Life – not what you see with your eyes, but life in Me – Me in You.  Lay hold of Eternal Life.  I AM Eternal Life! Know Me! Become One with Me!”
To Abide means to become one with One.  This is much more than reading a few passages of scripture or praying a laundry list of needs (telling Him what He should do for you), or singing a few songs about Him.  To become one with One means that we “Come Away”; we step out of this world’s thinking and ask Him what He is thinking – to let the Mind of Christ be in control, not our own egos. 
To Hide under the shadow of His wings is speaking of much deeper things than just the Tallit (prayer shawl).  This is what many teach when referring to this passage of scripture (Psalm 17:8).  To hide in Him means that we pause; we take time to shut off the world around us and we yield to His voice, to His words, to His leading, to His will and His ways.
To Ride upon the breath of Holy Spirit means that we walk in the Spirit.  This is not just a cliché suggestion by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:16; this is the very life flow of the believer.  To walk in the Spirit is to commune with Holy Spirit – spirit to Spirit!  We commune with Holy Spirit through praying and singing in the Spirit.  This is the most effective and most powerful weapon given to the Body of Christ.  Right Now, Holy Spirit is calling for the Church to commune with Him!
Just as in the dream, you know your weapon!  Use it, but be careful not to allow those who are seemingly in power to take it from you to determine its worth.  If God has given it to you, it is of great value!  David knew his weapon - a rock and sling - would work!
Perfect Prayer – Perfect Praise
In times of ministry this past year, the Song of the Lord was released – “When you don’t know what to say, and when you don’t know what to pray; release your perfect praise.  You are seeding the atmosphere, seeding the atmosphere, seeding the atmosphere with your perfect praise.  Keep seeding the atmosphere.  Keep seeding the atmosphere with My perfect praise.   Get ready for the heavy rain.  Get ready for the heavy rain.”
Beloved, there is such a thing as Perfect Prayer and Perfect Praise!  As I mentioned above, Right Now, Holy Spirit is inviting the Body of Christ into deeper communion with Him.  To be vitally connected with Holy Spirit throughout the day is possibly the most important thing we can do!
True worship & praise is to declare Who our God IS!  True prayer or intercession is to agree with, declare and decree what our God has already done!  Holy Spirit is:
“…The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:2).
Holy Spirit is the One who “searches the deep things of the Father’s heart” (1 Corinthians 2:10). 
Holy Spirit is the One, who leads and guides us, and “teaches us all things, and brings to remembrance all that Jesus has said” (John 14:26). 
Right Now, God is calling for His beloved ones to step into new understanding of the importance of praying and singing in the Spirit.  It is not weakness to pray in the Spirit.  It is not prideful to pray in the Spirit.  Communing with Holy Spirit in this manner will, “strengthen you with might in your inner man” (Ephesians 3:16).
When you pray in the Spirit, you may be releasing the exact thing someone across the world is crying out for.  When you are praying in the Spirit, you may be declaring the heart of the Father for your household, your city, this nation, or the nations of the world.  When you praise and pray in the Spirit, you are seeding and changing atmospheres.  Right Now, Holy Spirit is revealing to your spirit Who God Is and who you are!  Right Now, God is calling His people into partnership with Him.  Right Now, God is asking His people to seed the atmosphere.  Right Now, God is calling for those who will give perfect praise and perfect prayer!
The Best is Yet to Come….Not!
We often hear, “The best is yet to come!”  However, as I was seeking the Lord, asking Him what His thoughts were for His beloved Church, I heard Him say this, “The best is not yet to come, because the best – My best is already here!  The best is yet to be realized!” 
I believe with all of my heart that the Body of Christ can realize all that our Daddy God has already done for us, and begin to live in this realization, right now! 
Right Now, there is New Wine – Fresh Revelation!
Right Now, there is Intimacy with God – deeper than you’ve ever known!
Right Now, there is Healing – Spirit, Soul, and Body!
Right Now, there is Revival Fire for the Church!
Right Now, there is an Open Door!
Right Now, there is Greater Glory!
Right Now, there is Supernatural Outpouring!
Right Now, there is Holy Spirit Power!
Right Now, there is Communion with Holy Spirit!
Right Now, there is Freedom and Liberty!
Right Now, there is Grace, Mercy, Peace and Love in overflowing measure!
Right Now, there is Everything you need for Life and Godliness!
Right Now, there is Limitlessness to step into!
Beloved, all of this is available to you right now.  This is not 3, 6, or 9 months from now, in a linear amount of time called 2014.  As we allow Dad to reveal Himself to us, rewriting our paradigms; we will begin to Realize the things that are RIGHT NOW, and walk in them.  We will see as He sees, and He will live through us, as us on this earth! 
Let go and dive into the NOW!
Connie V. Scott
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