What is Yet to Come in Fullness Part 2 by Bill Click

By Bill Click
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We Need All that Jesus Promised in His Presence & Power
Full levels of Christ's promised presence and power will mark the beginning of the Church's greatest hour in the witness of Jesus (Acts 1:8). It will not only be for the gathering of souls but also the restoring of the Church into the reign of the Kingdom through righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans14:17). That means the quality of the Church Jesus will return for one day is clear:
Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless (Ephesians 5:25-27).
There has been much talk of an end time move of Harvest that will gather, say, 1 billion souls.  While I have not heard these words being delivered or seen any media presentations of this, I have heard and read of some commentary. I cannot speak to the truth of this word. But I will say this: Let it be so and even more! The whole earth needs our Christ, who reigns forever.
We Need to be Ready - The Lord is Coming in Greater Power
My present "burden of the Lord" (massa) is that we be ready, prepared and able to move with God, not only in moments during gatherings, but in daily life. To that end we have been specifically equipping the body of Christ to move with the Spirit for 15+ years. Still, I have no doubt that I've seen less of God moving than some. But what I have seen has all too often resulted in people ending up in a worse condition than before He came. I am convinced this happens because there is such a lack of true readiness for walking in God's presence and power. We must be prepared and able to both move and continue moving in Christ's commission.
Those who received on the day of Pentecost had the experience of literally living with Jesus as their preparation. Since our preparation has not been like theirs, we should not be too surprised when people receive significant impartations today, and then fail to see them either established or remain active in their lives. We should also recognize such dissipation when it comes to regular gatherings of the Spirit-filled, prophetic and apostolic church apart from a Supernatural move of the Spirit.
When the Spirit ministers through foundational leaders, and those present have entered into "worship in spirit and truth" receive revelation of the Word of God, it will still not always take hold. Many often fail to see what has been revealed and released remain in place within them and come to fruit bearing. This is because without the foundation of Christ first being truly established in the heart of the individual, the outlooks, understandings and decision making processes will remain largely unaffected. Instead, what was seen in the mirror tends to be immediately forgotten by simply resuming the agenda of whatever is next for the day (James 1:22-25). Jesus described this as either having hardness of heart, missing the target, being rootless or it getting choked out by thorns (Mark.4:4-7). To break this pattern - either during a Supernatural move of the Spirit or in an environment of committed worshipers - each one who receives must seek to immediately allow what was released into them to become Christ's rock-solid foundation (Matthew 7:24-28; 16:16-19).
I do not write as a reaction to what I've observed, but I believe that my experience coincides with an overall call (massa) of readying the people of God for what He wants. And that which Christ has for us is far beyond what we are now walking in or are truly ready for. Christ said, "My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30). This requires those with a prophetic and apostolic ministry calling to embrace much cognitive dissonance, creative tension, or apparent contradiction. For example: on the one hand, there is a move of God to come through the Church such as has never been before seen in the earth (Ephesians 3:9-12). On the other, there is the absolute necessity of being ready before it arrives: firming up commitments, repairing breaches in walls, anticipating difficult decisions and other examples of counting the cost (Luke14:25-35).
Since the tension between what is "now" and "not yet" is clearly seen in the teaching ministry of Jesus and revelation of the Word of God through the Apostles (especially Paul), we must always insure that we are looking at the full counsel of God on matters such as revival and end of time issues. For example: the simultaneous experiences of being blessed by God while being cursed by man (Lk.6:28; Ro.12:14). Walking in abundance from God in some ways while enduring lack in others (3Jn.2; Php.4:9-13; 2Tim.2:1-7). The resurrection life of the Spirit coming through daily death at the cross (Ro.8:18-23; Lk.9:23; Gal.2:20; 1Cor.15:31). Receiving comfort from the Lord in the Spirit while remaining in a degree of suffering in the natural (1Cor.14:1-4; 2Cor.1:3-7; 1Pe.4:12-19).
Therefore, we must embrace the reality of a worldwide move of God that will neither be dependent on transforming the conditions of cultures or societies, nor be conditioned on interfacing with our lives as we now know them. The greatest move of Christ's Church may very well necessitate that we distance and perhaps even forsake every wineskin that esteems a mandatory American ideal of personal privacy and independence. We need to receive that in order to be truly different from the world the mindset of imposing our ideals on the revelation of God must be abandoned. It is essential because it has (clearly) allowed many to emulate the cultural sins of being power hungry, money driven, self-focused, and security oriented.
Heaven Allows for Much More than We Think or Desire
God will let things go much further and longer than we are willing to. Haven't you ever noticed how God is more patient than you ever thought He could or even should be? And we should all thank God that He is! But the long range evidence of His divine longsuffering is going to be evidenced in a way that we would never expect. God will demonstrate it by what He allows to take place, and then confirm that He is allowing it by what He does not anoint the church to achieve (& really: an objective look at Church History will show you that He already has).
Just as much as what the Lord does anoint us to do, we must come to know His boundary for us by what He does not anoint us to accomplish. To walk in that revelation we will be required to deliver ourselves from any mentality which holds that God values systems, structures and even the earth itself as much or more than those He created it for, living in it. Between the history of our past and any failures in the present, we can take hold into what is ahead (Php.3:12, 13).
We know that God is going to ultimately reformat the entire human experience and created scenario (Rev.21:1-22:6; 2 Peter 3:9-14). If we believe we are approaching this, and that a move of God will precede it, then we must act accordingly. I am NOT saying that God's presence will be unable to change the hearts and lives of people in entire areas. But I am saying that we should focus on that, not changing things on earth that will require Jesus' physical presence to accomplish (Rev.11:15). The evidence of any misplaced trust is seen whenever we believe and act as though success in seeing God's will established can only come through changing surroundings. Nowhere in The Covenant we've been given does it even hint that this is what makes the difference in bringing people into the Kingdom of God.
God's Way is the Salt & Light of Jesus in the Spirit
Will God call people to serve in public places and be influential? Absolutely! God will call some whose motive is to serve and bless as Joseph did, thereby being used of God to allow continuance of what is necessary for us to carry out our commission from Christ. But will God call people and give them authority to establish favor for the church in such a way as to elevate the Church above those who need Christ, as a way of demonstrating God's moral and social law, convincing them they should come into the Kingdom? Absolutely not!  No one comes to the Father, but through Me (John 14:6). I have seen absolutely no evidence that Jesus, the Apostles, or any pre-Constantine era Christian taught, modeled, believed, or even hoped such a day would come.
If the New Testament hasn't convinced us of the lack of apostolic emphasis on changing the culture to bring people to Christ, then certainly the history of revival and even current moves of the Spirit will point to the fact that what makes the ground ready is hunger for God manifested by the salt and light released through anointed witnesses of Christ (Mt.5:13-14; Acts 1:8). Biblical paradigms for life which may seem and certainly sound like godliness but are devoid of God's power are deceptive in that they change no one and nothing (1Tim.4:1f; 2Tim.3:1-5; 2Cor.10:3-5).
We Always Need what Jesus Promised in Presence & Power
Full levels of Christ's promised presence and power will mark the beginning of the Church's greatest hour in the witness of Jesus (Acts 1:8). It will not only be for the gathering of souls but also the restoring of the Church into the reign of the Kingdom through righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).
1 billion souls?  Let it be so and even more. The whole earth needs our Christ!
Bill Click

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