Right and Wrong by Dennis Reanier

By Dennis Reanier
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We can see a parallel story being told about Adam and Eve in the Garden and the Israelites who had left Egypt with Moses. When it came time to take The Promised Land, they chose to believe in their own strength and abilities over God's Word to discern whether the circumstances were right or wrong to possess their inheritance. So the Lord told them, "in spite of this word you did not believe (trust, rely on, and remain steadfast to) the Lord your God."
As a result, the Lord told them that not one of them would see the promised land. Only Joshua and:
your children who at this time cannot discern between good and evil, they shall enter Canaan, and to them I will give it and they shall possess it.
The Promised Land would be possessed by Joshua and those who could not discern between good and evil. It would be a generation that would trust, rely on, and remain steadfast to their relationship with God, rather than a religion built on their own strength and abilities.
The Tree of Life
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has the appearance of living the abundant life, but it is not the abundant life. It is a form of religion without a relationship with Jesus Christ. It represents the understanding of right and wrong resulting in the curse of independence and selfish ambition. Its appearance tries to deceive us of our true identity, so we will strive and work in our own mind, strength and abilities to try to receive all that has already been given to us in Christ.
The Tree of Life represents a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, a relationship of dependency upon God. It not only has the appearance of the abundant life, but it actually is the abundant life. It never stops bearing fruit for those who have a circumcised heart, having already surrendered their heart for His heart. They are free to enjoy its fruit without any effort of their own. They don't have to strive and work hard to overcome the curse in their own strength, allowing them to rest in His provision.
The original plan of creation never even included us understanding the idea of right and wrong. His plan has never changed for us. We are created to be in relationship with Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit in order to receive revelation of His heart and thoughts as our own. Then, without the effort of our own strength and abilities, His heart and thoughts would flow organically through us, manifesting the promises of God.
Dennis Reanier

Visitor Comments (1)

The Promised Land...

I don't get the connection between Joshua and NOT discerning between good and evil yet having steadfast relationship with God..