Code Red by Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig
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In these uncertain times that we are being challenged with, one thing is for sure: There is a Code Red in the Spirit and in the natural; an external disaster and incoming casualties with life-threatening injuries, or death. It's a warning.
The Father is calling for the watchmen and the gatekeepers. He is reconstructing the walls. Many of you feel like you have been deserted or left alone to watch the wall, but that is not true. There are many all over the world that are praying and interceding. It is time for the mighty warriors to arise. Just as the enemies and sleeping giants may have begun to mythically arise, God's Army has been armed and dangerous with weapons of mass destruction. There is a Code Red, so pay attention.
It seems that ever since April 14th with the Passover and the first of the four blood moons, which fall on major biblical times, many things in the world that are occurring have become revealed and apparent (The Jewish Passovers are on April 15, 2014 and April 4, 2015, and the Feasts of Tabernacles are on October 8, 2014 and September 28, 2015). There are signs that we cannot ignore and our 20/20 vision is absolutely needed.  In Genesis 1:14 God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be signs and tokens [of God's provident care], and [to mark] seasons, days, and years." I believe that now more than ever, many are feeling the effects of the world's uncertainties through the news and media.
Consider the numerous Israeli bombings and how nations are rising up against nations. Regarding air travel, many no longer feel safe to fly for fear of the plane being shot down or disappearing off of the radar. Listen, with all the natural disasters, such as tornados and floods, mud slides, devastating weather patterns and wild fires, the world is suffering extremely trying times. We need to pray for those who have had great loss through these very difficult circumstances. Many have lost their parents, spouses, and children through these disasters, but remember, we are not of this world. Proverbs 3 decrees, "Do not lean on your own understanding…."
However, despite what we observe, and sense, and are informed of, I want to remind you that you are not alone, and to encourage you of God's word. He says:
Philippians 4:6 - Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your request known to God.
All you and I need to do is:
Jeremiah 33:3 - Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).
Let's turn around all the bad that has happened into something amazing. That is the power of prayer.
Romans 4:17 - As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations. [He was appointed our father] in the sight of God in Whom he believed, Who gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed.
Let's speak and decree Life:
2 Chronicles 7:14-18 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer offered in this place. 16 For I have chosen and sanctified (set apart for holy use) this house, that My Name may be here forever, and My eyes and My heart will be here perpetually. 17 As for you [Solomon], if you will walk before me as David your father walked, and do all I have commanded you, and observe My statutes and My ordinances, 18 Then I will establish the throne of your kingdom, as I covenanted with David your father."
We Cannot Compromise
I believe that our prayers are what will unlock the prison doors of many who are bound by fear. FEAR is this:  False Evidence that Appears Real.
Psalm 46:10 Let us be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth! 
James 5:16 - Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored (to a spiritual tone of mind and heart). The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working).
With so much going on, even within the mainstream churches, one thing I know for sure, we cannot compromise [or water down His word].
James 4:8-10 Come close to God and He will come close to you. (Recognize that you are) sinners, get your soiled hands clean; (realize that you have been disloyal) wavering individuals with divided interests, and purify your hearts (of your spiritual adultery). 9 (As you draw near to God) be deeply penitent and grieve, even weep (over your disloyalty). Let your laughter be turned to grief and your mirth to dejection and heartfelt shame (for your sins). 10 Humble yourselves (feeling very insignificant) in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you (He will lift you up and make your lives significant).
Look to the Cross
Oh, I understand that some of these verses may seem harsh, but God is calling His people back to Himself. We must look to the Cross and the finished work. With all that has happened, not only then, but also now, we must recognize the signs that are around us and stand firm on God's Word.
No matter what valley of decision we are facing right now, one thing I know for sure is this: United we stand; divided we will fall. America, we are on a prophetic timeline, the writing is on the wall, and losing is not an option. Let's use these times for the greatest harvest ever! Let's take this next season by storm!
'Til the end,
Angela Greenig

Visitor Comments (1)

Thank You

Thank you for this powerful confirmation of what the Spirit of The Lord has been speaking to me.