Why is the Church Weak and Scrawny? by Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake

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Scripture says, "Blessed are the MEEK" not the WEAK!
Most believers worship from a WEAK and SCRAWNY view of the CROSS. They feel guilt-ridden, disappointed, and often ineffective. They try and try. They hope without change. They are worried about end times. They are caught up with way tooooo many "do's and don'ts!"  They think they are never good enough!
Truth is, many are weak because they have not learned how to operate in the Kingdom they have already been given.
Victory has remained obscured by centuries of misunderstanding.
The message of the cross has been limited because we didn't know what the cross did! It is not a secret… The message of the cross is the manifestation of the power of God (1 Cor. 1:18 AMP).  The Finished work of the cross is the most important event that has ever happened.
I just can't stop thinking about it!  Where is the Glorious Church?  What did Jesus finish? Why does it matter to you?
UNDERSTAND…"Jesus said unto them (the apostles), 'My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to FINISH His work'"  (John 4:34). Here the will of God is clearly defined, "to finish the work given."
It is Finished
Just before Jesus was arrested, He prayed His High Priestly prayer saying (John 17:4), "I brought glory to you on earth by FINISHING the WORK you gave me."
On the cross, Jesus triumphantly cried out, "IT is finished."  What could be more important than He accomplished the purpose for which He came?  The Greek word for "finished" is tetelestai, an accounting term that means "paid in full."  Jesus paid it all. NOT that He owed the Father anything; rather, Jesus eliminated the debt owed by humankind.
DID JESUS FINISH THE WORK? Or… does He need to come back and die again? This is THE vital question that you must ask! Most church sermons make you feel guilty.  Most believers live like they don't understand what is finished. We are taught that we must DO something more…  "If I just prayed more… If I could be more spiritual."
To me, these are the GREATEST WORDS EVER SPOKEN! For all the earth. The "Finished Work" is the most significant Bible truth for you to know!
GRACE + nothing = Salvation
I have built my life and ministry around this one point -- It is FINISHED.  All my books are about this concept. To be sure, there is fierce opposition to the message of life and freedom!
The Great Exchange
Beloved, most of us have fallen very short of realizing what this "Great Exchange" really means! We know in part - and yet our understanding is veiled. We all need greater revelation on what is finished. It is finished in us as we comprehend it!
How can we reap what has already been sown? How can we live in joy, happiness, and peace, now and forevermore?
On the cross, Jesus brought forth the Kingdom - one that does not come with observation, nor will it ever -- because it is IN YOU AND ME. The Kingdom has come!
Soooo, WHAT DID JESUS FINISH?  Everybody breathe.
To be continued.
Dr. Kluane Spake

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