What is Reality? by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
Adam and Eve had a great life in the Garden.  Not only did they enjoy the creative Presence of God, but there was no devil!  If you have ever experienced that "zone" where no devils are around, it will ruin you for just "living in the world." I have experienced that zone a few times, where the atmosphere was truly free and clean with His Presence.  It is a taste of Heaven and I know when I experienced it, that I gained a new discernment of what was God and what was not.  Many people just put up with stuff!
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Adam and Eve had a great life in the Garden.  Not only did they enjoy the creative Presence of God, but there was no devil!  If you have ever experienced that "zone" where no devils are around, it will ruin you for just "living in the world."
I have experienced that zone a few times, where the atmosphere was truly free and clean with His Presence.  It is a taste of Heaven and I know when I experienced it, that I gained a new discernment of what was God and what was not.  Many people just put up with stuff!
Perhaps that atmosphere was the impartation of the gift of discernment, and it's a mixed bag so to speak.  Suddenly I "saw" or discerned things I had not seen before.  Because it is from God, I am open and full of desire to receive Him, but then comes with that is not only an assignment to walk in this truth, but the work to bind and overcome the devils!
How do we get to that place where the devils leave?  We have to take our Spiritual land!  Really, take it back.  Even though we have been wounded, we have a new capacity and willingness to receive more of Him!  He wants us to walk with Him and fellowship with Him.  I am addicted to that!  I've tasted and I've seen that the Lord is GOOD!!!  Smile.
But this is what I want to get to.  We live in a fallen world, but the fall came from the devil.  There is a lot of bad stuff still going on, but the Presence of God is also available to us, if we want to choose that.  His Word, His Worship, His Teaching and our prayer life IS available, even now!    We just have to CONNECT.
In Adam we all sinned.  You might want to be mad at him and Eve, but together they both failed (because he was "with her" the Bible says) and it could have been any of us.  The seed of our life was in them.  God allowed that to happen and as much as I have protested, there is a greater glory in all that.  We just have to discover it and hold on to it.  There is a new level of relating to God that is not just one as a baby, but a co-laborer.
Mankind was lost and undone, through their choice.  Have you ever made a bad decision that you wish you didn't make?  Ever want some help to get out of a jam?  It is why WE NEED a Savior!  God could have left us alone, but He didn't.  He sent Jesus.
Overcoming the Enemy
Jesus came and paid the ultimate human sacrifice.  He went through many horrors so that we could be free.  That was the price.  When we connect to Him, we start realizing what a big deal this is!  Every day I learn something new about Him.  He is a BIG amazing GOD!!!
But many today have a doom and gloom attitude about the future.  Oh, some bad things are "destined to happen."  And I have thought that, too, but didn't realize that Jesus came to help ME overcome all that!  Do bad things still happen?  Yes, but not in a way that defeats me.  We still have an enemy, but we are learning HOW TO OVERCOME that enemy!!!
So what is reality?  We were lost, but now we are found when we discover our Savior.  An eternal life of GOOD can be ours through Him.  Yes, a curse entered this world.  And things will happen to this planet, but God has no intention of losing it.  In Isaiah it says:
Isaiah 45:18 - For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: "I am the Lord, and there is no other."
If Jesus overcame the world, the flesh and the devil, and He did, and if He paid the FULL PRICE for that on the Cross, and rose from the dead as a victor, then a fallen world is no longer our reality!
Now, we can choose to stay and live in a fallen world, or we can walk with Him in a way that will help us and cause us to overcome, eventually in all things!  That is what the Bible says!  And His Spirit will back that up!
There is no substitute for His sweet Presence, but life is not all about singing Kumbaya (Come by here, Lord).  He wants us to walk IN HIM!  He has overcome all things and He does hold that eternal life.  He wants us to have faith in Him in that good!
The Glories of Jesus
Reality is the glories of Jesus.  The price IS already paid; it's just now our choice to walk with Him or not.  Many live in a "doomed" world in their minds, but they don't have to if they know the Truth.  In Him [Jesus] is LIFE, and that MORE ABUNDANTLY!  Choose Life!!!
Our job and our work is to believe.  Sometimes it is work to believe in adverse circumstances, but we are not stuck or doomed.  We are delivered.  The Bible says we labor or strive diligently to enter the rest of God.  Seems contradictory, but I got a vision of a man (or some people) living out in the open wild and needing shelter, especially for their rest at night when they needed to sleep.  They labored to build a house so they could get their rest.
That is what Jesus wants for us - to build a habitation or a sheltered place in Him for ourselves AND others!  The father didn't just build the house for himself and leave the wife and kids outside.  He built it for the whole family.  The family could not fit everyone else into their house, but they could help others build their shelters.
That is what we need to do for everyone in the ways that we can and realize when we do, we are getting BACK to the Garden, back to the dominion and Kingdom of God and progressively get less and less of the devil who comes to kill, steal and destroy!  We need to establish our shelters with His wisdom and His Spirit.  One day He will inspect our shelters to see how we are doing.
Our spiritual shelters should welcome Him in.  He is looking for His Family and His Presence and power will overtake the evil like light overcomes darkness.  Reality is the glories of Jesus!  We can live there eternally, even before we shed these bodies for our new ones.
Pam Clark

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