Should I Still Give? by Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake
Many believers are discouraged. Especially right now. Some tell me that they are tired and want to give up! If things have slowed down for you, one of the fastest ways to recover is to continue being a giver. If you believe you are poor, no matter how much money you ever make, you will always continue to be poor - because you have a poor mentality. Remember, your awareness defines your Being. (As you think in your heart, so it is). It is all about being-ness. Giving demonstrates the Gospel of love. Should you still give? Yes. Even more. Contrary to a whole lot of prophetilizing words, God is NOT "about to" or "fixing'" to bring you or me money. He isn't. He already did!
Should I Still Give? by Dr. Kluane Spake
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By Jeremy Lopez
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Many believers are discouraged. Especially right now. Some tell me that they are tired and want to give up! If things have slowed down for you, one of the fastest ways to recover is to continue being a giver.
If you believe you are poor, no matter how much money you ever make, you will always continue to be poor - because you have a poor mentality. Remember, your awareness defines your Being. (As you think in your heart, so it is). It is all about being-ness.
Giving demonstrates the Gospel of love. Should you still give? Yes. Even more.
Contrary to a whole lot of prophetilizing words, God is NOT "about to" or "fixing'" to bring you or me money. He isn't. He already did!
Be aware of the fact that every day (right now) you create your own reality. While the news speaks of depression, exhausted supply, and lack, God's invisible supply is totally inexhaustible. The mountains and creeks are filled with undiscovered gold. There are unlimited riches in every unimaginable form coming toward you as fast as you can apprehend them.
Allow new ideas and inventions to come.
"Just as you excel in everything faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness...see that you also excel in the grace of giving." 2 Corinthians 8:7 What a term, the "GRACIOUS MINISTRY OF GIVING."
Giving is a Ministry!!!
There is ample abundance for everyone. Giving unblocks the stream so that you can apprehend what is intended to be yours. Giving causes energy to be released.
People love to say, "The love of money is root of all evil." G. Bernard Shaw countered humorously, "The lack of money is the root of all evil."
Actually, we have misunderstood this Scripture. "People who want to be rich fall prey to ordeals and tricks which are lying in wait for them and fall prey to many senseless and disadvantageous wants and wishes. These sink people into destruction and ruin. For BEING GREEDY WITH MONEY IS A ROOT OF ALL KINDS OF BAD THINGS."
Philarguria is not the "love of money" but being greedy or stingy.
Biblical Prosperity propels us to give! Luke 14:33 tells us that everything belongs to the Lord. God doesn't just claim the tithe. Everything we have should be directed by Him.
Nobody can take what is yours away from you.
YOU DON'T NEED A "LEADING" TO GIVE, SOW, and sow. Just do it! And, when the Spirit "leads" you, give MORE! Momentum ignites great things to happen.
Dr. Kluane Spake

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