How To Get Unstuck by Chase Butler

By Chase Butler
Do you ever feel stuck? In your thinking, relationships, careers, faith, physical fitness? I know I sometimes do, even though the answer to getting unstuck is actually really, really simple. This isn't the beginning of an infomercial to a healthier, happier you! "Just sign up for my monthly coaching and watch your life and career go from surviving to thriving!" There are two simple concepts, though, that are critical to becoming unstuck.
How To Get Unstuck by Chase Butler
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Do you ever feel stuck? In your thinking, relationships, careers, faith, physical fitness? I know I sometimes do, even though the answer to getting unstuck is actually really, really simple. 
This isn't the beginning of an infomercial to a healthier, happier you! "Just sign up for my monthly coaching and watch your life and career go from surviving to thriving!"
There are two simple concepts, though, that are critical to becoming unstuck.
There are plenty of definitions, but for the sake of this topic we'll define integrity as "keeping meaningful promises first to yourself and then to others."
Wake up every day, know what you've committed to doing, particularly something that is within your control, and do it no matter what. 
If it's physical fitness, it might be as simple as never walking past your pull-up bar in the doorway without doing at least one rep. 
It sounds silly, and it can play out in a number of different ways, but you must make a decision that supports the ultimate aim of where you're going and stick with it. 
Your consistency grows your capacity to do more, and the follow through builds confidence, which leads to the second piece. 
Self Image
"You will never outperform the image you have of yourself." - Zig Ziglar
If you are constantly making commitments and choosing not to follow through, you are injecting guilt, shame, and disappointment into your psyche. 
You start to change the way you see yourself, what you believe you're capable of. Am I worthy? Do I have what it takes? Every small failed commitment is a cut at our sense of self and, therefore, your capacity to grow. 
"If you think you can or think you can't, you're probably right." - Henry Ford
Start small and watch the consistency compound. You will inevitably create a cascading effect of growth and achievement to the point where one day you wake up and can hardly believe where you came from. 
It's simple, and it's so hard. It's the choice you make every day, and it's more important than just growing your career and making more money. 
"How you are with anything is how you are with everything."
If I'm a bad husband, I'm a bad friend, son, coworker, brother, etc. There are absolutely no isolated parts of our lives, as hard as some of us try to act like there are. 
My decision to hit snooze this morning, even though I said I wouldn't, is the first among many failed commitments that will hurt my self-image and ultimately bleed into all areas of my life. 
Just start today. 
Whether you're in a good spot and wanting to grow more, or if your world seems like it's falling apart, your first small commitment just might be the thing that ends up changing your life. 
I have a friend who is making it a point to run every day and send a screen shot of his completed route. I have a coworker who hasn't hit snooze on their 5am alarm in months. 
What one thing will you commit to doing no matter what?
Chase Butler

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