By Kim Clement
(PLUS: Don't Miss Kim Clement in Chicago Next Week, May 23-24)




 Kim Clement wrote on 5-16-08:

Dear Friends & Warriors,

Shalom from Israel. I would like to share a few thoughts and feelings with you in regards to my presence in this sacred land. This morning I was awake at 5:06 AM, and I could not get back to sleep, so I went onto the roof of my hotel to pray. There were three armed guards on the roof/balcony, and they actually jumped and were startled when I came through. I apologized for my intrusion and gestured that I was there to pray, and they respectfully left me alone. During my time up there, I prayed for all of you and for God's blessing, favor and protection on your lives.

So many things have transpired since I arrived in Israel, and for the first day, I was able to enjoy my time at the Wailing Wall praying, and then touring the various important places, but from that point onwards, it was obvious that I was here to fulfill a mission greater than even I expected. I felt the warfare and resistance as I prayed regarding Mount Carmel and our mission there as we got closer to the Monday night, but felt the thrill and spiritual anticipation during the day in spite of the spiritual emotions.

Mount Carmel was an unbelievable success and most definitely our greatest accomplishment as we launched out on our first real international mission. From that point onwards, things accelerated rapidly and I have not had a chance to tour or even truly relax, because as a prophet, I found myself being attended to and sought after in a strange way. I can't share details for obvious reasons, but I do want you to know this--I am to be available to be a voice to various people who are in the Government, but that share an interest and are sympathetic and drawn to Christians and Christ.

When God sends a prophet to the Middle East, I now realize that they see this differently than the Western World, and especially if such a large interest was shown in a place as important as Mount Carmel, with international exposure. I thought it would be treated as a silly Christian gathering, only to be made starkly aware that it was not only considered to be a historical moment, at such an important time as this, but a possible Godsend with an answer to political questions. Suddenly, I found myself being pulled on from various sides, and so I spent hours and hours studying Israel's history, reading books like "The Gifts of the Jews" and speed-reading illustrated versions of "Jewish Antiquities and The Jewish War."

It's just the beginning, I think

I personally was not prepared for the interest shown by various religious leaders and specifically two political leaders who have respectfully requested to remain anonymous, again for obvious reasons. For years I had no specific interest in Israel, outside of the historical aspect of the Nation itself, and of course, I always applied the Old Testament stories in my messages, but always presenting them as types for the New Covenant Believer. Today I am feeling a little different. I am called to be a voice here, albeit in a mystical, secret sense to the powers that be and a public figure in terms of my musical prophetic expression. It's just the beginning, I think.

Something that came to me this morning, and again brought tears to my eyes (I have been weeping a lot lately and feel like Jeremiah, which is not always a good feeling), is the fact that God spoke to me on New Years Eve, 2000, at Fairfax High School, and instructed me to prophesy that God wanted to build an altar in Hollywood and that we were to spend our time doing that.

For a good 1 1/2 years, my team and I spent weekends of every month building the altar, spiritually, and doing it according to the entire story of Elijah on Mount Carmel. We lost so many people because many did not enjoy the hours of worship that we entered into, offering evening sacrifices to the Lord, and restoring the altar of sacrifice for the purpose of an abundance of rain to come to Los Angeles and the USA.

I remember entering the backstage of the Fairfax High School and my team avoiding eye contact with me because of the poor crowd, knowing that I would be disheartened, and yet I was fully aware of the fact that this was what was going to happen. The stage, a full band, lights and sound--all to give the best to God as we worshipped and built the altar. Sometimes there were only 100 people and the offerings were very low.

At one stage we had boasted over 2,000 people in attendance but this had withered drastically. However, we labored on until another New Years Eve a few years later. We had planned to celebrate the New Year on Wilshire Blvd. at the Masonic Temple, however that afternoon, we were informed that we would not be allowed to have our two meetings in that facility as the union had complained and shut the building down, and so our journey began in Pasadena at the, now famous, Mott auditorium.

We moved over there, expecting no one to come because of the change of venue and the distance from Beverly Hills to Pasadena, but to our surprise, we had over 2,000 people. During the New Years Eve meeting, I prophesied in song and God said, "You have built the altar, completed your mission and now I'll send the rain."

That January, as many of you will remember, brought torrents of rain to California, a deluge, breaking all records as rain beat down for weeks and weeks. My heart pondered on the depth of this act and I wondered if God would ever take this any further than our Mott meetings in California.

Today He spoke to me and said, "All the months that you labored in Hollywood, struggling to build the altar in the presence of your oppressors and 'baal' worshippers, brought you to the actual place where Elijah prophesied." I realized today that God honors our sacrifices in a way that we would never understand. Think about it. We're an unknown bunch of people in Hollywood, California, in a miserable school building with barely any people supporting us as we obey God in building our spiritual altar and referring to Mount Carmel and Elijah just about every time we got together. Then in 2008, God places us in Israel, on Mount Carmel, with an International Television Network, broadcasting the prophet, who labored with his team, to the entire world!

Surely there is something to this. This was not just an event that will go down in history as an unusual night of ministry.

No, to me, I am taken back to the many, many nights that we, as a precious team, stood on a platform crying out for America and the Nations of the world with unusual resistance, and yet with great inspiration and expectation.

Thank you for your labor of love and the years of trusting with me that one day this would go to the ends of the earth. I love you dearly and I hope you see the reward the way I do. We have only just begun. God made a point to us this week and as A.T. (my assistant) said to me, "It seemed like your spirit was already in Israel on Mount Carmel."

I feel that through those months of hardship and spiritual labor, God was opening up the Heavens for me to come to Israel, and stand as a commander in the prophetic. The ground was prepared for me during those months and now the doors are flying open. Can you imagine the many ministers that have come here seeking influence and authority on the basis of their ministry or their Christianity, seeing someone who has never placed his feet on this soil, having such unbelievable favor and wondering why? God honors obedience like nothing else. He told Saul the King, through Samuel the prophet, "Obedience is better than sacrifice."

Our sacrifice was married to obedience and I dare you to receive the reward as my supporters over the years.

Pray for me. I need it and when I return to the USA, the place that God called me to dwell, to build my Ramah, we will rejoice for the greater days that lie ahead.

With love and gratitude,

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions


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