There Shall Be FOUR GREAT MOVES: The Handkerchief, the Shadow, the Garment and the Salt by Kim Clement

By Kim Clement
"There Shall Be FOUR GREAT MOVES: The Handkerchief, the Shadow, the Garment and the Salt"

by Kim Clement


Kim Clement

"Breakthrough, Breakthrough, Breakthrough"


Prophesied May 24, 2008 - Chicago, Illinois:

"They say, 'The nation is in dire straits.' There is a man that has prayed. There's a man that has prayed for the safety of this nation, and I have heard. My Spirit shall take young lives, breathe to the caves, to the crevices, and the places that have been a breeding ground for sin, perversion, murder, hate."

God said, "I will turn it around and raise up some of the greatest evangelists this world has ever seen. They say that this nation is in dire straits. There's a man who has prayed, there's a man who has prayed for the safety of the nation, and I have heard."

The Spirit of God says, "Lift up your voice, lift up your hands." For from this state tonight, from this state--from Illinois--I heard the sound of the Spirit of God telling me, "I'm hearing them prophesy to this nation, while you have enemies on every side, predicting and causing a prognosis to come to this nation; they stand on the soil of the Middle East, they stand on the soil of Europe, they stand on soil that should be friendly territory and they prophesy your doom," says the Spirit of God. "And yet, tonight, just one prophetic sound shall chase a thousand and two shall chase ten thousand!"

God says, "I'm listening to you right now. I'm watching you as you prophesy to this nation. I will bring down your enemies, says the Lord."

"Your Children Shall Not Be Trampled Under"

As you shout, God is listening to the soil of Illinois. As you shout, He is listening to you raising up an anthem like a trumpet from the soil of Illinois. Let there be a noise; let there be a joyful sound! I see satan fall like lightning from Heaven. The powers of the prince of Persia have no right over the kingdom of this nation. We break your power, and we prophesy to America: Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough!

"America, as I stood outside Jerusalem and said, 'Had you known this was your day and recognized the day of your visitation, you would not have what shall come upon you. I wanted to gather you as the mother gathers her little children and it was not to be.' America, I stand as I stood that day. I say to you: Your children shall not be trampled under.

"And so I shall gather you together, and I will bring down those that have waited for your downfall, saying, 'They are so in debt, we shall cripple them.' Ha!" says the Spirit of God. "Cripple a nation that has given and given and given to nations of the third world? Cripple a nation that has sent My Word to the ends of the earth? Ha! Shall you cripple a nation that has raised up My anthem in every school?"

This Has Never, Ever Happened Before!

Prophesied May 25, 2008 - Detroit, Michigan:

There are some unusual happenings about to occur. These are called "Happenings"--a very strange move of the Spirit is coming to this nation. They shall say, "It doesn't fit; it doesn't make sense, doesn't make sense. So, what do we do?" God said, "It's not supposed to make sense. You will abandon any intellectual attachment to revival. And you shall become comfortable with something that is unfamiliar.

"It doesn't make any sense, doesn't make any sense. And they shall say, 'Something is happening.' The shadow of Peter was cast upon those who were dying. It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense. And so again I will take shadows; I will take shadows--things that seem insignificant, churches that seem insignificant--and with them I shall do unusual, unusual manifestations."

God said, "There are some things so unusual they will say, 'How can we call it a revival, because this has never, ever happened before. How can we call it a renewal, because this has never, ever happened before.'" This has never, ever happened before!

This move of the Spirit that's coming will cause people to say, "This has never, ever happened before; this has never, ever happened before."

God says, "They are going to say, 'Something is happening, we don't know what it is. It really makes no sense, but something is happening. We can't call it a revival, because this has never, ever happened before.'"

God said, "There will be a surprise, because I'm going to take the most insignificant, the most rejected things like the lepers that were outside the walls. It wasn't a king. It wasn't a king; it took four little lepers to take them to provision." God says, "So many things are going to be happening, and they are going to say, 'What are we going to call this? We will call it: The Happening.'"

And they are going to say, "It makes no sense; why? We don't know where it started, but we think it was in the Midwest. Why?" Because God needed somebody's shadow. You see, a shadow is insignificant, but it is a shadow of things to come.

There Shall Be Four Great Moves of God

And God says to you, "There are four great moves that are coming. Four great moves, four great phases: one is in the handkerchief, one is the shadow, the next one is in the garment, and the final one is called the salt."

In other words, there are four very significant things spoken of in the Bible that are going to take place.

Number one: the handkerchief. It simply means this: The great Apostle Paul eventually had such a great breakthrough that demonic powers came down, and handkerchiefs were laid upon people and they were healed. It speaks of unusual miracles--that's the first thing: things that have never, ever happened before are going to be happening. What does the handkerchief speak of? It speaks of tears, sickness, you spit on it, and you wipe your brow from hard labor. How many of you have labored and labored and now you are waiting for a reward?

The next move of the Spirit is in the shadow. He says, "I'm going to use the most insignificant thing--things that the world and even the Church and religion say, 'Nothing will ever come out of that, they will never do anything.'" God says, "I'm going to take the most insignificant, the most rejected, and raise up the most powerful miracles through them."

The third thing God spoke about was a mantle. He said when Elijah found Elisha, he was in a field; and in the Hebrew the word is "Abelmahollah." He was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen, and he was busy with the 12th. God has brought us to a place to where His government is almost all intact, all 12. But the world "Abelmahollah," where Elisha was, means "the field of rejoicing"; and if God finds you in a field of rejoicing, He is going to have a mantle cast upon you.

So, God said there's a mantle of acceleration. When that mantle is cast upon you, you have the ability to strike any Jordan, anything that's stopping you from getting to the other side. So I want you to take that double portion tonight, and I want you to strike everything that's stopping you.

Salt for the Healing of the Cities of America

God spoke about a fourth thing: He spoke about salt. When Elisha was eventually across the Jordan, he got to a city and the elders of the city came to him and said, "Our city is beautiful, but there is one problem--our water is impure." And Elisha said, "Get me a nice, clean, new bowl." He poured water into that, and then he poured salt into it. And he went to the water supply of that city and he poured salt into it.

Suddenly, the water was purified and the entire city became productive. God said He is going to go to the source of the problems in the cities and purify it with grace, purify it with grace, and bring healing to the cities of America!

This has never, ever happened before!

I see forces that have been exalted being brought down to hell. Let the high praise of God come forth!

Hell itself is hearing a sound that is causing them to say, "Just when we thought we had a bunch of people put together, quiet, that had no clue."

But now there is a new generation that is rising up, prophets that will drive every demonic power out of those who wage war at the top.

Hell is saying, "What are we going to do? We have to surrender because there is the sound of the Blood of Christ that we can hear."

I prophesy to those that are high up in high places, "You have kept them for too long."

"Now,"God says, "they are mine, these warriors. I prophesy!" We prophesy to dead bones, we prophesy to dead bones: You shall live, you shall live!

Yeshua down in the valley, Yeshua on the mountain, Yeshua throughout the earth! Yeshua! Yeshua! Yeshua!

There Will Be Severe Exposures by October; Honor to True Voices by November

Prophesied May 30, 2008 - Wilkesboro, North Carolina:

The Spirit of God says, "Over this nation there is a strong resistance, something that has been spoken out. There is a strong resistance, but not strong enough. There is a strong principality, but not strong enough! There is a pact, a pact that has been made as in the days of Noah, when the sons of men came. There was a pact in spiritual wickedness and humanity. This pact has been made, but it is not strong enough!

"There is only one covenant. There is only one eternal covenant. There is only one eternal covenant that is strong enough that will break every pact, that will break every resistance.

"Tonight, I, the Spirit of God enforce the eternal covenant that I made before man was born, and that was made through the new covenant of the Blood of My Son. I will not allow this pact to have any lawful power, it is not strong enough!"says the Lord.

The Spirit of God says, "Open up your hands, open up your mouths and pray. For the powers of hell have hidden--the powers of hell have caused men to lie and to hide things, politicians. Now," God says, "I speak from the state of the Carolinas, and speak to you. By October there would have been severe exposures--politicians. And they shall say, 'Has America gone mad? What has happened to its political discourse?'"

God said, "What you are seeing unfolding is the exposure of political preachers and men who dress in the cloth that have no power but to destroy. I will expose them one by one," says the Lord of Hosts!

"For what you have seen, what you have heard coming from pulpits has brought shame to what they call the clergy. Now,"God says, "I want to bring honor to what they call the clergy. I want to bring honor to the true voices, and I shall do this by November of this year in the United States of America," says the Lord!

"There is a principality that has schemed to bring a weapon against My people, for this political war that you have seen is not something to be taken lightly, but I will arise and there shall be one exposure after the other. And,"God said, "even things regarding your oil and your energy, I will expose. And they will say, 'What do we do now? We have no candidates left.'"

God said, "There is only one candidate for this country: and that is the Holy Spirit. That's Who it is and that's Who has been designated to be the Power and the Voice in this nation, says the Lord!"

"A Barrier that Has Been Between One Generation and Another Is Being Broken"

God's Spirit says, "Beckon the prophetic, beckon the prophetic. Beckon it, beckon the prophets to come, beckon to them." There is a Macedonian call, there is a call from young men, young women: 'Come to us!' and yet we have said to them, "You come to us." God said, "A barrier that has been between one generation and another is being broken."

No statistics. A very unusual thing that will happen in this nation, and many nations, where the barriers between generations will be broken, and young and old shall stand together. Lion will lay next to the lamb. There shall be an unusual merging of young and old, for they shall make declaration: We have waited too long.

And God said, "There will be no spiritual recession in this nation ever again! Goats, sheep--a separation is coming to pass. They will recognize the stench of religion and they will know the true sound of Christ."

"The Door Which was Shut I Have Opened and No Man Shall Shut it Again"

Prophesied May 31, 2008 - Wilkesboro, North Carolina:

The Spirit of the Lord says, "If you would hear, and if you would come boldly to the Throne of Grace...if you would hear with a spiritual ear, you would come boldly to the Throne of Grace--not with fear and trembling, not like they did when Moses stood, when they ran from the mountain.

"But if you would come,"says the Lord, "with boldness and say, 'Yes, I believe the veil has been rent, it has been torn so there is no limitation whatsoever,' tonight, I have made it possible for you to reach into a place you have never seen, for you to reach into a place you have never heard, to a sound you have never heard, and take a hold of something that has been kept through the ages, that has been kept through time.

"You may say, 'Why? Why for this time?' Because,"God says, "there is a cry and an outcry. There is a sound of murmuring, there is a sound of groaning, there is a sound of dissatisfaction. And," God said, "that is good, for I am going to change everything. I have rent a veil, I have broken a place of limitation for you. Reach in and say, 'I will take what is mine; I will take what is rightfully mine. I will take what is kept for this day and for this age.'

"If you don't believe in the ranting of a prophet, then it makes no difference, but there was one that stood crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare ye the way, for there comes one who I'm not worthy to tie His shoe.'

"But,"God said, "surely there is something coming, even at the sound of the voice that you are hearing, something that they will name, 'The Happening.' They will say, 'It's happening! Something is happening!' I kept something for this day and age, for you who were born at such a time as this, for the Kingdom at such a time as this. Do you count yourself privileged? Do you understand? Do you understand that you have been kept for this day?

"For even as I spoke to Jeremiah, even as I spoke to Isaiah, even as I spoke to the greats of old, so I can speak to you. Why must you wait for the sound of a trumpet from a mountain? Why should you wait for the sound like thunder? No, it has come already, the veil has been rent. What you could not acquire, what you could not reach into, which key you couldn't get, what door you couldn't open--is now about to be opened,"says the Lord.

"Which key you couldn't get, which door you couldn't open is being opened," says the Lord of Hosts. "Even up to this point they put a damper on you and said, 'It will never come to pass.' I say to you, the door which was shut I have opened and no man shall shut it again," says the Lord.

Laws Shall Change in Favor of the Saints

I stand on this soil that is saturated with the prophetic word, but God said, "Where are the takers? Where are the risk takers? Where are the ones that will say, 'I want to do something which has never happened before'? Under lock and key has been kept the revelation of this day. Some say, 'He is coming back soon.'"

The Spirit of the Lord says, "I am bringing back to you something that Daniel held in his heart, something that David had in his dance, something that Samson held in his hands. I'm bringing back supernatural, supernatural acceleration, supernatural energy, to take a hold of an unnatural crisis that exists in My Church. Now," God said, "let Me hear the warriors of God shout, for the victory is yours, says the Lord!"

The Spirit of the Lord says, "I speak to you, America. I speak to you, America. From this state (North Carolina) I speak to this nation: Fear not, fear not, fear not when they say, 'Death has come,' in the next four years (and I'm not speaking about an assassination). They will say, 'Death, death,'" and God said, "But watch even in death how I resurrect something in the midst of a term that seems terminal."

God said, "I'll change it swiftly to where I will bring unity and the laws shall change in favor of the saints of the Most High God," says the Lord.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

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