We all go through seasons when it feels as if our backs are against the wall. Circumstances around us scream in our face and demand our attention, yet regardless of how long we stare in their direction, nothing changes. At times we feel powerless. We fight the enemy with declarations of God's Word, we fast and pray, and do everything in the natural to fix what we can, only to wind up exhausted. I have good news for you, God has a better way!
All of us have at least one thing we are standing in faith for. Day after day, we pray. We stand. We worship and we declare God's truth. Until the manifestation comes, we wait and we believe, sometimes through tears and sometimes with tenacity. Always, by His grace. This morning the Lord gave me flashbacks of moments in my life that literally changed everything. Scene after scene, I was reminded of the power that one moment holds. One word I'd waited to hear, one decision, one touch of healing, one revelation, one tragedy….life, radically impacted in an instant.
The other day my daughter told me about a woman who believes she is a cat. It seems safe to say that the attack against identity is running rampant. It also seems safe to say that discovering our true identity is on the Lord's heart. Recently, at a routine doctor's visit, two of the questions they are required to verbally ask, surprised me:  1) Are you a female, male, or other?  2) How would you like us to refer to you: she, he, or other? After I laughed and made sure they weren't asking because they couldn't tell the answer, it hit me: lack of identity has become an epidemic.
Sometimes destiny unfolds in the most unusual circumstances. For me, everything changed when we moved back to the States, after serving on the mission field for nine years. We decided to move to California and become members of our dream church, Bethel. I was thrilled! Little did I know that a life-changing adventure was about to begin. The journey with the Lord always guides us beyond ourselves. It leads us away from our "do" and straight into our "who." This was exactly what I was about to discover.