The Jewish festival of Shavuot is more commonly known as Pentecost and takes place 7 weeks (50 days) after Passover. Jesus was resurrected from the dead on Passover and 50 days later the promise and power of the Holy Spirit came upon the early Church at Pentecost (Acts 2). Although the Christian Church celebrates the day of Pentecost this coming Sunday, the actual Jewish holiday is from sundown on May 30 through sundown on June 1. This is a week of revelation and power that is now flowing to you from Heaven. Pentecost signifies the wheat harvest in Israel and the celebration of God giving the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai. During Pentecost, we will begin to reap what we have sown (wheat harvest) and God will give us words as He did for the Israelites when giving the Torah.
Many people who I have been meeting and interacting with are very discouraged and battle weary. When people have contacted me, asking what God is saying for them right now, I keep telling them, "Just wait until after May." This is because the Wind of Change has been rearranging things in our lives. Because of all the warfare and difficult times, many people are in need of an impartation of hope. "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:5 NKJV Watch for God to give you an impartation of hope as you begin to see prayers answered and prophetic words fulfilled in your life.
April is a time in which the Wind of Change will continue blowing. This is an angel that comes this time of year and brings changes from Heaven to Earth. This year, the Wind of Change is blowing through the end of May. It will bring major realignments and reassignments to people. Check out my prophetic word from March: The Wind of Change & the Glory of God Returning. Get ready to cross over into a new time in which God will bring provision to you in some unusual ways. Even though things might not look clear just yet, over the next 30 to 60 days you will gain greater insight from the Lord.
The Wind of Change is starting to blow through our lives and will continue through May. It is revealing things we will need to change and clean up to get us into the new season coming. Don't be discouraged during this process. Many people will be tempted to not recognize the season we are in—that God is continuing to do a deeper pruning time in our lives. It is important not to miss this opportunity to grow and go. You will need this to position yourself for the coming breakthrough. As God matures you spiritually and we go deeper in the Lord, what was dead in one season might still have small roots or tentacles alive deeper down. So don't be surprised or discouraged if you find yourself having to repeat some deeper cleansing in your life.
Each year the Wind of Change (not Winds) from Heaven begins to blow things into place. This year it is going to start in March and continue through May. I have been observing this angel from Heaven since 2012, and as this angelic Wind begins to blow it often kicks up debris in our lives. It might cause a temporary loss of vision, but it does not last long at all. When the Wind of Change angel blows it reveals things that have been hidden (Psalm 104:4). Things that may have been holding you back will become much clearer. It will blow away the heavy cloud of hopelessness. Many people will be tempted to give in to discouragement, but do not back down as this time of resistance will not last long. What will come from this will be a greater revelation into your calling and divine assignment from God.
On January 3, I had a major encounter in which the Lord spoke to me that over the next three weeks there would be some radical adjustments and changes coming for us all. God spoke to me that the last week of January would be a significant time for this to begin. There have been some changes in many people's callings. New assignments were released from the heavenly adjustment department. This will be the start of some major realignments and reassignments coming over the next few months. Many people have been experiencing serious levels of discouragement and warfare. I have been praying daily for a breakthrough about this for myself and for others. On January 16, God spoke to me that my case in Heaven had been reviewed and an adjustment offer had been released. I have never heard this before and it took me by surprise. I also heard that this was happening to many people right now.
I don't usually share things like this with a wide audience, but in this case, the Lord spoke to me to give this public prophetic word over Jeremy Lopez. I have known Jeremy for a number of years and he is a dear friend of mine that I trust. We have ministered together at conferences and churches and also have gone into private meetings and the homes of people in the Hollywood-based arts, entertainment and music industries. Jeremy is by far the most accurate personal prophetic minister that I know. I am not saying that because we are friends. My staff has contacted him many times to get an anonymous prophetic word for me at my birthday and Jeremy, not knowing it was for me, has given me some of the most accurate and powerful Holy Spirit words I have ever gotten.
2017 is going to be a time in which many of the least likely people begin to awaken to God's love. A long-awaited start of global awakening and revival will take place. Many of these people have been rejected by the Church, but God is saying, "I have not forgotten them and their cries have reached my ears." Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord. Psalm 117:1–2 (NIV)
The world is going to awaken to the awesome power of the Lord. There is a reason for all the turmoil and attacks.
The Lord is closing the books on your previous season of life. Do not focus on the past or how you feel right now. Many people are feeling as though they somehow missed the Lord or messed up. The Lord is saying, "I have chosen you and your generation for a special working of my power. Do not worry about how it looks now or the details of how it will happen. When it is time, it will happen quickly." Because many prophetic words have not come to pass and with the untimely passing of some major prophetic leaders, some people are being tempted to reject or despise the prophetic ministry. We still need to hear the voice of God like never before.
Get ready to receive exciting new things starting this month. I heard the Lord say that there are a number of gifts coming to us starting in December.

Many of us received promotions during the month of October just after Yom Kippur, on October 12. (You can read the details of that prophetic word in my blog from October 2016: "Why This is Such a Significant Time.")