There is much about the night seasons that is perfect for seeking God. At nighttime everyone is asleep - except you! You stay up and seek the face of God uninterrupted. This makes for an exceptional time with the Lord as there are less distractions from kids, family, texts, and phone calls. There is something about having quality time with the Lord that makes a huge notable difference in our lives.
Jesus has come to give us the abundant life in His Presence. It is always there for the taking. He is no respecter of persons and is "The Rewarder" of those who diligently seek Him. Thank God He is a rewarder! You can see that God knows that we need something called "incentives." You see Jesus giving us incentives to be generous, to seek Him, to love and follow Him in all things. He created us and knows what motivates us. How does God motivate or give us incentives? Start with giving. He says, "Give and... what?" "It shall be given to you - even a good measure, pressed down shaken together and running over." (Luke 6:38) Why would He say this to us? He is motivating us!
Get tapped into the creative nature of God! One of the most powerful things to think about is that we are created in the image and likeness of God. This is what sets man apart from every other living creature. As we are yielded to His Spirit there is amazing potential for what can be released through our lives. In the beginning God CREATED the heavens and the earth. Then we see that the earth was without form - darkness being over the face of the deep.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is so essential for our walk with God, and it's been a long time since I've heard anyone talk about this subject. Ever since I gave my life to Jesus I've practiced "praying in the spirit." In a nutshell I got addicted to enjoying the Presence of God! Turning on some worship music I would engage with God in my heart by just praying in tongues. My heart was connected to the Father in such an intimate way that nothing compared to the simplicity of being with Him. Today I still enjoy that same blessing. When you find the reality of His Presence for your life personally - you always know where to turn! it's never a thought to go anywhere else. Our God is good, and He is the best!
When you grasp how you have been created it helps you to better navigate your relationship with God. The dynamics of the inward battle and how you can fully commit yourself to the purposes of God are easier once you understand that you are a new creation. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 When we look at the language of Paul or even from the angle of a Hebraic mindset, we can see there is a clear understanding of how God has created us - spirit, soul, and body.
When I first came to the Lord at age 19, I remember asking the Lord to restore my heart and mind as I was laying hands on myself in the place of prayer. Knowing that I had come out of a lot of stuff in the world I knew that I needed a refreshing and renewing of my soul in every way. Have you ever been tempted? Of course, you have. We can all be tempted in many ways. You can be tempted to do so many things that are outside the sphere of God's plan for your life. Outside of the most obvious of sins - you may be tempted to complain, to hate, to be rude or many other things.
When we understand that dreams are a byproduct of the outpouring of God's Spirit and Presence, also understanding that it is one of the various means that God speaks to us, then it makes perfect sense that we would want a great outpouring of His Spirit in our lives. With that in mind let me share with you what has been very helpful to me in regard to having more Holy Spirit inspired dreams. Many of us have heard the phrase that "timing is everything." There is truth to this. Also understand that we live in a world that is on a time clock. There are windows of time that can be powerful for our lives.
God is always helping us to better understand His goodness towards us. Part of the goodness is in what He has already done by making us new creations - where the old has passed away and the new has come. This really is the best news we can get because it is not about us trying to fix the old person we used to be, but about simply choosing to live by the new person that He's already made us to be. This is because of all that Jesus accomplished and by the reality of His Spirit in our lives.
God has such great things in store for us as His own sons and daughters. He wants us to know His faithfulness, His goodness and that His promises are true. God is always looking for faith. He is looking for those who are not settling for less but are always drawing near to Him no matter what is going on. If you feel like you are in a wilderness, just know that God has plans to bring you out. Also realize that your wilderness is not the promised land that God has for you. Don't grow accustomed to it because He has far more in store for your life!
Did you know that God wants to give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation? And why - it's in knowing Jesus. And that's the main purpose of the spirit of wisdom and revelation, is that we would have an intimate connection with him. One of the ways you can really connect with the spirit of revelation is by engaging in the heart of worship. And scripture says Jesus said, The Father is seeking those who will worship him in spirit. And in truth, he is looking for worshipers, he's looking for those who will take time to connect with his heart, and that they worship through their lives.