What's Your Problem? by Adam Becker

By Adam Becker
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By Adam Becker
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The other day I was standing in a very long line at the gas station. I had an arm full of stuff that was getting heavy. I had been waiting in line for quite some time. Then finally I was next. I was so relieved to be next but then out of no where comes a man who walks right past the whole line and in front of me and he was served before me. I couldn't believe it, who does he think he is, how could he just ignore the line and go right to the front? Well I was going to say something to this man for sure. I was fed up with people who think they own the world and can do as they please. So I got a little closer to him as he was standing at the checkout getting ready to give him some choice words when I heard him speak and got a good look at him. From his speech and demeanor I could tell that he was mentally handicapped. I realized he didn't know any better.
I couldn't believe that I got so upset over a person with a disability who butted in front of me in line. If I would have known that I would have gladly let him go in front of me. But I couldn't see that he was handicapped at first.  All I could see was a rude man passing everyone. But he wasn't at all - he was only trying to check out. My how we get so upset with people sometimes when we feel they are doing something to us that wrongs us. But a lot of times people act the way they do for a reason. In this case the man was disabled and in other cases maybe they are just having a bad day. Can you remember the last time you had a bad day and needed some compassion? Like in my case maybe we need to look a little closer for the real cause of their actions as it may surprise you. They may have never meant to hurt us or offend us at all. Take the time to see it from another point of view. Not to mention that life is not all about us, we are to be selfless and help others. Don't let others get to you.  There may just be a method to their madness. And it's not the worst thing in the world to be wronged. Life could always be worse.
Adam Becker

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