An Invitation: Eyes Have Not Seen, Ears Have Not Heard by Barbara Yoder

By Barbara Yoder
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I have really been possessed by this thought that there is a realm we are to live in but most have missed because of the teaching of many leaders of the previous generation. Unknowingly they were so careful not to do anything outside of the boundary of the Word that they missed a whole realm of the Spirit.
We are spirit-soul beings encased in a physical body. There is a living dimension of our Spirit in union with Christ's Spirit that changes the whole playing field. We have gathered around institutions, personalities, messages and performances and have missed the vibrancy and power of Christ's living Presence within us, both individually and corporately.
We have turned the Bible into a book of spiritual instructions, self-improvement and success strategies when it was meant to propel us into the invisible dimension of Kingdom realities. It was meant to teach us a relationship which if entered would transform us, the world and the way we see things.
Not of this World
As believers we are in but not of this world. Yet we have become so earth bound we missed our being part of heaven's reality, the kingdom. There is a spiritual realm I believe God is inviting us into that is so "other" most of us are afraid to go there.
God is issuing an invitation; could this be partly what revival is about? And, who will go there? I'm on my way, stumbling on this path, yet making progress. I am excited, partly blind and pressing. My spirit is leaping and yet my mind tries to resist it! It is far more "other" than most of us have been willing to embrace. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
What could happen if we decided to embrace true spirit to Spirit relationships and interactions? Heaven would be released on earth in every sphere of our individual and corporate lives. And for certain, control would fly out the window.
Why are we so afraid of this realm?
Barbara Yoder
By Adam Hamilton
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