We've Entered a Decade of Household Salvation, Dimensional Communicators PLUS: A Surprising Word for California! by Kim Clement

By Kim Clement
We've Entered a Decade of Household Salvation,
Dimensional Communicators PLUS:
 A Surprising Word for California!
by Kim Clement

Word for California!
Kim Clement

I would like to begin our first article of 2010 by wishing you a Happy New Year! I wrote this in November, two months before our New Year's Eve event in California. Delivering an article, a prophetic article, two months before it will be printed and read, has proven to be an interesting feat. But, God has given me an encouraging thought and I am sharing it with you now, so that by the time you receive this article, the prophetic utterance will already have come forth on New Year's Eve, as God breathes His word for the coming year, and decade.

It is the birth of a new decade and a new season, full of expectancy. The first decade of the millennium was seemingly full of loss and warfare, but so many wonderful things have also happened. We've had spiritual acceleration, multiplication, and even during an incredibly bad economic season (albeit short) we have survived, and as I've said before, if you're a survivor, you're a reviver. I feel that we've entered into a season of incredible restoration and pristine beginnings.

On December 31st, a prophetic word was released regarding the coming decade. I have termed this new decade 20X, and you can obtain information about this on my website. We invite you to join us in prayer, and receive what God so powerfully revealed to us on that day.

We've Entered Into a Time and Season of Understanding

We have all spoken many times about New Year's resolutions, but I want to speak about the new decade and the resolutions that we will make and possibly want to make. We have seemingly turned a new page, to an era seen and foretold by John on the Island of Patmos when he received the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is reminiscent of a time seen by Daniel, and with the rapid advance of technology, Daniel's words ring true today. His prophetic utterances included that knowledge would increase as men would go to and fro across the face of the Earth (Daniel 12:4).

When Daniel spoke of this, I think he foresaw a time where information and knowledge would increase, and he speaks specifically about that. He declared that knowledge would increase and go to and fro across the face of the Earth. Today, with present technology, we see information being sent across the airwaves in seconds, from one continent to the other, and we can even send images from one continent to the other, from one house to the other. Knowledge is increasing rapidly.

God spoke to Daniel when he was praying and seeking the Lord, and through the angel He said to Daniel, "From the very moment that you set your heart to pray and to understand, God heard your words." Then the angel continued to say, "But I've been battling the Prince of Persia for these 21 days." You'll remember that Daniel fasted and prayed for 21 days. It was then that the angel arrived. I personally believe that this same spiritual battle that Daniel encountered has taken place in this past decade, particularly starting in 2001.

Thank God for a President who was able to rise to the occasion and deal with our enemies. Certainly, this was the same Prince of Persia that rose up against the United States of America, and many other countries in the free world. This same spirit, this same demonic principality, was fighting the angel that was coming to Daniel, and I believe that this same principality has been warring this past decade. I also believe that the angel of the Lord has been sent to bring a movement like no other, and to bring a refreshing like no other in the history of the Church.

I foresee an experience comparable with the Upper Room, and it will be as a result of unity; there will be great unity in this new decade. I foresee prosperity that will come as the souls of men are prospering. We've seen great "stars" fall into moral vise and degradation, even ministers of the Gospel. I believe many men and women have fallen, not only due to immorality but have been overcome with the love of riches, pride and greed. I believe that in this decade this will not continue in the vein that it has been. I foresee unity in the Church, not the system (the religious system) but in the true Church of Jesus Christ, where there can be a baptism of fire again, where men will once again join their hearts together and have one ultimate goal: to introduce the world to the most wonderful person in the universe, Jesus Christ.

So with great anticipation and prophetic insight, I want to bestow a prophetic blessing on you in this New Year, and encourage you to do what Daniel did. When the angel arrived and came into Daniel's presence, Daniel could barely stand straight. The angel said to him, "I'm coming here to reveal to you what these visions mean." Over the past decade, we've had many visions and many great messages sent from God, but we have had little understanding of what they've really meant. I believe we've entered into a time and season of incredible understanding. Do you know what it means to have understanding to such a degree? When you gain understanding, you're able to see clearly and to walk skillfully.

A Year of Swift Changes

I believe that this year will be a year of swift changes, and I encourage you to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, for certainly we are aware of angelic presence, and therefore we must do what the Bible teaches us to do in Psalm 103:20, "Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word." The angels of the Lord hearken to the voice of His word. We are the voice of His word, we have His word and we must vocalize it.

I believe that freedom will also come in terms of the law. Even though there has been corruption, I certainly believe that the politics of this nation are going to change and God is going to pay back and give the freedom that is rightfully deserved by this generation, and by the young people.

The teens, in particular, are going to have a massive outpouring of God's Spirit like no other; it will not be likened unto any other outpouring. Your young men shall see visions and prophesy, your daughters shall prophesy, as Joel said.

"Grace Has Been Preparing Your Soul for a Blessing"

I also wanted to share with you a promise that I received regarding your household. As I prayed for you, I heard something unusual whispered in my ear, which made me realize how important it is to recognize the time and season that we are in, or that we have entered. These are the words that were spoken to me: "Grace has been preparing your soul for a blessing."

At the time, I was reading Acts 16:14, where a woman by the name of Lydia, a businesswoman in the city of Thyatira, received Christ into her life when she heard Paul, the Apostle, speaking. I find it interesting how the writer of Acts describes the experience: "The Lord opened her heart to hear the things spoken by Paul." Do you realize that God has been preparing your household, your family and your acquaintances to HEAR? Grace has been preparing their souls for the blessing.

"What blessing?" you may ask. I believe that the greatest blessing is to experience the reality of the risen Christ. You will notice, with regard to Lydia's experience with Jesus, that she did not open her own heart. Her prayers did not do it and Paul did not do it. The LORD opened her heart! In order for us to receive the things that make for our peace and our prosperity, the Lord Himself must open the heart. Your soul is being prepared for a blessing.

You will notice, the minute that Lydia received the Word, that she and her household were baptized. Once the Lord has opened your heart, your entire household is affected. Also, notice the next thing that Lydia did once she had received the Word from the mouth of Paul: she gave an offering-her house. She offered her house to Paul and his team unconditionally and without time restrictions.

Don't neglect in giving and sowing in this new season. For in so doing, you bring the promise and the anointing into your house. It is extremely appropriate and advantageous to our well being, for the New Year, to sow a seed as we move into 2010. As I encouraged the people at our Gathering on New Year's Eve, so I encourage you to give without restrictions and, as you do so, ask God specifically for what you desire for 2010.

The above is just a portion of the word that God has dropped into my spirit for this New Year and New Decade. I bless you for the 2010 year: 20 X-A decade of high dimensional communicators.

That's you! GO!


"Your Children, Your Brothers, Your Families Shall Declare, 'As For Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord!'"

The Spirit of the Lord says, "Hear the prophet tonight; words that have come forth in the past five years are about to be fulfilled. Yes, I will take the households of America, the households of My Redeemed, the households of the Elect, and I will bring to them a baptism. Not one shall be left out, and your children, your brothers, your families-you shall declare, 'As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!'"

I hear the Spirit of the Lord telling me to tell you, "Some of you have looked behind you and said, 'I hope we don't have a repeat of history.'" The Spirit of God said, "I must warn you, history might repeat itself, but it will not be because it was in the plan. I have intended to make history for you and cause you to be a part of My history-after all it is HIS story."

God said, "You shall stand as giants in the land. For they say, 'What about the big shaking?'" The Spirit of God said, "I have spared you, for the shaking that you will see shall be every kingdom that can be shaken will be shaken. Every house that can be broken down will be broken down. But," God said, "as for you and your house," the Lord says, "I will cause their hearts to be open so that they will hear the voice of the Lord and they will heed it," says the Lord. "And a fresh baptism shall come upon your house," says the Lord of Hosts.

"My Knowledge Shall Spread Through California"

God says, "Once again-and I tell you this because of what I've said before, this is the time that was spoken of by the prophet a few years ago-where this that they call the Jesus Movement, there will be a culmination of Azusa Street Revival, Jesus Movement, and it shall be born in California. Once again California shall lead the nation and lead the world as it takes the Kingdom by force!" says the Lord.

God said, "What's about to emerge in 2010 shall cause California to come out of its financial doldrums, and people from all over the earth shall come to California as they went to Brownsville, as they went to all these other places, but," God said, "this time the fire will not stop burning. This time the fire will not stop burning," says the Lord. "This time I will take multiple men and women, youth, young people-I will raise them up and they will go into the highways and the byways," God says. "They will go into the kingdoms of the earth and they will shake it," says the Lord.

"There is a man who is filled with My Spirit. This man is in Anaheim, and will come and invent something that shall give men access to the knowledge of God, but in such a mysterious and unique way that even the ungodly will be researching and searching, and they will be filled with knowledge. And they shall come as the Saul of Tarsus came." God says, "They will come in because of the invention of this unusual key." It looks like a star, but it's missing one point. Please keep your eyes open for this. "Kim, why are you telling us this?" Because I'm seeing it; my spirit has connected with the future. Why?

Because this move of the Spirit that shall transpire out of California, Southern California, this that shall come out and emerge shall come out in such unusual fashion. Men shall buy it to listen to. They will sing it. They will speak it. But they will be speaking the Word.

And God says  to begin with, like the fires that you've experienced, the unusual fires. So," God said, "the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the hearts and lives of men, and this move shall not only reach the Church but it shall go to every kingdom that exists and every area, the media." And God says, "People will say, 'We no longer need to do it in a fashion that puts people off. This is a brand new, innovative way of reaching the unreachable and touching the untouchable.'"

God said, "I'll raise up the prophetic voice and it will bring adventures and people shall prosper because of it," says the Lord!

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Email: hope@kimclement.com

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