By Doug Fortune

by Doug  Fortune

Two comm
on words..sounding so similar, yet so opposite in effect. We can choose to live in expectancy or we can choose to live with expectations. This simple choice can determine, to a certain degree, our quality of life. Why on earth would I say that?... Because at the root of this choice is the issue of control.

For the sake of d
efinition and so we are all on the same page, here is what I mean when I speak of expectancy and expectations: Expectancy is an anticipation of possibilities. Expectations are usually specific results looked for, based upon our will. This is so important to differentiate between the two. For example, I could be speaking of expectancy, and the person who lives with expectations might say something like this, "Yes, I agree wholeheartedly, I have great expectations!" and think we are talking about the same thing.

At the outset I want to say that expectations are not always bad, depending on the relationship involved. If I am an employee, my employer has ce
rtain expectations outlined in my job description that I am to fulfill. This is not a bad thing, because I also will have an expectation of getting paid! If I take my car to get it fixed, there are expectations involved with both parties. I expect to have my car working and the mechanic expects to get paid. In these scenarios fulfilled expectations are a good thing. In relationships that are based purely on function, expectations are not necessarily bad.
A Problem Occurs When We Bring Expectations into Relationships That Are NOT Based Purely on Function.

A problem also occurs when we approach ALL relationships as being based on function, because we will also bring expectations into that relationship. You probably know people that have difficulty relating on a personal level and find it easier to relate to others based upon a task, or a plan, or a belief system. Most churches are unfortunately built upon this foundation. Although structure and function are necessary elements of a local assembly, it was never intended to be the foundation. Personal relationships and our commonality in Christ are to be the foundation of a healthy fellowship... emphasis on FELLOWSHIP. If "function" determines our relationships, then perhaps we are more of an organization than an "organism." Our "place" or our identity in the fellowship is determined by our relationships in the fellowship.

In personal relationships, expectations can be a certain relationship killer. Why do I say that?... because disappointment will ALWAYS come at some time or another, in one way or another! In the "personal relationship" of prayer, expectations can be a killer also. We will discuss this later in our writing.

Then we must "factor in" the reality that some relationships are not totally clear cut, black and white- they are both personal and functional in nature. The only way I know to reconcile all this is that expectations must be subject to expectancy. And once again, at the root of this whole subject is the issue of control.

If we proceed with our earlier definition that expectancy is an anticipation of possibilities, then it goes also to say that practical expectancy requires an abandonment to what those possibilities may bring. This is where we are faced with whether we really believe in and trust in the sovereignty of God. "For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son... What shall we then say to these things? If God be FOR US (which He IS!), who can be AGAINST us?" (Romans 8:29, 31)

Personal Relationships Are Unpredictable Because People Are Unpredictable

 The people that spread palm branches before Jesus and said, "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord" were the same people who two days later cried, "Crucify Him!" Practical expectancy requires vulnerability... the good news is, however, I don't have to merely trust people, I must trust Father. He is FOR me, and therefore even those who might really be against me, ARE working on my behalf.

What if we approached life in general and our relationships with a practical expectancy of an anticipation of possibilities, and an abandonment to what those possibilities may bring? Can you imagine living without disappointment?

I believe that expectancy creates an atmosphere conducive to the realization of possibilities. This is similar to what quantum physics would call the "observer effect." I do not claim to have any great knowledge of physics, but allow me to explain in the terms of my simple understanding. It is my understanding that according to the observer effect, if the outcome of an event has not been observed, it exists in a state of "superposition," which is akin to being in all possible states at once. The result of this is that sub-atomic particles actually pop into existence when you go looking for them (under a very powerful microscope, of course). Do you see the incredible spiritual parallel here? When I create an atmosphere of expectancy, I am providing a "blank canvas" of abandonment upon which the realization of possibilities can be "painted" into my reality! Many different "realities" or outcomes exist in this state of spiritual "superposition" and as I focus on Christ in expectancy the "reality" of my destiny comes into existence!

What if We Truly Looked at Each Other as One Who Holds A "Key" That Unlocks Our Destiny?

Remember, even Judas held a "key" that unlocked Jesus' destiny! Obviously however, Jesus was NOT fulfilling Judas' EXPECTATIONS of a Messiah that would establish an earthly Kingdom.

Expectations are all about control.
Expectancy is all about abandonment.

Expectations can be a certain relationship killer!
Expectancy is a relationship builder!

Expectations and Expectancy in Prayer-
Do we approach prayer with expectations or with expectancy?... (To be continued...)

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