The Greatest Visitation of the Spirit by Gretchen Rodriguez

By Gretchen Rodriguez

"The church is standing at the precipice of the greatest visitation of the Spirit in history." These are the words the Lord woke me from a dream with on the morning of March 29, 2011.


The Dream


I was at church when a young girl walked into the room wearing a very short dress. When she moved, she wasn't covered under the dress and her private area was fully exposed. I knew she was involved in fornication and her relationship with the Lord was greatly suffering.


The girl represents many in the body - supposedly pure and innocent, yet given to secret sin. The fact that she wasn't keeping herself covered was a representation of those who aren't guarding their intimacy with the Lord and have given themselves to idols. These idols are those things that distract and keep people so busy that they do not have time to live a life of intimacy with the Lord. Consumed with their self-indulgent lives, they aren't concerned about bringing God's love to those around them.


A precipice is the edge of a cliff. If you have ever stood high on a cliff overlooking the ocean, you know it is both exhilarating and frightening because of the element of danger involved. People walk out to the precipice to see the view, which can be beautiful, but it is also risky to stand there. For those who are living like the girl in the dream who, "Draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me." (Matthew 15:8) Their safety rests in the place of true repentance and full surrender to the Lord. Those who have been double-minded in their relationship with the Lord will find that becoming "unstable in all of their ways," (James 1:8) will take on a new meaning. 


Wake-up Call


His words were sobering and serious. This coming visitation is the Lord sending out a wake-up call to the church. I heard Him say, "Wake up My sleepy church, My bride. This is your time to shine! Don't give your heart to vanity. Guard your intimacy with Me, forsake the cares of this world and take your stand for holiness in pure love. The world needs you now more than ever before. Wake up My bride, wake up!"


Two scriptures sounded strongly in my spirit:


"For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God." 1 Peter 4:17




"These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought that I was altogether like you; but I will rebuke you, and set them in order before your eyes." Psalm 50:21


Many have been crying out for revival, for an unprecedented move of the Spirit of God and He is answering! Our prayers have brought us to the precipice; the place where we must be focused and have a sure footing. We are gathered together here as one. To be distracted and uncommitted at this precipice would mean our death. We stand in anticipation of the greatest visitation the world has ever known, but it begins with a purifying of His church, a commitment to love Him, His body, and the lost.


The earthquake and tsunami in Japan are being used by the Lord as a wake-up call to the church. Many have lived in a spiritually sleepy state, so consumed with their own lives, that they have forgotten the Lord "freely gave" to us, so that we could "freely give" to others.  (Matthew 10:8) This isn't a time for spectators or those who cower in fear, but for action. We have become a church in name but not in power and that is about to change. He is looking for radical lovers who are not as concerned about self-preservation as they are about being an extension of Him in the earth. Whether it's through intercession, financial giving, evangelism, or any other way He shows us, we must rise up and be who we are called to be!


This coming visitation comes with a serious call to return to our original mandate in the earth. However, as we forsake all other idols to fully follow Him, we will find why He calls it the, "greatest visitation of the Spirit in history"; it is because it will be the catalyst for reaping the harvest!


I leave you with His words once more - "The church is standing at the precipice of the greatest visitation of the Spirit in history."




Gretchen Rodriguez

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