Harvest Glory Belongs To You! by Joshua Mills

By Joshua Mills

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Did you know that a seed of Glory always produces Harvest Glory in your life?


Several weeks ago as I was ministering at a conference in Tampa, Florida, the Lord gave me a spontaneous new song... this song came with a revelation about the power of the seed.  From within my spirit I began singing "As I sow to the heavens, God sows to the earth... it's a seed going up, but a harvest coming down!"  God was not only reminding us about our seed, but also reminding us to keep our eyes and expectation ready for the Harvest!  How often have we sown our seeds of time, giftings, anointing, finances, praise and devotion and yet we have not spent time focusing on receiving the harvest that those seeds produce.


Jesus also used this illustration: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough." (Matthew 13:33, NLT)


You MUST recognize the potential within your seed.  You MUST expect your HARVEST.  God wants you to experience Harvest Glory!


In my experience, I have always discovered that the Glory of God is the realm of abundant provision and supernatural INCREASE - when I've sown into this realm, I am no longer limited to natural supply - but I enter into a place of divine surplus.  You can enter into this place as well.


Your seed gives you access to the Harvest... but you must perceive it!


In times of lack your seed is the most powerful weapon over the spirit of poverty!  Your seed gives you access to the portals of plenty... Your seed proves that you honor God's Spirit of all-sufficiency and not the withholding spirit of insufficiency.


Throughout scripture God places significant importance upon the seed.  God values the potential of the seed (Galatians 6:7)... God honors the possibilities of the seed (Proverbs 11:24)... God trusts you with a seed in order to trust you with the harvest (2 Corinthians 9:10).


Your seed honors the anointing of God in another person and allows that anointing to be imparted into your life... it ushers you into the presence of greatness! (Proverbs 18:16).  Your seed gives you access to realms of unstoppable increase!


The Power of Sowing


We believe in the power of sowing.  We believe what the Bible says is true.  We believe that as we sow generously, we will also reap accordingly in the same way.  At times, we have had to sow in such a sacrificial way (even when it seemed impossible) because we knew that the rewards for sowing would carry us much further than we had ever gone before.  An "impossible" seed releases "impossible" miracles!  Something the Lord has shown us is that if we're not satisfied with what we are receiving... we must check what we have been giving!


In my experience, the only way to overcome a withholding spirit of lack, is to confront it directly with an extravagant spirit of generosity!  God honors integrity... God honors His Word... He watches over it to make it happen! (See Jeremiah 1:12)


Your seed is an investment towards your future... Your seed today is the bridge that connects you to realizing your dreams tomorrow.


We love you and we want to see all of you flourishing and INCREASING for God's Kingdom to be expanded throughout the earth.  I want you to experience greater Harvest Glory than ever before!


·         Harvest Glory fills your home with peace, protection and provision

·         Harvest Glory fills your life with divine appointments and connections

·         Harvest Glory will give you heavenly perspective and vision

·         Harvest Glory releases miracles and breakthrough where you need them most!


It is my prayer that during this month you would have eyes to see the Harvest Glory as you sow into that realm.


A Miracle Seed Planted in Miracle Soil Always Produces a Miracle Harvest


Your seed gives you access to a better future!  Your seed becomes the catalyst of transition from your current condition.  When you release your seeds of glory it will cause a perpetual harvest of Glory to be released into your spheres of influence (your family, workplace, business, community, etc.)  A seed contains what you need, but it must be released in order for the fullness to be received.  Miracles come to those who are willing to trust God and His Word.  Let God give you a vision of Harvest Glory!  His dreams for you are much bigger than the dreams you have for yourself.


This morning I woke up thinking about your harvest.  My spirit was leaping inside, as the Lord clearly showed me the Harvest Glory He wanted his people to walk in!  And He gave me this scripture:


"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)


When you truly believe that Jehovah Jireh receives your seed... fear is gone and supernatural provision takes over.  Your seed is powerful... Your seed releases potential... Your seed creates miracles... sow into the glory today!


Joshua Mills



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