How Do You See Your Future? by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
HOW Jesus is taught to us makes a big difference! Many wrong doctrines have infiltrated the Church. And many things are not "fixed" in just a day or two. I had one of my sweet FB friends ask for prayer for a location transfer.   And I had a prayer request like that of my own a while back.   I pursued it and then the Lord spoke back and said to me it was not about the location!   "I" had it all figured out, you see!   He instead asked me what was I called to DO?   I had wanted my personal comforts as the priority over His will!   But my "comforts" were not HIS priority! 
How Do You See Your Future? by Pam Clark
Ebook/E-Study Guide
By Jeremy Lopez
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HOW Jesus is taught to us makes a big difference! Many wrong doctrines have infiltrated the Church. And many things are not "fixed" in just a day or two.
I had one of my sweet FB friends ask for prayer for a location transfer.   And I had a prayer request like that of my own a while back.   I pursued it and then the Lord spoke back and said to me it was not about the location!   "I" had it all figured out, you see!   He instead asked me what was I called to DO?   I had wanted my personal comforts as the priority over His will!   But my "comforts" were not HIS priority!   
Obviously, some negotiations were in order!   LOL.   It wasn't a crime, but it was a needed understanding.  He will still hear my prayers and desires willingly.  But more and more I see that there are so many "doctrines" and "teachings" that focus more on appealing to US than to Him! 
Everyone wants to be liked, to look good, to have favor, to have more, be it money or something else, we like "things," but we don't even realize we are wanting those "things" more than Him!  
We feel quite justified in our requests because they are about "US”, and didn't He die to save US?  Can you see how this can get off?   I had to discover this about myself before I could even share it with others.  I too, realized that I had been hearing and even swayed some on wrong doctrine.  
And so, when it is all about "US", then we turn legalistic and accusatory of others for not following "the rules", because we falsely believe it is about OUR happiness and OUR will more than His!  In other words, we have gotten off doctrine from what actually WORKS.   We don't "say" that it is all about us, but we live that!  But we do think that our "favor" is very important, and won't we just "die" for Him?  Well, apparently not!
And so, the devil foments the flesh to react in many ways that are not to our benefit.  And he is quick to encourage the nature of the accuser which is him!  And that can lead to wars of many kinds of destruction.
We are a new creation!   And we need to discover that and cooperate with it!  Doctrine is important and many just want high fashion, big bucks, and everyone's love for US, and forget that Jesus said that the love of money (and desire for fame) is the root of all evil.   Because what do you do with the money?
How many places do you SEE God in charge?  Certainly nothing like what it has been for many of us in the past, when the fear of God was seen and noticed in our land!   For example, the govt!  - in the ways people treated each other, for proper law and justice, for things that demanded good will!
The Core Seed of Jesus
It's just not there like it used to be.   And we lament but find it hard and challenging to get off of the wrong doctrine.   It's pandemic and very deadly!
But that core Seed of Jesus is still in many and we need to tend that before we die.  I'm like the rest, I can get good at letting you know or imply MY will and what I want.  But I am also missing Jesus when I do that.
The Lord asks, are you doing WHAT He wants you do?  Are you finding HIS rewards?  Does facing death soon answer all your questions?  You can get those answers and have no more time!
Yes, I like the comforts and I do try to seek the comforts that help me do what HE wants.   There is a difference!  But He has an Order that will bring out our best life, with His eternity in Mind!   And the reunion with our loved ones and a path for healing and many restorations.
Let's all ask what does HE want?  Who does He want us to be?   Let's seek the healing that once made America wonderful.   Not mass chaos and confusion, drugs and murders and violence with destructions all around.
We need You Jesus!
Pam Clark

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