The Power of Visualization by Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt

By Barbie Breathitt
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Take a mental picture of where you are right now. Then take another depiction of where you want to go or what you want to achieve in life by a specific time, date or age. Every area in your life affects the other aspects of your life. Finances are an important part of life so it is necessary to save for and invest your time, vigor and money in your future. In order to live a spiritually balanced life of excellence it is important to formulate a comprehensive vision for every aspect of your life. These areas include but are not limited to your work or career choices, investments and savings, health, personal and social relationships, recreation, exercise, and finally retirement in your golden years. If you plan correctly you will be able to retire while you are still young enough to enjoy life. Without a visionary plan mediocrity sets in to steal your potential.
Do you enjoy prosperity and the finer things of life? Or do you feel like you are doomed to remain poor, mediocre and subservient? Jesus prayed that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers by keeping Christ the central focus in your life. If you will create a vision board with pictures of your greatest calling, hopes, and the type of cars, houses, vacation spots, life partner, friends and desires displayed some day they will manifest. A dream wall can serve a very useful purpose. At first it may seem to be a little illusory because the picture images on your wall do not exist in your real world at the moment. But they are real because they exist in the desires of your heart and mind. If you display them, plan and pray about them, with a lot of hard work, they will materialize and become tangible because they are activated by your faith.
Who are You Becoming?
What is most important is who you are becoming in the process of achieving life's goals. On your journey you will overcome many roadblocks. Quickly quiet the negative thoughts in your head. Continue to remove every obstacle that arises to master the trials of life. The process that leads to success starts with visualization. Find or create a specific colorful picture of your dreams. If your dreams remain a misty vapor they will not inspire results and you will lack incentive.
Visualization is a powerful tool. Researchers have proven that the chemicals and mechanics of your brain cannot discern the differences between the faith realm and the concrete realms of reality. College students who used visualization to accomplish an undertaking ahead of time were 98% successful when it came time to perform that specific task in real time. Those who had not prepared by visualizing their upcoming test only had a 50% success rate. This simple example clearly demonstrates the power the imagination possesses through visualization. The power of visualization will help you develop your ability to achieve any goal.
Visualizing Your Dreams
Take time to picture the landscape of the yard to your dream home. Sit by the pool look over the valley from your mountain retreat or beach resort. See the furniture you dream about replacing what you currently own. If you will visualize your goals as having been successfully completed, the brain will capture those images as a memory. It is easy to plan for what has already manifested or taken place in one's mind. The person who dwells on negative thoughts and images allows fear to destroy their hopes and dreams. Instead focus your faith on the promises God has given you, as well as your hopes of achieving your goals. Use visualization to picture success being obtained so that a brilliant future will materialize to fulfill your life.
It is important to visualize your dreams. Write them down; record them to give your vision longevity. You must make your dreams a reality before you can accomplish them. The reason people never achieve their dreams is because they fail to write them down so they can be seen clearly. The process of completing a vision takes a lot time and effort. For example take the old polarized camera, the snapshot takes just a second; but for the picture to totally develop, it required a good amount of time for the process to reach its maximum clarity with all the colorful details that enhanced the crisp images. When your vision becomes clear, no one can take it away from you. Let your God given vision consume your five senses until it becomes part of you. Allow yourself to hear it, see it, taste it, smell it, and feel it, until you achieve it.
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt