Can You Define Your Deepest Convictions? by Chase Butler

By Chase Butler
What are you truly convicted about? I'm not talking about what rules or obligations you feel like you should uphold to be a good person. I'm talking about at your core, what are genuinely convicted about? I was listening to a podcast with a guy who interviews hundreds of new candidates a year for jobs. One of his main questions is what I just asked you. He said he can learn a lot very quickly about a person. Most people, he claims, don't have a great answer. I think we all have a script we can upload, based on our upbringing, our experiences, our religious affiliation. When you sift past the easy answers, though, what do you find?
Can You Define Your Deepest Convictions? by Chase Butler
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What are you truly convicted about? I'm not talking about what rules or obligations you feel like you should uphold to be a good person. I'm talking about at your core, what are genuinely convicted about?
I was listening to a podcast with a guy who interviews hundreds of new candidates a year for jobs. One of his main questions is what I just asked you. He said he can learn a lot very quickly about a person. Most people, he claims, don't have a great answer.
I think we all have a script we can upload, based on our upbringing, our experiences, our religious affiliation. When you sift past the easy answers, though, what do you find? I've thought long and hard about this and think I have it boiled down to three things for myself, followed by my practical application.
All People are Created with Dignity
There is no greater commandment than to love God and to love your neighbor. "Neighbor" is everyone: friend, foe, stranger. Why? Because all bear the image of the divine, and existence in and of itself is a miracle.
So now what for my life?
I will greet each person with love. I will look to the needs of others. I will stand with those who cannot stand for themselves. I will push back on any ideology that marginalizes a group of people. I will not violate the consent of or create suffering for another person.
Continuous Learning
We have airplanes that can carry us from continent to continent, and we have a system of ethics that now understands it to be wrong to enslave another person. If we don't keep learning, asking why, questioning our assumptions, we will not grow or make progress.
So now what for my life?
I will utilize my abilities and resources for the betterment of our world. I will ask the questions others may shy away from. I will always ask why we do something the way we do it. I will commit to continuous improvement, and that begins first in my own heart and mind, even if it means admitting I was wrong.
God is the Ground of All Being
Regardless of what you believe or how you call it, there is a force that beckons us all towards love. It draws you in and gives you life. It brings hope to suffering. It is the great Mystery from which all comes and all returns.
So now what for my life?
I will invite others into the peace that comes from submitting my life to something greater than myself. I will be ready and present for the dialogue that seeks the deeper things. I will continue to explore without bounds the mystery of God. I'll share this journey with those I come into relationship with and those who are willing to read along.
So what are your deepest convictions? I would be curious to know in the comments or a direct message. It's important to know. From our convictions flow our actions, and our actions will change the world around us, for better or worse.
Chase Butler