Where do We Go from Here by Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake
Where do we go as a Church? Today, we hear the Spirit of the Lord clearly say, "The future is in your hands!" On this New Year, let's consider what are some things that must be done to revitalize the Church? Where do we go from here? We must build out koinonia – our togetherness. Our connectivity must cross all pre-defined boundaries – past theological differences, past polarized partisan dogma, and beyond gender and racial divides. Probably none of us agree on very much on doctrine!! Could we be straining at the gnats?
Where do We Go from Here by Dr. Kluane Spake
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By Larry Sparks
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"Where do we go from here?" That was the title of the last book by Dr. Martin Luther King. Most of us are still faced with the same question – 50 years later!
Where do we go as a Church? Today, we hear the Spirit of the Lord clearly say, "The future is in your hands!"
On this New Year, let's consider what are some things that must be done to revitalize the Church? Where do we go from here?
Togetherness and Connections
We must build out koinonia – our togetherness. Our connectivity must cross all pre-defined boundaries – past theological differences, past polarized partisan dogma, and beyond gender and racial divides.
Probably none of us agree on very much on doctrine!!
Could we be straining at the gnats?
The future of the church demands that we decide to gather and not separate. We need to appreciate others even though their views are somewhat different. UNITY DEMANDS DIVERSITY – the eye cannot do what the ear can do.
Koinonia (fellowship, unity, communion, and common good) is the glue that holds us. Unity is what is important. It was the final prayer of Jesus in John 17 that we be one. The tense of the Greek and the power of His declarative words means that unity exists here on earth now – we must apprehend unity - and realize that it is ours to walk out. Unity is not coming, it is here for us to have.
Discern the Difference Between Prophetic Truth and Divisive Political Opinion
This point may seem to be contradict koinonia, but koinonia can only exist in Truth. We must anchor ourselves in truth and not party affiliation. Shake off the hypnotic mantras. Just because a famous person says something, doesn't mean it is for you! Discern. Detect. Recognize Truth.
We don't have to agree on doctrine (as above), but we do have to agree with Truth. That means we must stand and prophetically declare Truth, which may sometimes be in opposition to much of what is being touted as "Ecumenical agreement." Stand & speak.
Go Deeper Into the Disciplines of Faith
Living in this chaotic times demands that believers continue to be grounded in the Word. Each one must learn to "Act without Reacting!" Isaiah 33:6, "And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure."
We must reclaim the purposes that Jesus died to give us. The Kingdom is already ours to build.
The Revealing of Christ
The longer I live the more beautiful the Gospel expands. There is a lot of room for variance – we are all on our own journey to Truth. Each of us has a different aspect and awareness – each of us resides in a different location in our perception.
My understanding is that the new creation in Christ will continue to gather together His Global Body into the reality of one incarnation of His image and Likeness, forming an earthly manifestation of Him on earth. This is God's ekklesia in every ruling jurisdiction in the earth.
Dr. Kluane Spake