Finding The Whole Truth by Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake
Many actually see nothing wrong with how things have been going on. This confuses me. The Church is divided in many ways. It is fractured by personal opinions. With few exceptions, leaders know the church is declining, but they don't want to change their old mindset to find greater truth that would stop the decline. One major problem is the lack of believing Present Truth, the lack of teaching Truth, and the lack of searching for Truth. The question is, would you change your belief system in exchange for Greater Truth? Jesus became weary. He had been looking for her. He walked all the way to Samaria – because of TRUTH.
Finding The Whole Truth by Dr. Kluane Spake
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Many actually see nothing wrong with how things have been going on. This confuses me. The Church is divided in many ways. It is fractured by personal opinions.
With few exceptions, leaders know the church is declining, but they don't want to change their old mindset to find greater truth that would stop the decline.
One major problem is the lack of believing Present Truth, the lack of teaching Truth, and the lack of searching for Truth. The question is, would you change your belief system in exchange for Greater Truth?
Jesus became weary. He had been looking for her. He walked all the way to Samaria – because of TRUTH.
To tell her truth, and we'll talk about her more later. 
Ask anyone today, "What is truth?" and you're sure to start an interesting conversation – even a combative one! They say, "Truth is the Word of God" – which really means, "How I interpret the word of God."
Still, the only interpreter of what is known as Truth is our explicit revelation of scripture. Do we search for why it was written? To whom was it written? What was going on at that time? What did those words mean to them? 
The concept of truth has clearly fallen on hard times, and the consequences of leaving church because of a lack of trust. Who can you trust without truth?
Just like the Apostles were blinded by racial inequality when Jesus went to Samaria, we cannot fully see the intentions of God.
Everything we hear on the news is tarnished one way or the other. Over school opening or not – protesters line up against opening schools and against closing them,
We divide radically over political opinions - division over how Christians must vote - actually saying you will not go to heaven if you don't vote this way, or if you don't agree with me. That's NOT the Truth.
Confusion is multifaceted; many believers are polarized because of political ideology.
What is Truth?
Before his crucifixion, Jesus answered Pontius Pilate, "to this end was I born, and for this came I into the world, to bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice. Pilate then said unto him, what is truth?" (John 18:37-38)
Pilate, the man who handed Jesus over to be crucified, turned to Jesus in his final hour, and asked, "what is truth?" It was a cynical question
Pilate stood beside truth. Pilate asked, "What is truth?" Truth looked deeply into Pilate's eyes!
Pilate asked, "Don't you know that I have power to slay you or give you life?" but, truth did not respond in an expected way. Truth replied, "You could have no power at all against me, except it were allowed you from above...." (John 19:11)
Your words have value and weight when you speak Truth. When we are in division, words mean little. 
Why do you think that every prophecy in the Bible is about now and the USA?
TRUTH IS not NECESSARILY what some people preach or what someone PROPHESIES – OR WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE BELIEVES!
It's not USUALLY a majority opinion or a subjective response.
The Truth
How can we reliably recognize TRUTH when it appears? TRUTH SETS YOU FREE (John 8:32), (John 14:6). Jesus did not say, "You shall know "a" truth" or "any truth" but "THE truth." He's the embodiment of all truth
MANY have CAST OFF RESTRAINT, spewing hatred, violence, and destruction just because their belief is different than yours. 
  • Do you criticize whatever does not agree with you, or refuses to yield to you?
  • Do you ever suppress truth or choose only to say what would promote your own agenda, at the expense of others?
This was the answer to Pilate, truth allows humans to have power - or not. Hebrews 11 tells us that Jesus is the one by whom the world consists.
He holds all things together. He is the reality of this world and it is from him that the world draws all subsistence (Heb. 11).
Truth creates the only Kingdom substance of genuine life.
Jesus told Pilate that if we are of truth, we hear his voice (John 18:39).
Many believers are like Pilate who hear the words of Jesus...But not the truth of his voice.
Divine truth spoke from another realm, not from any traditional reality that Pilate knew but to bring him into greater understanding.
Truth did not flinch when Pilate asked the Jews who should be crucified (v. 38).
Even though Pilate actually believed that Jesus was innocent, he washed his hands of responsibility and made a political choice to free Barabbas instead.
At that moment, the SILENCE of Jesus became the most resounding response. This silence came from a Sovereign dimension.
  • Has there ever been a time when you've been falsely accused? There was a time when people accused me of doing things that never even happened. Received statements online° liar, demons, or statements like "Your words like this blew up twin towers." Those are just a few I have received.
What can we do? After we speak truth and present the facts, silence becomes our only defense. Truth stands.
Silence surpasses all that we have discovered.
YOUR DOCTRINE IS ONLY A PIECE OF THE WHOLENESS OF TRUTH. Right now, there is an ongoing and proceeding Present Truth being continuously released.
  • Do you want the whole truth?
  • The constant question is, will you lay down your narrow glimpses of what you think you know and find whole Truth?
The Greek word for Truth is Aletheia AL-LAY'-THEE-AH. Biblical TRUTH IS A CERTAINTY WITHOUT DECEIT OR FALSEHOOD. It is the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident." According to Martin Heidegger, it also means factual or reality. The example is given how a statement that a tree is sprouting" is true, that is, correct, only if the tree shows sprouts. Since what is hidden is no seen by someone, truth is the UN-hiddenness of "things" also entails their actual or potential VISIBILITY to someone, or someone with an understanding of what is emerging – the presence or existence of something.
Jesus told Pilate that if we are not OF the truth, then we won't understand or recognize the truth.
God is seeking constantly for you – that you have a kind of wholeness.
We will continue this article soon!
Dr. Kluane Spake