True Ministry by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
Prophets are called with a Biblical job description, but they are also called with a personal mandate from the Lord, if they are real ones. You could also call that an assignment, often many assignments, but at least one. And they are still "regular people!" - meaning that they have all the human emotions and feelings that others have, but God puts an imposition on their life. That imposition is meant to be an honor, but many don't want "that" honor. But it's no different in the fact that nobody can completely control their life.
True Ministry by Pam Clark
4 Ebook Series
By Jeremy Lopez
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Prophets are called with a Biblical job description, but they are also called with a personal mandate from the Lord, if they are real ones. You could also call that an assignment, often many assignments, but at least one. And they are still "regular people!" - meaning that they have all the human emotions and feelings that others have, but God puts an imposition on their life.
That imposition is meant to be an honor, but many don't want "that" honor. But it's no different in the fact that nobody can completely control their life. You may die tomorrow, become injured or disabled, or surprisingly get a big, unexpected inheritance! Surely, we say "Give me the money!" but that may not be the will of God for you! Learning to deny yourself may be the greater thing! You are NEEDED!
All of your life, prophet or not, or other gift ministry, is not by your choice, but as the Spirit wills. (1 Corinthians 12:11) And if you know the Bible, you know the PURPOSE of that gift and calling and even your life is to be a ministry to others.
They are visionaries, meaning they have been given a gift of "seeing things" in a multitude of varying ways, which means they are not all identical, but they carry the assignment to lift up the Lord and speak to the people. Their message is a supernatural one and that holds a power to which they are accountable for.
There are times they get together, especially at the schools of the prophets, but if they don't go out and accomplish their ministry, they fail God. Prophets are to be educated and corrected at the schools of the prophets, but then go out and BE who they are called to be! God gave a five-fold ministry, and they are not in one location but are out and about ministering in their assigned territories, especially in churches and communities, as servants to His ministry.
Now the prophetic can be a strong gift, just like the apostolic ones, and they are to be foundational for equipping others in their work and callings. They also can be corrective, but the judgments aren't through them, but the Lord. They will be held accountable, just like the Bible says the teachers are, and the others. He is after a good work!
We are not a one rulership body, but ministry gifts IN a Body of people working together to manifest "Christ Jesus in us and through us" where we are, and then out to the city, nation, and world. We do that in an order that should not be political.
We can have incredible influence, even if we are just in a small locale. There is a bigger picture going on and God will select small things for His big purposes! We honor His meeting places - and the Bible says He selects those - but we don't rule over them. We do our jobs as servants for the good of all!
That means we are a team ministry, but our assignments are individually from God. Some of us have a predominant gift with secondary gifts. Some of us have "the flavor" of a gift, meaning a strong influence, but if you are called, you have to seek God daily to understand it. It is work!!! Man is not in charge, the Spirit is.
Are You Making a Difference?
I don't want to exalt the prophetic over the other gifts. Definitely they have their seasons, but so do the other gifts!!! ARE YOU making a difference, whatever your gift is? We are not to have idols! That definitely slows ministry down, because they become roadblocks. If things aren't working for you in one place, seek another but with the spirit of a servant. Some places are just for seasons in the way God is working in you!
A caring hand and prayer in a hospital can be just as powerful as a prophetic word for a group. It can affect the community! An evangelist can get your family saved and that will save the course of your family through generations to come! If you don't know what you are doing because you weren't taught, that can lead to a world of pain and so teachers are important too! Seek them! All matter, for the many different reasons the gifts were given!
I haven't even gone into the value of prayer, but that also must be taught, and there is a lot of teaching to sort through on that. The truth is that prayer is the circulating lifeblood of YOUR walk with God. Help where you can!
Can we miss it? Of course, we can, which is why the message of the Cross is still important. Jesus died for your sins, so you could spend eternity in everlasting Life with Him! But we have to know there is a process going on, and it's not a one-time get out of jail free card.
There are processes going on so that we are qualified, cared for and equipped to succeed. A ten year old may inherit a car but not be prepared to drive it. There are reasons why we have protocols, and we need to understand the things of God and the ways of life. We don't make idols of men because He speaks to US, but we are to appreciate what God does for all of us.
Lift Jesus Up
Life is personal and general. It is individual and corporate. We all matter, and we must become equipped, and ministers are equippers by Biblical definition. But once you find your way to get equipped, then you must go out and reach out and equip others! It is a required mandate! We are a TEAM.
Therefore, it helps us to do our job and appreciate others and the prices they pay and not exalt one over another. Lift JESUS up!!! The Spirit will then come and endorse the ministry. I see so much crazy advertising today for ministers. It can seem to exalt the man or woman but not the Lord! We must get corrected! God is not blessing us like He once did, but He will again, if we get it right. He wants to do us good if we care for others too.
Correction can be hard! But it's about His mission not ours, and in comparison, He wins. But if we let it go, it's our fault. A greater thing is going on whether that message is on a billboard or not! God IS at work, publicly AND privately to correct, to build up, to sow and to reap! He cares! If our faith is true, we know things can get better. Because the real God is a good God!
But we can't take Him for granted. We need to know and learn his ways and share the ministry with all of our brethren and brethren to be. HE PLANS to win the world. Are we with Him? If you are snared, look for the ministry gifts that are missing, because they are!
Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, helps that get you back on track for being productive, administrations, comforts and love and healing, and more! God is not short of people, but we are sometimes short of understanding ourselves. According to GOD, you have VALUE! Don't let the lies of the enemy tell you otherwise.
You just need to find His true ministry.
Pam Clark