The Victorious Bride will Call Forth ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN by Cal Pierce

By Cal Pierce
The Victorious Bride will Call Forth "ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!

by Cal Pierce

As we begin the New Year, we need to ask ourselves a few questions. How does God want to use me this year? How can I be more effective in establishing His Kingdom? Too often, we are looking to what we can get from God rather than what we can give to Him. We won't be as effective in His Kingdom if we are constantly needy. This happens when we focus on what we don't have rather than what do have as sons and daughters.

This New Year needs to be better than our past year. If we move into this year looking to fulfill Matthew 6:10, "On earth as it is in Heaven," then we will bring into this world the Kingdom of God as we fulfill His will. God wants us to have what He has, and He's trying to bring it to us--as we fulfill His will in our lives. Our provision isn't earth, it's Heaven.

In Matthew 6:33, He even says that if you seek first His Kingdom, all you need will be added to you. It's when we focus on the world's provision that we lack. There is no poverty in God's Kingdom. The key to the transference of wealth in God's Kingdom is in doing His will, not our own. The natural man's tendency is to pursue the things of God rather than the God of things. We become needy when we focus on ourselves and what we need.

A Kingdom mindset will move us "beyond" the natural realm. In the natural realm, you determine what you can do by what you have. In the Kingdom, it's not what you have that makes the difference, it's what God has. If Philippians 4:13 is true--we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. The word strengthens in this verse means to empower or enable. In other words, when we fulfill God's will on the earth, we work through Him and He empowers us to bring His Kingdom into our realm.

Too many Christians are lacking God's provision because they know the King but are not aware of His Kingdom. They believe only in a Kingdom that is in the future when the Rapture takes place. Sure, there is a future Kingdom when Jesus returns for His Bride. But there is also a Kingdom that needs to be established on earth and in this hour as it is in Heaven. We cannot have a victorious Bride if she doesn't believe that the Kingdom of God can come through her.

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"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven." Matthew 16:18-19

Without a victorious eschatology, we only believe that we will fail and have to occupy until Jesus comes to bail us out of failure. How can we live in failure when we read Matthew 16:18-19, that God will build His Church on earth and the gates of hell shall not overpower it? In verse 19, we know why we have all authority; it's because we have the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever we loose and bind on earth shall be loosed and bound in Heaven.

When we get this truth absolute into our spirit, we will begin to activate a realm of the supernatural that the Church has never experienced. We will switch from living in the created to living in the Creator as the Body of Christ with resurrection power. This realm of apostolic authority will begin to set in strategies for a victorious Bride to take cities for Jesus.



Cal Pierce
Healing Rooms Ministries
