God Says: Come on Up and We Will Have Fun in Discovery, Provision, and Revelation of the Mysteries of God by Paul Cox

By Paul Cox
God Says: Come on Up and We Will Have Fun in Discovery, Provision, and Revelation of the Mysteries of God

 by  Paul  Cox
Paul L. Cox

"Come Up Higher"

"Come up higher!" The first time I remember hearing these words in a prophetic utterance was on August 17, 2004. Mimi Lowe of Toronto, Canada, received this message:

"Yes, the Establisher is here to establish what He wants to establish. He'll enlarge our spirits to receive all He has for us; higher and higher realms, beyond where we've been, and dimensions not yet uncovered. You will come closer to the glory realm; get ready for lift-off, because you are going up. Come on up. You are not high enough. Angels are waiting to receive you-come on, come on, come on."

Since that time, we have received these words many times. Often the Lord said that we were not high enough. Sometimes He was very specific.

"Space travel, space travel, time travel, time travel, to take you into other dimensions, to take you higher, higher, higher, exploration, exploration, come and explore with us. You can soar, you can fly, come on up, come on up, fly with us, fly with us."

What the Lord Wants to Do When We Come Up Higher with Him

But why must we go higher? Since that first revelation about going higher, the Lord has sent many of His spiritual servants to speak to us about that. Over and over again, He has said, "Come up higher," and each time He has revealed more about higher places and what is accomplished by going there. The Lord wants us to go into new realms of revelation. He wants us to take back inheritances that were lost. He wants us to "rest" in Him so that He can accomplish want He wants to accomplish. He wants us to receive new gifts, new hearts and new minds. He wants to introduce us to new treasures, new anointings, and new places in the spirit. He desires that we receive new gems, new pearls and mantles of wisdom, new perspective, new manna, and new armor.

He wants to reveal secrets of the Kingdom. He wants to take us to places of new levels of intimacy, new levels of protection, and new levels of healing, miracles, and wonders. These new places are places of the revelation of the sons of God and the mountain of the Lord. When we go with Him to these new places there is a deeper cleansing of the land and deeper generational healing. In these higher realms, we are able to dig deeper wells, find new doors of impartation, gain new authority, and develop new levels of freedom, new ideas, new plays, new songs, and new paintings.

I like what the Lord said one day!

"You have not seen anything yet. Get out of the box. Expand, expand. I am a big God. What do you want? What do you want? This is the time to ask. You shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door is open wide for you. Jump in. Jump in. The river is here. Jump in. Healing waters. Healing waters. The angel is stirring up the waters. Receive healing. Receive your healing. All who are lame and crippled, receive healing. The time is now. Harvest! Come on up and we will have fun in discovery, provision, revelation of the mysteries of God. It is fun!"

The Lord was resonating with His word! Revelation 4:1 says, "After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this."

God Said, "You Must Know My Heart"

During the August 2008 schools, the Lord was very specific. He said it was time to go higher still. In obedience we said, "Yes, Lord," we will go higher. I was not prepared for what would take place. Several youth had joined us for the Advanced Discernment Training and Exploration School. One of the youth said, "There is a spiritual chariot here, and Paul, you are to get on the chariot and two of us will be the horses." I climbed onto the invisible chariot and the power of God fell in the room in a way I had never experienced. All of a sudden the tangible fear of the Lord manifested in the room. We were overwhelmed with the holiness of God and many of us literally trembled at His presence. He had revealed an aspect of Himself that I had never before experienced.

Dale Shannon prophetically spoke these words:

"'The battle is fierce. I am establishing My reign and My righteousness on this land. It will not be thwarted! I am taking each one of you higher to a new level. It is the heart of the matter.' The Lord says, 'I love you. My love is greater than you understand. I am surrounding your heart with a new covering, new protection, and a new shield. I'm putting a shield around your heart-around each of your hearts. The enemy has been pulling and tugging at each person's heart and trying to get you to not believe in My love, to not know My love-to doubt My love. But I'm asking you to come up higher, to walk the higher road and know that My love is greater than you understand, and nothing can separate you from My love. Cast away your questions, doubts, and unbelief. Even your anger, don't let it come between us.'

"The picture I see is of a ferris wheel going to the Lord's heart. Each time we go to a new heavenly realm, the Lord puts something new in the wheel, like oil, abundance, love, forgiveness.

"He says, 'You must forgive others because I have forgiven you. This is My way-to come up higher. This is how you overcome-to walk in love, to walk in forgiveness and faith. I am extending My power, gifts and authority. The Rulers have given you new authority. You have wondered what it is all about. It's a new authority; you are walking in a new authority. You must know that, so that you don't go back to old ways. You have been called to subdue the earth, and you do have the authority now. You have the staff. You must know My heart. You must know My heart for the lost. Know My heart for the beaten. Know My heart for the oppressed. That is the fear of the Lord-to know My heart. Let Me pierce your heart with compassion and mercy-not unsanctified mercy, but God-given mercy. I draw you near; like a magnet you are drawn to Me. This is the fear of the Lord. I draw you. You are compelled to come to Me. Yes, there is terror in My holiness. I give you grace to come near-to come higher, to know Me, My ways, My heart, intimately.'

"He pulls us, yet we are afraid to come. It is so overwhelming. How can we approach God in our weakness and our flesh? How can we approach God? Only with contrite hearts, humbleness of mind, with hearts for the lost, and only through His grace. His love compels us to draw near, to not give up. A magnet draws us to Him, by His love, His overwhelming love. He says, 'Draw near, yet take your shoes off, for this is holy ground. Circumcise your heart.' Be ever mindful of the holiness of God. Do not approach Him lightly. You must have the fear of the Lord.

"He says, 'I desire Mercy over sacrifice. I desire justice for the poor, the weak and oppressed, but you have passed them by. Where is the fear of the Lord? You have been too busy to show compassion. Did you notice those suffering when you were in the store, or did you just pass them by? Look to Me, I will show you who to stop for. I will show you who to go to. Ask, and I will show you. I will give you a discerning heart, so that you will know. I desire justice, I desire mercy, and I desire compassion. Ask Me and I will fill your heart to overflowing for the weak, for the oppressed, for the lonely, for the downcast, for the rejected; for I was rejected. Rend your heart. Ask Me, and I will give you mercy and compassion to overflowing.'"

Persis Tiner then received this prophetic word:

"Compassion. My people, who are filled with compassion, make My heart happy. If you only leave here this week with more compassion, you will have accomplished great things. I pass among you and put compassion in your heart. You will see and feel differently. You will see and feel differently. You will be a witness to people as you never have been before. Compassion, compassion; not judgment, not prejudice."

The Fear of the Lord and Compassion-It's Not What You Think!

Word after word came. We had begun the day not knowing where the Lord was going to take us. We followed Him as the Israelites followed the pillar of Fire and the Cloud of His Presence. In obedience, we listened and followed. He was taking us to a higher place. He was instructing us in what He wanted us to do. This was nothing like pastoring a local congregation. While pastoring, I set the agenda. The Lord was telling us that in His true Church, He sets the agenda. He orders our steps. He instructs us and tells us what to do. When the Fear of the Lord is present, then obedience is the only choice.

Jane Green received the next word. Through her the Lord said there would be another prayer. It would be a prayer about the Fear of the Lord and Compassion.

"Thrones are positions. You are Kings and Queens. It is not just position; it is protection. It begins with the Fear of the Lord. It is the beginning of knowledge. For His delight is the Fear of the Lord (see Proverbs 1:7). It is the canopy. The throne is the covering. I sense eagles with trumpets and eagles with trumpets. You are the trumpet for the Fear of the Lord. Write the prayer for the Fear of the Lord. It will change this nation and will change other nations. It will heal families. It will give you rest from all sides. Your new authority begins with the Fear of the Lord. No eyes have seen nor ears heard all that God has. There is new hope in your new position of fear before God. It is the revelation, your new position in relationship to the throne of God. It is His very essence, His very presence. It is His breath. He is going to breathe on you. He is going to breathe on you. It is the ruach, the breath of God. You will find out that the Fear of the Lord is not what you think. There is joy in it. Declare it, trumpet it, run with it, and write it down. It is a new hope, a new beginning. Put your trust in the Lord, and He will do it."

What an unlikely combination of thoughts-compassion and the Fear of the Lord! Yet, Scripture indicates that when we fear the Lord, then we will be obedient! The Dictionary of New Testament Theology clarifies the Old Testament word for fear, phobos.

The Israelites can stand before God in fear and love. God is great, mighty and terrible. Nevertheless, He is gracious to man. Thus we can understand the frequent address to man which passes right on into the New Testament: "Fear Not." God's grace and favor do not abolish the solemnity of the address. It demands man's total obedience. It has to be proven in action, just as God's love is proved. Nevertheless, the motive of fear predominates. The fear of God is the first essential motive in the laws of the Pentateuch. It is the decisive religious factor in Old Testament. (Colin Brown, ed.. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology. Zondervan Publishing House, P, 622.)

When a Believer truly fears the Lord, then out of loving obedience compassion will flow. Unfortunately, compassion has not been a characteristic of many in our generational line, and we have often fallen short of the compassion that the Lord desires for us to express. Lack of compassion has caused a hardheartedness to come down through our family lines. It is time for us to repent of all that has blocked our true Fear of the Lord and expressions of compassion, and again align ourselves to the revealed will of God.

Here is a link to a declarative prayer called Prayer to Restore Compassion and the Fear of the Lord to go along with this word: click here to view this previously posted prayer on the ElijahList.

Dr. Paul L. Cox
Aslan's Place

Email: office@aslansplace.com