Why Aren't Sons Manifesting Like They Should be? by Adam Larson

By Adam Larson

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It's Time to Grow Up


How can we, the body of Christ, expect to grow when we are not getting the proper nutrients that we need?


Ephesians 4:11-13 "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."


Just as the human body needs proper nutrients to grow and maintain health, so does the spiritual body of Christ. Just like the western diet of processed food, wheat, sugar, corn syrup, etc. that is making many people obese, yet without proper nutrition they are starving, even in extreme obesity, so it is with much of the church. They are obese in many things, but lacking the true nutrients of the power of the Spirit. Jesus walked in a fullness of selfless relationship with the Father which allowed for the manifestation of the power of the Spirit in every situation that He encountered. Human unbelief seemed to be the only thing that limited Jesus moving in that power.   How can we walk in what Jesus walked in?  Why aren't we?


Here are Some Insights I Received from the Lord


The Lord has been showing me some things as I grow, repent, heal, love, get set free, and see the error of my ways, pride, etc. I believe the basics of a Christian's life starts with realizing we need Him more and more and more.


The prophetic is a main function in my life. The Lord showed me that true prophetic ministry does not alleviate our responsibility to have a personal relationship with Him or our responsibility to work through the many life issues that present themselves to all of us. (In this life you will have trials, persecutions, tribulations, just as the scriptures state.) Instead the true prophetic cultivates the environment for a deeper place of relationship with our Father, through the Son, by the Holy Spirit.


Many times I see those who are looking for a word or a revelation (which is not wrong when done in the right way) for their lives thinking it will make things much easier or somehow make personal responsibility go away. I find many times people are searching for the "magic wand" from a prophet. "Here is my problem, now make it go away," not understanding that without ever dealing with the root issue, it will only reoccur. When really what they need is the basics of a "true spiritual foundation" with "a personal relationship with the Lord" all being laid firmly in their life. The principles of God are to be followed through with solid teaching and true pastoral care, the whole of the fivefold ministry offices are needed, all working together to fullness.


Jesus had a high standard for His apostles and disciples, He required them to not only be believers, He required them to become disciples, and then He expected them to manifest as Sons.


Lacking True Synergy


In many ways what we have been lacking is the true synergy that is created when the Fivefold ministry leaders are functioning together by the Spirit. Many times we see the fivefold working, but disjointed and not working together. The need for the pastor or shepherd is overshadowed by the hype of the prophet's word, dream or revelation, or the need for the teacher is downplayed by the power of the miracle working evangelist. The wisdom of the apostle is overlooked and negated by the feel good need for the pastor to coddle the insecurities of the sheep.


The key point is that all of the fivefold leaders are needed and have their place; however, we need to see them work together more, and I feel a pull and nudging of the Holy Spirit that this is what the next step is for all who will get on board and allow God to set in place His structure by His Holy Spirit without us fighting against His Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been grieved too many times even by those who know how to flow with Him. It's time to flow with each other in one accord by the Spirit. When this is done we will see the saints grow up much quicker, when this happens we will see the saints maturing and being equipped on a new level and not just chasing the next thing that looks good.


Sons won't truly manifest until leaders function properly, leaders will not function properly until it's not so much about them and their own ministry success.


Where are the TRUE LEADERS who care more about truly equipping the saints than building a ministry?


Romans 8:19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.


Pray for one accord, pray for the deliverance of the church body, pray for Spirit led saints to rise up and take their rightful place. Pray for the Fivefold ministry leaders to mature and be delivered and function from love. Pray that we seek for Jesus, not our self-will. Pray that we build His kingdom and not our own. Pray that our blind spots are made clear.


In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!!!


Adam Larson



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