Lift Up Your Voice, Impossibilities Will Bow by Lana Vawser

By Lana Vawser

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During worship I saw many of the people of God marching around walls, and suddenly I was reminded of the "walls of Jericho."  I saw many had dropped their instruments and there were garments of praise lying over the ground and these ones were so heavy laden and tired. They were still marching but it seemed to be incredibly difficult to put one foot in front of the other.
I saw many facing strongholds and things in their life that seemed sealed up and will not move, many feeling like they are constantly coming up against things in their life that seem heavily fortified.
Many feel like they have been marching and marching around these "heavily fortified walls of impossibility" in their lives and it seems NOTHING moves.
Walls Came Tumbling Down
I sensed the Lord saying "LIFT UP YOUR VOICE AND PROCLAIM MY GOODNESS ALOUD."  No matter how big the impossibility seems to be, no matter how long it has been there without moving, LIFT UP your voice and praise the Lord, exalt His goodness ALOUD.
Keep marching!  Keep moving! He is faithful and will demonstrate His faithfulness to you.
Pick up your garments of praise again! Pick up your instruments and begin to praise Him for His goodness again.
As many of the people of God picked up their garments and their instruments again and began marching around these "heavily fortified walls of impossibility" I began to see cracks appear in the walls. One after the other. The more the goodness of God was declared aloud, the MORE cracks began to appear in these fortified walls.
Then SUDDENLY, the walls of impossibility came tumbling down.
Be Encouraged
I felt many of you needed to be encouraged today! Keep marching, don't lose your garment of praise, don't put down your instruments to lift up your worship to the Lord and PROCLAIM His GOODNESS ALOUD.
Many of you feel heavier and more opposed by these impossibilities this week because THEY ARE ABOUT TO COME TUMBLING DOWN! IT'S COMING!
Don't lose hope! Those "heavily fortified walls of impossibility" are about to BOW TO THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE ABOUT TO BOW!
It's time for the things that have kept you bound and kept you from the blessing and destiny the Lord has for you to come TUMBLING DOWN and the gates of DESTINY open and you will walk right through in confidence.
Don't let the impossibilities or the enemy steal one of your greatest weapons away from you. The weapon of PRAISING and DECLARING His GOODNESS ALOUD!!!!!!!
The "heavily fortified walls of impossibility" ARE COMING DOWN!!!
Lana Vawser