Uh Oh! Can the Spirit Flow? by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
After you are saved there is a God gift calling inside of you that wants to come out and manifest. It's not understood by many yet, but it is the energy that comes when you are born again.  Being born again is when you choose to acknowledge the revelation of Jesus as God's Son and submit to Him as Lord of your life. You believe that God raised Him from the dead and that He will take your life into His Hands with loving care and eternal life. But obviously there is much more that we need to know than just the first baby steps! The first steps are great because there is a lot of peace that comes when we realize we have eternity in Heaven and will be able to see our loved ones again in a better place. That is worth a lot.  But there is still much more!
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After you are saved there is a God gift calling inside of you that wants to come out and manifest.  It's not understood by many yet, but it is the energy that comes when you are born again.  Being born again is when you choose to acknowledge the revelation of Jesus as God's Son and submit to Him as Lord of your life.  You believe that God raised Him from the dead and that He will take your life into His Hands with loving care and eternal life.
But obviously there is much more that we need to know than just the first baby steps!  The first steps are great because there is a lot of peace that comes when we realize we have eternity in Heaven and will be able to see our loved ones again in a better place.  That is worth a lot.  But there is still much more!
You (and others) are a very complex individual.  And God wants to energize every part of your life.  Some in their zeal get carried away, or they come to life like it is the first time, and are very enthusiastic.  They just found a release for the energy that was pent up inside of them.  Sometimes that manifests into awesome things.
When you are born again, there is an energy that starts flowing and obviously your soul will know it many times more often than you mind will.  You will just feel troubled or excited and there is an energy and it will bother others or you in a way where people (or you yourself) will block it.  It can make a frustrated and sometimes angry type of a person.
We don't like those quenched feelings.  So many that were in the church in their early days leave to find their life.  Now this gives others who are in the church a fit because you didn't fit in.  If it is a religious spirit at work, you might feel condemned because you left.  It's sad when that happens because church can be a beautiful, loving and healing place.  Everyone that ever benefitted from the ministry should serve it in some significant way.
More than Sunday Morning
But more is going on than the one to two hours on Sunday morning.  There is a "God man" on the inside trying to develop within us!  In fact, as you really get to know this Holy Spirit, the more you want Him to take over.
Now the Bible is plain with the Ten Commandments that God wants you to gather in holy convocations or in groups with Him in mind as the focus on a regular basis.  You learn your brothers and sisters this way.  You can get "religious" with that, or understand what is going on by that commandment.
Many argue over "what day or time" that should be, but Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.  Let's get the Spiritual order right!  He knew what was ideal to get the job done.  There is nothing wrong with being "regular" with your timing if your heart is for seeking and finding Him.  But you need to "get" what is going on and not be religious and understand that God wants relationship with HIS people!
It's not about exact timing because we are not God!  We just do our best and then look for God to bless.  And it's not about elevating or putting down other people or organizing them in your particular way.  It's a discovery!
And you can't have worthy relationship with Him without some forms of input!  This is why we need all the gift ministries of the Spirit.  We need teaching!  We need prayers!  We need worship and programs of healing and helps.  Even good entertainment.  Some may try to talk you out of that, but they are wrong!  His way is in each and every one of us!  We just have to find it and that is our call and duty.
With mass communications today, it is obvious that there is more going on in life than the corner drugstore hang out down the street.  Today that has turned into Starbucks where people go to get a drink or food and socialize with who happens to walk in.  Those hang outs used to be the place of local news, and other places similar where people would gather along the way while doing daily life.  Even local church was (and is) a part of that.
But technology has expanded our world with movies and documentaries, and news television has widened our vision and made smaller our big world.  Things are just much more "available" and we need to learn how to process and fit in with all that!
People tune in to what they want to hear and tune out what they don't.  But that makes "us" in charge of our destinies and more is going on than that.   Today it is not uncommon for me on Sunday to attend one church and go to several others online.  And during the week I can watch many different conferences or read books and share with friends and Spiritual feeding is just available!
But with all that available and utilized, I still need the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me.  And a lot that obviously comes through prayer and knowledge of the Scriptures.  But I need to always remember that God is developing the total man and not just part of me.  There IS a plan for my life and it is meant to be fulfilling and purposeful - even when at times it seems it is not because I can't see the whole big picture.  My focus still needs to be on the "whole man."  And Jesus needs to be Lord over that - because I believe in His power and His goodness!
Cliques and Favorites
One of the big snares I see in the Church at large today is taking offense at things that are not ours to take offense at.  We develop cliques and groups and share thoughts and opinions and when there are people in groups, things like life happens and not everyone agrees.   People don't always see how God is at work and think sometimes that they do!
We always have our "favorite people and leaders" and make friends and share.  It's pretty normal to do that.  But sometimes and maybe too often, we find that we don't agree with someone or don't understand why they did something and get offended and we share about that.  People need to talk and vent, that is a normal process, but if we take up an offense that is not ours, we join the spirit of the accuser.
The political winds are keen to try and capture that passion and energy and use it for their purposes.  Soon, large groups of people are disagreeing with each other and the energy (that is really the passion energy for our callings) gets stirred up and spent on things that do not benefit, and can often harm us.
We take on offenses that are not ours.  Jesus said, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no."  That is simple and not hard.  But especially now, and especially with social media, we have groups and groups of people creating spiritual wind that debilitates the Holy Spirit wind that we should be walking in.
If we have an offense with our brother or sister, we are supposed to take it to that person.  But if we took up someone else's offense, then often we will not do that, because deep inside we know that is not our business.  Not only do we not know the whole story, we also don't know what God might be doing in that situation since He did not confer with you.  (Or maybe you think He did, and you missed it?)
Spiritual progress will then be derailed because people don't "fit in" - and we are not the real fitters anyway - and the church or the company becomes a place with many strongholds that are not of God.  We will get snared into thinking that we need that "group power" for our thoughts instead of the "yes, yes" or "no, no."  We certainly will not be carrying God's Vision for the bigger picture, and we won't be finding our fit into His program - because we are not doing it His way.
We start to believe that people can't be "trusted" and energy is spent proving points that we don't really own!   Life needs to be simple again!  No, everyone is not like you.  Not everyone is gifted in the way that YOU are gifted.  Some people may have a disagreement and get over it, but yet you are carrying their past offenses and you are the one blocked and blocking.  Get free!
As Jesus...
There is probably a lot less correction that is needed than what is perceived, if we would just do as Jesus said and let our yes be yes and our no be no.  Instead we gossip and look to man instead of the Scriptures which is the Light on our path!  We truly do not know the way to go without that.  We just guess.
Problems that need to be solved won't get solved because people fear sharing their real hearts.  Faith is dwindled down because we refuse to believe in miracles or in the power of God!   We need to discern this subtle pride that is in us that wants to be or feel "better" than someone else.  You are messing with the Cross of Christ when you do that, because He paid the price for each one to find Life and if you block that healing flow and process, you can be seen as on the devil's side!
And even if man's opinion is wrong, God's is not!  We are not going to get into the amazing flow of God's power and grace if we do not understand this.  While in the world your opinion is dramatically celebrated, that power of agreement is not always right because it is not Spirit led.
Passion and energy that is meant for your blessing are being stolen so that you will not find and complete the calling and assignment that is on your life.  But for you, I believe better things!  Let's not quench the Holy Spirit.
Pam Clark