Words of Grace Part 3 by Doug Fortune

By Doug Fortune
"And so it is written, 'The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening (Life-giving) spirit.'" (1 Corinthians 15:45 Amplified Bible My input in parenthesis) We are no longer just living souls, through our relationship IN Christ, we are Life Giving Spirits! I am a firm believer that as Life Giving Spirits our words can create "realities," or "aions" in Greek. "By faith we understand that the worlds (aions) [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible." (Hebrews 11:3 Amplified Bible)
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By Doug Fortune
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"And so it is written, 'The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening (Life-giving) spirit.'" (1 Corinthians 15:45 Amplified Bible My input in parenthesis) We are no longer just living souls, through our relationship IN Christ, we are Life Giving Spirits! I am a firm believer that as Life Giving Spirits our words can create "realities," or "aions" in Greek. "By faith we understand that the worlds (aions) [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible." (Hebrews 11:3 Amplified Bible)
Science bears out the truth of this verse as quantum physics is discovering that everything that has substance, at its' most elemental form, is energy waves/vibrations. So the things we see all around us are made of things that are unseen, as God spoke (energy waves/vibrations) things into existence in Genesis. Our words also are energy waves/vibrations that speak "realities" into existence.
How I wish I had understood these truths when my children were young. Granted, by the grace of God they have all turned out to be outstanding individuals as adults, but I would have parented differently. At that time, all of the "Christian parenting" thought was geared toward the principle of discipline. (And yes, discipline is a necessary ingredient in parenting.) However, character is not formed through discipline, character is formed through relationship.
The same is true in our interaction with those around us who do not know Christ. All too often we attempt to bring "discipline" to them by imposing our set of values upon them. This generally only results in them feeling "judged" by us, and subsequently they avoid interaction with us. Remember, character is not formed through discipline, character is formed through relationship.
Manifesting Grace and Mercy
Rather than create a "reality" that communicates feeling judged, not measuring up to our "values," how much better to create a "reality" that manifests grace and mercy?  A "safe" environment where people can open up and share without fear of rejection? I believe that there are at least a few erroneous beliefs that fuel our attitudes and actions. We think that our acceptance of them as a person will somehow appear as an "endorsement" of their bad behavior...this thought is based in fear. Then there is the inherent need that some have to "fix other people," a thought based in control issues. There is also the hyper-spiritual fear that they will "rub off on us," that a "spirit of this" or "spirit of that" will attach itself to us and we will end up like them, once again, a fear based erroneous belief. Then there is the potential embarrassment of guilt by association.  If you associate with "them" then you must BE one of "them." It is easier to portray an attitude of "pseudo-holiness" that drives them away, so we don't have to deal with the "uncomfortableness" of their raw humanity.
"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God..." (Hebrews 11:3) I love the thought that this verse conveys...The worlds, "aions," realities, were framed by the word! The word translated as "framed," katartidzo in Greek, means to render, to complete, to mend (what has been broken or rent), to repair, to fit out, equip, put in order, arrange, adjust, to fit or frame for one's self, to make something what it ought to be. Sometimes life gives people "realities" that are poorly framed, not what it ought to be. Although there might be some aspects of our "reality/aion" that may not be able to be changed, we can frame our reality differently. Allow me to illustrate.
I have always had an interest in Interior Design. You know, you can have two identically shaped and sized rooms; one can feel cramped, chaotic and unsettling; while the other can feel pleasing and peaceful. It all depends on how the room is put in order, arranged to fit, or "framed" for it to be what it ought to be. The same is true for our lives. There may be things that will not change; our heritage, our appearance, our physical limitations, etc. However, Father is the ultimate "interior designer" and when we come into agreement with His "interior design" for our heart, chaos can be turned to peace just by how our life is "framed." Any designer will tell you that the right arrangement (floor plan), accessories (decor items), color palate and lighting can "make" a room. So, how do you want your "world" to be framed?  How do you change it?  Words! Remember, words also lead to actions.
Keep in mind that this principle is true not only for us personally, but for those who are in our sphere of influence also. You and I are commissioned to help "frame" the reality of those with whom we have influence by the words we speak concerning them; thus why our speech is to always be with grace.
To be continued…..
Doug Fortune

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