Marriage Trees by Deborah Goodlove

By Deborah Goodlove
This is the writing the Lord gave me this week. There was a man on Christian Dating web site that said the Japanese said a wife is like a vine wrapped around a tree. (A picture of marriage) The tree the man, the vine the woman, she is wrapped around him making him look beautiful. But the Lord said no, same species man and woman, and gave me this vision and writing.
Marriage Trees by Deborah Goodlove

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This is the writing the Lord gave me this week. There was a man on Christian Dating web site that said the Japanese said a wife is like a vine wrapped around a tree. (A picture of marriage) The tree the man, the vine the woman, she is wrapped around him making him look beautiful. But the Lord said no, same species man and woman, and gave me this vision and writing.


Marriage Trees


And I saw two trees

And they both had roots going down deep

And they were together

So together that they united

Bark to bark, flesh to flesh

So grown together their bark nourished each other


Not separate anymore

Their roots intermingled

You couldn't tell where one began and the other ended

They were strong in their entwinement

Perhaps a weaker vessel she is

But of the same species

Not a frail appendage to him

But bone of his bone

Flesh of His flesh

And I saw the trees

And He towered over her

And His broken branches (short comings, heartaches, disappointments) she filled in with new growth

And Her broken branches (short comings, heartaches, disappointments) he filled in with new growth

Full and lush

From a distance you cannot distinguish one from the other

And the storms of life come and blow from different directions

And she is blown into him and he holds her

And he is blown into her and she holds him

And they cling together and weather the storm

Being made stronger in their flexibility to bend

In their ability to lean on each other

In their ability to hold each other up

To be one


Genesis 2:24 (KJV) Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.


The Lord showed me the effects of what's sowed by our speech and actions in marriages.


And I saw words raining down on the trees. From each other, and they were nourishing and rained down tender and caring one for the other, nurturing, feeding, sustaining. This caused growth and happiness for the trees. They flourished!


And I saw others with words raining down and it was toxic, causing withering, shriveling up and death of the other half. As the other half tried to pull away from the toxic rain of words it pulled up root and tore off bark and caused a separation, a gap that grew wider and the words raining down toxic were death to both trees. It was so sad. One had to tear away itself to live to survive to get away. One could not survive united together with out the support of the other. Scarred and gnarled and withered up.


But God sustains us and heals us and tends to us and waters us with His word and His unconditional love. Amen.


I know so many who have not been tended and watered and nurtured.  Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy and love poured out for us. May we water well with our words and deeds sowing life into each other.  Amen


Deborah Goodlove


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