By Jenni Davis
A strange phenomena is happening now in the body of Christ and I amazed at the clarity it is bringing to my eyes- absolutely amazed!


 by Jenni Davis

The Florida Outpouring has been such a hugely controversial issue since day one- leaving many completely divided, confused, paranoid, joyful and/ or hateful. What is amazing to me is that Jesus is very clear that if a demon is expelled, and a disease is healed in his name- it is indeed him doing it. Funny, are we now crediting the devil for healing and salvation's?

I have sat and watched the tongue lashings this man, Todd Bentley has received from the "Super Christians" and have watched the joy of the simple and childlike as they felt free for the first time in years- including myself. That God would use someone who looks like he belongs at my family picnics further proved that he was indeed from God. Someone who, unlike the Pharisees, stood saying God loved him despite himself. NOT that our sin is good, but it is God's to deal with. I praise God for starting his sifting with a man so controversial it could only be God doing it. Just like when Jesus came. Jesus was a man so controversial- many didn't believe him either. However, Jesus is Jesus- God in the flesh- perfect and infallible- and we are mere humans- we will fail. Even Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, claimed no perfection. Do we think two thousand years later we have managed to achieve our own perfection- and man could be flawless like Christ?

No -we are called to let Christ form in us through displaying his love, mercy, and forgiveness.

We are not called to claim personal perfection and Lord it over others- which Jesus didn't even do- perfection clearly means we have learned to love so deeply and unselfishly we would NEVER claim or brag about ourselves or our own accomplishments in the spirit as thought we are better.

If God has taught me anything this last two years of my life is that Jesus is perfect- I am not. Jesus is love- I am not. Jesus is truth- I am not. Jesus is our righteousness- we have NONE of our own. Spirituality and the lessons we will learn are a progress and not one person wakes up the second they receive Jesus- thinking, acting and loving like Jesus. He is walking us through this life teaching us and holding us up. It is painfully being made clear to me much of the body of Christ is ready and waiting to pounce on us and any failure we may have and tear us down as we walk along with Christ.

I don't know one perfect person- and I would avoid anyone who claimed it. What happened with Todd Bentley was unfortunate- but I knew in my heart- he was no different than any of the rest of us. His failings were and are made public. Those sitting at their computers firing hateful words and their sick joy at his sin are teaching the world a valuable lesson as they are completely blinded by and from their own sins of pride. They are clearly Pharisees, claiming to have no sin, as they dance over his trial.

I too have left my heart unguarded much of my life- and have had many emotional crushes. I would be a liar to say I haven't; who doesn't have a favorite movie star who you think is pretty cute, or a friend with a great husband or wife and you say to yourself, "Wow, they really got lucky!" You may say that is not the same, but I assure you it is, any coveting at all is sin- and sin we can be forgiven for. I have coveted a friend of mine's husband (not realizing it) for a couple years because he gives all the bath's to her six kids, and does dishes every night!  I ignore the good things my husband does wishing for some hers does. I know it sounds trite and dumb, but he had blossomed into some dream husband to me in my heart and the Lord has showed me this truth.  Then he showed me her frustrations with her husband which happens to be things my husband does well.  And then I got to take a good look at my many flaws in my marriage; and now I see clearly how the devil uses little things to tangle us up.  But the beauty of it is that once our eyes are opened to his schemes it is much, much harder for him to hit the same spot twice.  Many feel this way about houses, cars, ministries, families, money, looks, whatever. Coveting is coveting. No matter how small or big, it is sin. All are guilty- all.

But the joyful applauding of Todd's coveting is blowing my mind. There is back patting going on and I told you so's. And in my spirit I clearly see the parting of the waters of life and death. The sheep and the goats are being separated. Babylon and New Jerusalem are being brought forth in their truth. The sea is parting.

I will tell you a short story that came to my mind this morning,  I believe God reminded me of it. I live smack dab in the middle of America-far away from all these great conferences most everyone on these websites get to go to. I have a bunch of little kids and can't hop on an airplane and witness all these wonderful manifestations. Every now and then I wish I lived in one of these great places with the great spiritual meetings. But God knows my address and visits where I live, and I have learned and believe that it doesn't matter where we live because he is going to visit us all in a massive way.

The Lord reminded me (this morning) of a great place here where I live - my whole childhood I grew up a couple of miles from Boys Town. For those of you who don't know what that is- it is a massive group home- like a small city- set up for boys and girls who can't make it with their families. They have behaviors or problems that this place can handle. You have never seen anything like it. The homes these troubled kids get to live in are like mansions- they are fed, clothed, counseled, taught, provided with fabulous medical care- and slowly progressed out into the world when they turn 18 or 19. There is nothing held back from these kids, they are rejected from society- but given it all in this place. This place is so impressive people come in from around the nation to tour it. Do you know what their little motto and statue is outside their "city?"

It is this, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother." I have thought about this motto a million times as one of my own brothers has struggled with depression and drugs. My brothers and sisters don't and won't give up on him-EVER- because he is our brother. I don't love him because he is perfect, I love him because he is my brother- he is part of me.  If you look at my whole family (or any family), we all have our flaws- but we love each other. My oldest brother, who has been criticized by some people, for putting up with some of the scams my little brother has pulled on him has actually turned and said, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother." Gosh I just started tearing saying that.

As I look around this sick world, of which I am a part of, I am not ashamed of those who are swimming in sin- I am not mad at them, I am sad and heartbroken for them. I know what it is to be trapped in pride, in my own looks for approval, in the arrogance of my opinions, in an eating disorder once in my life from trying to keep my 20 year old looks as I was having all my children. I honestly don't know a woman who doesn't struggle with this. If we aren't too fat, we are too thin. Or our hair isn't thick enough, or we aren't tall enough, or our clothes aren't chick enough. And men, they are defined by their families looks and how much money they make. And children are defined by how beautiful, athletic and how smart they are. Some super religious think they are spiritually superior living dirt poor with their kids half starving and wearing rags; and they condemn others who don't live that way.  And others think if you are broke you should tithe your way to wealth; and if you are broke you are out of God's favor and blessings. Have we not learned God judges our hearts?  We are condemned for our diets, our music preference, or denomination, or incomes, or looks, our leisure activity, or ways of worship, or having a beer or glass of wine. There is no acceptance, no true love from this world. The only true love any of us has is from God, who loves us because he made us. It is no wonder we grow up sick and unhealthy in the head and heart- we have not been taught to love everyone no matter what package they may come in.

Jesus told us to come out of the world, this sick world in which we live. How do we do it? We lay down our "spirit of the world." "The World" is a spirit opposite of love, humbleness and mercy. It is a spirit of hate, pride and judgment. That is what we are to come out of.

I know what it feels like to be rejected for growing up poor, for being from a twice broken family. I know what it feels like to have family who are homosexual and I love them despite "the world" saying I shouldn't. I remember when I fully came to the Lord I begged him to not make me have to "hate" these people in my life who still live in obvious sin.  I was horrified I would have to turn my back on those I love.  He clearly taught me it wouldn't be love if I did turn my back on them; and if I had, I would NOT have learned how to love.  I know what it is like to see my beautiful brother strung out on painkillers and weed living in his car and not knowing where he is for months. I don't judge him, I love him. I know what it is like to have such a huge, opinionated family that when we all get together everyone is braced for a fight- it is ugly and awful- and I love everyone of those crazy people of which I am a part of. I know what it is like to lose a child, fail financially, struggle in my marriage, and lose my temper. I know what it is like to be tempted and fail, and to be tempted and not fail. And I have learned I gain wisdom either way. Honestly, I have learned much more from some of my greatest falls. Part of learning how to walk is falling. Only then when we are good at walking and gracefully falling, can we help others down the same path towards God.

That is how GOOD God is. And he loves us despite ourselves. He loves us because we are part of him- we are HIS. And I will not tolerate anyone saying any different anymore. I won't be held in the "world's bondage."

This is the love us Christ. No one is too heavy (sin load) for him. He is saying that to Todd and all of us right now and will till the end- "He ain't heavy, he's my brother." He will throw us over his shoulder if we are too weary to walk, or if we fell really hard. When we recover enough, he will set us on our feet and hold our shoulder. I have felt that hand on my shoulder. It is strong, and warm and full of love- and I am confident that despite me- he will not let go.

Many are walking away now from their fallen brother and laughing. My mouth hangs open in shock when I read their words-  Now, I clearly see the deception they are in, and even clearer I once was in that same deception. I praise God for opening my eyes to this truth. I fall everyday in some way or another whether I lose my temper with a kid who spills bleach on the carpet; or when I think a thought that isn't wonderful and perfect- which is more often than I care to admit. I am a sinner. I am not proud of that, but I am. I claim no perfection. I am a work in progress and deeply loved. I am a child of God, and so is Todd Bentley, and so is every other sinner and believer in Christ despite their flawed thinking. Funny thing is so many of us claim to not sin deliberately and Lord it over others and claim to have no un-repented sin, but what about the sin we have no idea we are doing?  The sin we haven't had to deal with yet?  We may be picking at someone else's ticks, not knowing we have a festering group of them on our own back.  God forbid any of us dies before that last tick is off; that would be like saying the cross is voided if our head can't repent fast enough to catch up with our sins.  It is much wiser, and truthful to never go to bed saying, "Good for me, I didn't sin today!"  Who of us knows all the sins a human can sin in heart?

I do not take pleasure in my flaws, in fact I eagerly await the day that I am freed from them; but may I never fall into the flawed thinking of my own righteousness apart from Christ's. I have noticed he has cleaned me up quite a bit, each step I take with him a little more rubbish falls off of me. It is spiritual rubbish- religious bonds and my selfish thoughts and pride.  He has shown me that I may not be able to stop thoughts coming into my head but I can dismiss any not loving as a lie and quickly disregard it.  It is also rubbish of dreaming I have to be "somebody" or "perfect" for some people in this world who don't even really care about me.  Because the truth is if someone really cares about you- they would never say a rude thing against you. The reality of just learning to love others, and not dwelling on their opinions of is becoming my new reality. Life is much easier now, and I am feeling rest. God loves me, and God loves you, even if no one else does. His love and grace is enough.

My heart breaks for Todd right now and rejoices at the same time because I KNOW God will use this to make him an even stronger example of the power of God's love through it. God will strengthen his family mightily. That is clear. Crystal clear. I hold you up my brother- you and your family-in Jesus' mighty name.

My heart breaks for those swimming in the murky water of enjoying this trial and discrediting all his work for Jesus. Those who think themselves infallible and perfect-Falling hurts. I am afraid you will feel it. It will be people like Todd Bentley, and others like him who admit they have fallen, and may just fall again- who will humbly pick you up and dust you off. The Pharisees will walk away from you and leave you for dead when you are on the ground with bleeding knees and a tear soaked face. They will banish you from their "perfect brotherhood- those who are too holy too fall." There on the ground you will find your Savior; and you will be reestablished into the ranks of the humble and thankful.

This sifting or separation will continue until the hard hearted and soft hearted are separated to God's desire. Until everyone has made their decision to hold each other in love- cover each other and our imperfections in prayer (clothe our naked brother) or until the wicked have chose to continue exposing each others nakedness-(pointed out and enjoyed the flaws of their brothers) which is evil. It is evil to expose another's nakedness, it is loving to clothe them.

Jesus said if you love him you will clothe and feed and care for you naked brother or sister. Many have boiled it down to just financially poor people- forgetting about the poor in spirit. We are to clothe each other in prayer and love like Jesus does. This is true love- the love only God can teach us. The kind of love the "world" does not know.

A wonderful insight came to me the other day. I had some time to waste with my kids before a meeting at school so I took them to McDonald's for ice cream. We sat in a booth to eat when a woman came in with her very handicapped child. He was maybe three or four, but looked much younger from stunted growth. He was fed with a tube, couldn't drink even a sip of water. He was in one of those elaborate wheel chairs, was dark haired and had beautiful blue eyes. I sat in my booth with my five "normal" kids feeling like we should all pray for God to heal this child so he can enjoy some ice cream. All this boy could do was shred a napkin, and he took great pleasure in it. Don't get me wrong, I have lost a child and do not think I was any better than this woman for not having a handicapped child- I just wanted her to have the pleasure of seeing him enjoy his life. So I prayed in my heart, and I pleaded with God to give me some anointing to lay my hands on him and heal him. None came, and so I watched them from a distance as his mother delighted over him.   I did not watch with pity, I watched with love for him.

Reality hit me like a ton of bricks as I left McDonald's with my herd of kids running behind me, and she pushed her one boy out. She probably "sees" her child more in one day than I have ever seen any of mine. My life is so hectic and filled with "normal" kid's tantrums and pleasures that I have let much go by filling it with house cleaning, dinner preparation and whatever else I worry about too much. She, with her special child, may even have been insulted if I had gone up and prayed for him. She may see him as a blessing, her heart filled with gratitude that God has allowed her to have him even that long. He, flawed as he was, was her love.


Wow, what an eye opener! I left pitying myself, not her. I learned the meaning of the scripture when Jesus said that a man was born blind NOT because of his or his parents sin, but so the glory of the Lord could be seen in him. Many mistake it for just the healing Jesus then did, but ignore the spiritual maturity that can come from such experience. My prayer was answered that day, someone was healed, my blind eyes were further opened. I had spent way too much time focusing on my pains, sorrows, short comings and failings, and so little time praising God for my many blessings.

I will make a point to watch my children eat their ice cream now; and not yell quite as loud when they flood the bathroom with the hand sprayer. Not to hurry them along- but to enjoy this time while I have them. I do think that God will heal all such children for the glory of His name, but not until our silly, little crippled hearts and minds wake up to what REAL love is. Real love is loving a person so much that their flaws take the BACK SEAT to our love for them. That is a Godly love.

I pray God honors me with the pleasure of walking in that love.

Please read the following passage of scripture slowly, and the summary after. I believe it is God's heart for right now- today!

Isaiah 58:1-14

Fasting that Pleases God

Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins.

Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God.

Why have we fasted,' they say, and You have not seen? Why have we afflicted our souls, and You take no notice?' In fact, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, And exploit all your laborers.

Indeed you fast for strife and debate, And to strike with the fist of wickedness. You will not fast as you do this day, To make your voice heard on high.

Is it a FAST that I have chosen? A day for a man to afflict HIS soul? IS it to bow down his head like a bulrush, And to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Would you call this a fast? And an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is THIS not the fast that I have chosen? (BELOW is God's chosen fast)

To loose the bonds of wickedness, (Christ's love sheds wickedness)

To undo the heavy burdens, (religious bondage and laws)

To let the oppressed go free, (give them freedom of love Christ died for)

And that you break every yoke? (break every lie of demons)

Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, (share love of God)

And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; (welcome sinners like you)

When you see the naked, that you cover him, (cover other's sin in prayer)

And not hide yourself from your own flesh? (lie or deny own sinfulness)

Then your light shall break forth like the morning,

Your healing shall spring forth speedily,

And your righteousness shall go before you;

The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.

Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer;

You shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.'

If you take away the yoke from your midst,

The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,

If you extend your soul to the hungry

And satisfy the afflicted soul,

Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,

And your darkness shall be as the noonday.

The LORD will guide you continually,

And satisfy your soul in drought,

And strengthen your bones;

You shall be like a watered garden,

And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Those from among you shall build the old waste places;

You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;

And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,

The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight,

The holy day of the LORD honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words,

Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father.

The mouth of the LORD has spoken................

The Sabbath or Holy Day surely can't be one day a week- it is delighting in his ways, his thoughts, his love, his heart, his thoughts and living in love EVERY DAY of our lives.

The true Sabbath day of rest is a PERMANENT state of connection of life with our Father. Becoming as he is and staying in his rest daily. It is not to be reduced to an hour of two a week, one day a week in a building.

When we live in the Sabbath, and in the Father- we delight in him constantly and never move out of his presence and rest. That is when the Kingdom of Heaven comes into our hearts and we walk in his path. Abiding in the Sabbath with joy is abiding in the Kingdom of Heaven as we reject our ways, thoughts, opinions, and selfishness and our "own righteousness" daily.

We will walk in love, mercy and forgiveness delighting in covering and clothing each other in love and forgiveness.

We will pick up those who were left abandoned on the side of the road; those who have been left for dead. We will open our mouths and kiss them with the Holy Spirit and let the crystal clear waters of God's unwavering love heal them with his love and forgiveness.

We will not shame them and curse them and spit vile rivers of filth on their already broken lives. We know where we have came from, and wish to leave no one behind.

We will not delight in another's fall, and will lift them up to the Lord in prayer. We will also lift of up our brothers who have not learned how to love. Those who delight in another's bondages and pain- who think it loving to accuse and scorn them for their weaknesses. Those who attempt to shame them into
"goodness" like they think they possess.

The very crippled and maimed they are stepping over now will be their nurses in the future; and they will take no delight in their fall. They will dry the eyes of Babylon when she falls- not her wickedness- but her slaves of hate that were held captive. Those who come out of Babylon will need these "sinners" to bandage their knees.

Only a human who knows the pain of falling knows how to comfort those who fall.

Praise God for beginning the mighty sifting!

Prayers and Blessings to everyone as God's Boys Town is opening up and many will be carried in on the shoulders of their brothers.

I will add one thing to this word for your discernment. I believe the most undisputed vision ever given was given to Tommy Hicks called, "The Awakening Giant." I believe so firmly it is from God I actually keep it with my bible. I will attach it to this word, but I ask you to read it slowly with an awakened heart. I ask you to notice that as God's people went through the world giving the Good News of Christ, some of his workers would fall. But as the Lord showed Tommy Hicks the vision, another person would come and pick them up.

Vision is attached below.

The sea is parting, the slaves are being freed and are walking to their freedom. Pray you are not the ones following behind them hoping to drag them back into captivity. The Lord will close the sea, and the oppressors will drown.

God says in Revelation

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. (all true believers are overcomers) But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Without Jesus- we are all those things above- and if we deny our sinfulness and refuse to repent our spiritual pride we remain with them- we are liars and murderers with our mouths of judgment. If we ever dream we are or have become worthy- we have fallen from grace. The only way to be a true overcomer is to rest your head on Jesus' chest and cling to the cross- as he overcame the world for us- and to let him teach you to love heaven's way- not the world's. His command is to love him and others as he has loved us- unconditionally.


Jenni Davis

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