CHRIST - MASS He Must Increase By Dr. Tim Early

By Tim Early
CHRIST - MASS  He Must Increase
by Dr. Tim Early


Merry Christ-Mass

The MASS-ive Dimensions of the ever Increasing Christ. Christ in Lordship, Preeminence, Headship, Dominion, and Centrality! Christ as HEAD and Christ as the BODY - The Corporate Christ, the Many-Membered SON...

 Beloved, during this Christmas season let us not lose touch or sight {foresight and insight - Hosea 6:2-3} of the most awesome and staggering reality of CHRIST IN YOU, the Hope {expectation, anticipation} of glory {Colossians 1:27}...

 According to John 3:30, HE must increase, that is, the Christ, and we must decrease. Often out of tradition and the passing down of unchallenged phrases and statements, one would say, "I must decrease and HE must increase."  But beloved, how can we decrease without Him first, INCREASING in US? Isaiah 9:7

We hear phrases and quotes like "Self-sacrifice," but how can self sacrifice itself? On the other hand, we hear another rendering, of the sacrifice of self, better yet, DENYING SELF, something higher, more powerful, and more profound than just self sacrificing its own self...

 If self sacrifices itself, then our motive and method is one, as in present reality the Mark of the Beast is simply as follows...

 1 - Right where you work {Mark in the hand, our ingenuity, our own doing}

2 - Right where you think {Mind, Motive, Mentality, Thought life}

3 - Either way, the idolatrous self, the Ultimate "I," {I} Eye Trouble, or the 5 "I Will's" of Isaiah 14..."

If self sacrifices itself, then we are betrothed to the lower nature and existence, not losing the Psuche or unillumined soul for the Zoe {The God Life, the God kind of LIFE}according to John chapter 12. And if self is to sacrifice itself, then it resorts to asceticism, self punishment, a martyr complex, personal mutilation, and a works mentality, all which is rooted in a sin conscience - the man of sin in the temple or Greek, Naos}.

 That is why we must return to the MASS of Christ, the ever increasing CHRIST, Christ in you, Christ Magnified and Christ Multiplied. It is not a matter of us trying desperately to get something from God, or to reach a status of spirituality and heightened spiritual awareness to attain or to ascertain God. But here is truth beloved. God made us to be postured and positioned for HIS unfolding GLORY, to facilitate and to accommodate a powerful anointing, an immaculate conception, and the birthing and pregnancy of HIS kingdom within us. 

Truth is, we are not trying to get where God is, He is coming {Parousia, appearing} into our time {in us, corporately} to pour forth profoundly all that HE has and is into us until the whole earth is FILLED with HIS glory {Isaiah 6:1; Isaiah 11}. For we were built to become HIS habitation through the Spirit, the expansion of HIS mansion {John 14:2}. In one old testament reference, it says "He the Lord, will not share his GLORY with another." To paraphrase this, "He will not share HIS glory with anything less than HIMSELF! According to Psalms 8, "Man is made a little lower than the angels, but in the original, it is a little lower than the ELOHIM." In principle, it reveals all the GOD that man can contain in this earth realm and more...

 Now, many folks, especially in 1st and 2nd day mentality, are trying to get something from God, yet He, the Lord of glory so passionately wants to get something into us. We are not here to merely go to heaven, but to become overflowing containers, conduits, and dispensers of His unlimited glory, to receive of HIS kingdom and to release of HIS kingdom unto a broken humanity. Our position in the Spirit is that HE created us for HIS pleasure and we are to be postured in this to receive and release all that He wants to be IN and Through us, not alone we wanting to just get to God in the sweet bye-and-bye.

 Heaven is invading earth through a people of the Father's good pleasure, a people of HIS passion. We were made for HIS glory as the glory of the Lord will saturate the earth in HIS fullness by we, simply yielding to HIS desire and will, and fulfilling his divine intention and pursuit of purpose. We are to be his desired habitation, as oppose to wanting to get a habitation over in Beulah Land. The coming of the Lord is tied in to the BE-coming of the church, the corporate saints, the multiplied CHRIST in the earth.The natural and the supernatural occupies the same space, and we are IN heaven and IN earth at the same time.John 3:13.

 In John 14, the subject is not about heaven, but a relationship, the oneness of God and man. Jesus says in John 14:2, "In My Father's house are many mansions." The Greek word is "Mone" {Mo-nay} and is the abode of the Lord. Where? In heaven? No! In you! In verse 23 of that same chapter, Jesus says that he and the Father will come into us and make their Abode {same Greek word, Mone or Mansion} in us. Did you get that? We become his abode, the expansion of the mansion, the palace not for man but made for the Lord. Christ ever increasing in us, Christ - MASS, the MASS of CHRIST, MASSIVE dimensions of His grace and glory through the Emmanuel Principle, God for us, with us, revealed in us.

If there is one message which must be proclaimed,  propagated, and promulgated, promoted, preached, prayed, and prophesied during this Christmas season it is the Message of CHRIST-MASS, the MASSIVE Increase of the Christ, CHRIST filling us up unto fullness, overflow, increase, and abundance of who HE is and what HE does.

 The gift of Giving this year may very well be the gift of RECEIVING,  receiving HIS precious Gift of LIFE {Abundantly} in an extraordinary discovery and a most profound way, from a whole new spectrum, perception, reality, and rhythm and dimension of life.

According to John 1:12, "As many as received HIM gave {He keeps on giving, so why don't we continue to receive and release what and WHO he is in us in all of His revealing glory} he the POWER to BECOME the sons of God"...Power to become, empowerment of WHO we already ARE in HIM!!!

 It is one thing for many to exchange gifts one to another, but it is another thing to exchange our strength for HIS. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew {as in exchange} their strength..Isaiah 40:31. They shall do or rather become three essential things in their progression and maturity...

 1 - Mount Up with Wings as an Eagle - 100 - fold dimension...

2 - Run and not be weary {Running because they see just how close they are to their destiny, as if a kid sees his dad walking from a distance and the son or daughter comes running after him} - 60 - fold dimension...

3 - Walk and not faint - walking by faith and trust, not quitting, seeing it yet as things appear to be afar, but they trust in the Lord and walk forward anyway } - 30 - fold dimension

Isaiah 40:31

 So during this Christmas, become CHRIST-MASSED, as He increases in us unto the overflow, and that overflow becomes the gift of life to whosoever will... let him come, or let him BECOME!

 The Gift that keeps on Giving is the Gift that keeps on living, Christ!

He must INCREASE, and we must DECREASE!

Merry CHRIST-MASS to you and yours and have a ONE-der-FULL NEW YOU {New Year begins with a NEW You}! Happy NEW you...

May we enter NOW into our future and destiny as we are perfected for purpose and designed for destiny. We are there now, go ahead and proclaim it. Let the MASS of the CHRIST so increase in us all to the overflowing unto others who are in need of the gift of LIFE...

 Living Incarnationally {Incarnate Christ.} 

Dr. Tim and Theresa Early

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