Crucial Read! God Dream for the Church for Year 2011 by Sharnael Wolverton

By Sharnael Wolverton

So, New Years Eve Night  had a dream that we were living in a dorm room going to a "Spiritual University of Higher Learning."  God said, "It's time to move to Philadelphia and go to the School of Higher Learning there"


My response was "Philadelphia? I need to move to Philadelphia?"


"No, silly," He said "Philadelphia is the place of Brotherly love. It's time my Bride takes what it has been learning and use it IN love (or in Philadelphia) to full brotherly/sisterly love."


"You must move in MORE love with what you have been learning."


Right away, I started packing my stuff from my dorm room, noticing that many didn't want to go to Philadelphia.  They were very comfortable in where they were.  I was sad for those not coming along and wondered what was in store for those moving on.


The biggest task was moving all my art work and canvases.  There were so many.  The Lord once again said, "These canvases are an outward expression of an inward heart, in this move you will have new canvases as you will learn more of me than ever before and be able to have a different expression of me as a result."


He went through each piece of art and could read the frequency, sound and colors it reflected knowing each place in which it was birthed from within me.


He then pulled out a scripture Rev 11:1 "A reed or measuring rod was then given to me, shaped like a staff and I was told Rise Up and measure the sanctuary of God and the altar of Incense and those who worship there."


Worship is a Lifestyle


He continued, "Worship is not a song, it is a lifestyle."


"Today is a time for a measuring of your worship, your hearts attitude towards Me as well as towards your brothers and sisters. What you do to Me and Them is one the same....anything to them is a direct hit to My heart good or bad."


I thought about how that worked for me too, when someone came against my own children, I definitely felt the hit and related to what He was talking about.


He then flashed before me 4 scenes before my eyes.  These scenes were of real life recent events.


  1. About 9 weeks ago a friend of our family, recently quit a job because he found out his boss was corrupt and doing some thing not really up to par.  Our friend is a Christian and didn't feel comfortable at that point and just never went back.


When we saw our friend last week we were inside his car and happened to see that he still had some equipment owned by his boss from the job that he quit from over 9 weeks ago.


I said something like, "Oh, I thought you were not working for that guy anymore?


Our friend said, "Yeah, I'm not." I talked to our friend about him returning the stuff and but he went on about being busy and gas money/time to return it etc and he finished the conversation off by something like, "Besides, that guy's a crook."


I responded nice but firm, "It doesn't matter what he is, what are you?"  I think he got it.


  1. Visiting with my grandmother, she was so excited and making a check out to her insurance company.  I couldn't possibly see what would be so exciting and joyous about writing out a bill! 


She explained, "It isn't a bill, it's a pay back.  I was in that car accident last year and in the accident I lost one of my diamond earrings your grandfather gave me, so I reported it to my insurance company as a claim and they paid me for it.  Well, yesterday, the lady driving the car went into the attic to change out her purse for this winter and in the seam of the zipper, guess what she found?  My earring!  So, I am returning the money sent to me last year for the claim, isn't that great news!"


One of her friends at the table said something like, she thought maybe it was a "blessing" to her since she was a widow and could really use the money and not to return the money, rather keep it.  Maybe God was "blessing" her.


My grandmother's friend went on to say, Margaret, no one will even know! If you don't say anything you can keep the money!


My grandmother wouldn't have it any other way.  She licked the stamp and sent it off with a smile, thankful.


  1. I walked into my little girls room and there in the DVD player was "Strawberry Shortcake!" Again! Man! We actually already went back and forth THREE TIMES now, for this movie and here it was again! 


What was up?  First, we rented it, got home and when we opened it up it was empty!  I guess someone forgot to put it back in the case at Block Buster.


So, we had to drive back and get it. We finally got it, watched it and then, we took it back, but I guess now WE didn't check to make sure it was back in there....because HERE IT WAS in the Machine!?


A couple days went by and it was time to bring it back without getting a late fee.


I sat it on the counter to remind myself to take it back.  An acquaintance stopped by to borrow something and said "What's up with Strawberry Shortcake?"


I said, I needed to take it back to Block Buster.  She said "Where's the case?"  So, I told her the whole thing.


Her response to me was "I wouldn't bring it back after all that.  They would have called you by now if there was a problem, you probably gave them one of the girl's DVDs by have theirs and they have yours guys are even. After all that driving back and forth they actually owe you!


I said, "Well it hasn't been a week yet, maybe they don't even know it is missing I still need to return it." 


She said, "No, they would have looked inside the case the first night, they probably have one of your DVDs. As far as I am concerned you are Even."


"Doesn't sit well with me," I said. "I'm taking it back, it shouldn't be THEIR job to keep my account right.  It is my job to keep my account right.  They shouldn't have to call all over town looking for me making sure we are 'good.'  I have the movie, I know it.  It's on me."


  1. Got back late from Toys r Us.  They didn't charge me for something but I didn't know it.  When I got home, I looked at the receipt and it was off by $5.99.  I called to tell them and hoped they could charge me over the phone to make it easier.  Nope.


Which meant I would have to drive ALL THE WAY BACK TO BATON ROUGE in Christmas traffic to pay something that should have been charged to me but out of their neglect....Ugh!  It would take me at least 2 additional hours to fix this. And I was is Christmas week!  The gas and time alone was worth alot more than $5.99.


My neighbor, hearing this was puzzled.  She is a Christian as well. She said, "Just consider it a blessing!  Free stuff! Seriously, no way would I go back to Baton Rouge over $5.99."  She said she wasn't riding back with me.  She said, "Sharnael! No one will even know." 


Even more frustrated now, I said "Yeah, but I know."


I sighed and got in the car to head towards Toy R Us.


Who do you Worship?


After these 4 flashes the Lord said, "These were all opportunities for ALL of you to show me who you worship. Your acts, your deeds all displayed on the canvas of your life. Do you worship me with your life?  If not, who do you worship?  These tiny acts seem like nothing but yet, they are EVERYTHING. "


I didn't know what to say.  He smiled and said "What?"  I said, "To me it wasn't a blessing, it was just an opportunity to walk out what I know was true or right, even if it cost me."


He said, "As you see, many don't even know what is true or right. Instead they consider it a "blessing" to take what isn't theirs and claim I gave it to them. Not everyone is willing to pay the cost."


I said, "A blessing would have been if I called Toys R Us or Block Buster and they were like, "Oh that's okay, just keep it." Or a blessing would be if I walked in a store and the sirens went off and balloons fell down and they gave me a free spending spree for ...whatever. Taking, it isn't a blessing. If it was mine, they would have given it to me."


I suddenly felt a deep presence on me, I hoped that didn't sound too "know it all" especially when, believe me, I am no where near doing everything right.


I suddenly had a sinking feeling in my stomach and a thought followed, "I bet there are all kinds of things I don't know as true or right....I am probably doing allot of stuff wrong as well. Who knows what I miss every day!?"


As soon as I thought that to myself, He responded out loud with, "I can help with that....that is what the University of Philadelphia is for.... An awareness of what is true and right and walking in brotherly love."


He asked me, "Where did you first know your husband?"


I know He knew the answer, but I went along. "Meridian, I met him in Meridian."


He followed with, "Yes, yes, you met him there but where did you get to know him?"  "Philadelphia," I said.  "And it is there, you will know me, your Husband."


It is there, you will know me more than ever.  You will see what I do and follow me.  You will understand my love for you, my children and out of that, I pray your love for me, yourself and others will overflow like never before.


Missing your Destiny over $5.99


Those who know me would not take from me or my children. I am a generous God and give.  I do not accept this stealing concept as a "blessing." Nor do not accept lies.


He then showed me a Huge Ferris Wheel.  In the center was a sign that said "The Wonder Wheel."


He followed His finger around the wheel and pointed out how it went all around and then said, "What comes around goes's true."


"Many miss their destiny over $5.99"


"Not really worth it, wouldn't you say? For some, it may just be a serious delay....but many completely miss it." 


He looked really sad when He said that and continued, "Wow. $5.99. If I can't trust my children with the little things, how can I give them the big things?"


He then added, "Not to mention that it opens the door to the accuser in the Heavenly Courts."


He took a deep breath and started walking towards the ferris wheel.


"And yet, good comes around too, Sharnael, this is why you have been accepted into this University.  You and many others are invited to come and learn these new things from me, about me, about YOU."


"I open doors no one can open and close doors no one can shut."


He Then Recited Revelation 3:7-13 to the Church in Philadelphia:  "To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:  These are the words of Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open.  I know your deeds.  See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.  I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.  I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars-I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.  Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.  I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.  The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.  Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches


He was quiet now.  Then Ferris wheel vanished and we were back in the dorm room.  Many were sleeping. So many had not even packed to leave with us.


The Highland Hotel


A girl name Grace came along. She mentioned that while we were gone some had decided to stay, some had decided not to go to "Philadelphia's University of Higher Learning" at all and others had chose to go to "The Highland Hotel" instead.


She said, that she had heard it was a really "Ritzy High Place." I immediately went there in the Spirit to check it out.  It was beautiful on the outside, but the inside was a SLUM.


They would not be happy here.  It only LOOKED good on the outside. Inside was dark, old, rusty, moldy, paint was pealing off, bugs


I heard a sound behind me so, I turned. It was Father, He had come to check out "Highland Hotel" with me, even though, you know, He knew what it would be like.


 He said, "This is the hearts of those who look good on the outside....but inside (disappointed sigh)....needs work."


They pride themselves in knowing me and do everything they can to make sure others think they know me, but when the rubber hits the road, all decisions come from inside....and this is their inside." 


He said this while pointing to the mold, grime and total destruction within.  "This doesnt express me at all. These canvases, this life style...This is not worship to me, but worship to another source."


"I so wish they would follow me to Philadelphia, Sharnael, the grace they have will soon lift."


As soon as He said that, we were back in the dorm room again. My stuff was sent off to the new place of "brotherly love" via Angels and the only thing left were the some people and of course, their stuff.


In the far corner was a sight to see. People were panicking standing around in a group by the wall looking down at something or someone! It was Grace.  She was on the on the floor shaking.  It looked like she was having a seizure. Me and some others ran to the sink in the kitchen to get some water from the faucet for her while Father ran to her side. 


There was no running water anymore.  I quickly looked at the Father for help.


You must go!


"The grace is lifting," He said in a hurried troubled voice, "You must go, terrible times are ahead, go to Philadelphia!"


As, fast as I could think it, I was gone. For a flash, I made it to Philadelphia and then as fast as I made it there, I was back in my bed awake from the dream trembling.


I read over the message to the church of Philadelphia in my own Bible over and over (as you should too) and feel this is a crucial time to get our hearts right, repent and ask God to bring us to the place of truly knowing Him FULLY in every way we possibly can in order to represent Him and Shine as we should.


As you read this passage ask Him to show you what it means to YOU!


This is a time to celebrate our opportunity, our move, with Him to Philadelphia.


This is also a time to know Him, His love for us and others, so this love can overflow to everyone around us.


This is the time for us to make sometimes hard, sometimes simple "God decisions" even if they cost us.  This is the time to ask Him to show us His ways. His righteousness.


The word righteousness means "Right standing with God"  This is time for us to be in right standing with Him in every single way.  Even what appears to be little things.


Even if no one else knows, you know and He definitely knows.  Remember, He knows our deeds.


This is a time to Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.


Meaning, make good decisions out of the place of true worship, adoration and love for your King.  No one can take your crown unless you give it up through your own choices.


Choices in our thoughts, our deeds and our conversations. Everything counts. Let me say it again: Every thought, deed and word counts.


This is also a time of restoration for things lost.  For justice in situations where you have had people accuse and abuse you, they, even appear to be one of His, but they are not and they soon will know that YOU ARE HIS and you are Loved By the Father.


Please take these things to heart.


Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


Sharnael Wolverton






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