How to Enjoy the Waves of God's Glory by Jacob Martin

By Jacob Martin
For some time now, we have been experiencing wave after wave of the presence and glory of the Lord.  Along with these waves, we have seen the signs, wonders & miracles that accompany His presence and the preaching of His word.  We have seen things, heard things and experienced things that have just blown us away at the Hope Center and throughout Hampton Roads.  It has been the best wave of my entire life. June of this year we had an encounter with the Lord during a Saturday night outpouring service.  In that encounter He spoke to us concerning the promises of Revival for this region and the fruit that would come of it.  He spoke to us about His Glory sending people to the floor, about manifestations of His cloud and that people would see and the Glory of the Lord being poured out on the East Coast.  I have felt a restlessness in my spirit and a very strong stirring of preparation.  Readiness to receive is our agenda right now!
Let me explain better with a visual picture. Imagine with me if you will being out in Hawaii or Australia, and you are out on the ocean and you have been surfing on the best waves you have ever surfed on.  I mean the most beautiful and intense waves you ever dreamed of surfing on. And as you find yourself paddling back out to where the waves are forming you run into other surfers who have been riding many of these same waves.  And you are all telling your own "mega" stories of your exploits.  And as you are talking, you notice something.  You notice that while you are talking there are other waves beginning to come in.  But because you have been so distracted by talking about the waves you have literally just experienced and messing around with the other surfers, you find yourself not in position to catch them.  So you say to yourself one of two things.  One, you say "I'll catch the next one" or two, "Hey guys this has been fun but I have got to start paddling and get myself into position to catch the next set of waves that are coming in".
New Waves Coming In
The restlessness and the stirring I have been feeling has been just that. I believe that it is the heart of the Father for this region right now.  So many have been touched this year and seen great things.  But as good as it has been, these waves have already crashed upon the shore and there is a new set coming in.  And what we must do is start paddling again and position ourselves to catch and ride this new set of waves that is coming in! 
There is a fresh set of Glory coming into Hampton Roads right now and I don't want to see anyone miss these waves.  So gird up yourselves up and start paddling, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and His Glorious Presence.  It is time like the prophet said, "To strike the ground".  As I am writing this right I can feel His presence blowing in the room and I can hear the Spirit saying, "It is time, it is time".  "It is time for to me to blow fresh and new in this region and upon this ground.  I have watered and prepared this ground and now I will suddenly come in and fill the ground that I have prepared".
The Secret to enjoy the waves of His Glory is to continue to position yourself for more.  

Jacob Martin

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