Victory, Glorious Victory! by Kari Browning

By Kari Browning

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The great Welsh intercessor Rees Howells' last words were "Victory, glorious victory!"


As the epic end-time battle is now being waged and fought, I believe we will also be able to declare "Victory, glorious victory!"  


The weapons of wisdom, love, purity, and unity are mighty and will demolish strongholds and displace principalities and powers.


Nine years ago, Shawn Bolz had a powerful dream while ministering at a church in Dinuba, CA.    In the dream, he heard Jesus prophesy to my husband and I:  "Because you have not tolerated the spirit of Jezebel, you will be dressed in white and will be given the morning star.  You will have authority over it in the region."


Revelation 2:20-21, 26, 28-29 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet.  I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 


To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations - just as I have received authority from my Father.


I will also give that one the morning star.  Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


I felt an affirmation on the message in the dream because I had ministered at the same church in Dinuba earlier that year with Joy Parrott, and it was the only place we had ever taught on the subject of the Jezebel spirit!


Another affirmation came when I had felt compelled to wear white to our meeting the same night Shawn had the dream.  To my amazement, some visitors arrived at our meeting that evening dressed completely in white.  At the time, I felt it was symbolic of being an "overcomer."


Little did we know that after Shawn shared the dream with the encouraging promise, we would be thrust into a long season where we had to learn by experience how to overcome the diabolical spirit of Jezebel.   


Refresh and Refill


Many times, in the aftermath of the battle, I have identified with the prophet Elijah in the Bible.  When Jezebel threatened to take his life, he became exhausted, depressed, and wanted to quit.   In the United States, over 1500 pastors leave the ministry every month.  Although there are varying reasons for pastors leaving the ministry, I believe one reason is that we have not been adequately equipped to deal with warfare on this level.


Elijah ran for his life when Jezebel threatened to kill him.  He was strengthened by an angel and was told twice to "eat and drink."  I have learned that during times of intense warfare, we must take the time to be refreshed and refilled.  The enemy's strategy is to wear us down and attack us when we are physically weary and spiritually weak.  As Graham Cooke says, "Rest is a weapon."  


Snow White and the Huntsman


I recently watched the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman."  This movie is the best depiction I have seen of how the Jezebel spirit operates.  In a time of vulnerability, Snow White's father marries a woman who has a seductive spirit.  On their wedding night, she kills him and takes control of his kingdom.  She has a hatred for men because of past abuse, which is a common characteristic of those influenced by the Jezebel spirit.   She is now Queen and under her reign, there is fear, darkness, death, and destruction.   


The new Queen becomes jealous of Snow White's beauty and eventually tries to kill her.  The desire for preeminence and jealousy are also associated with the Jezebel spirit.  Jealousy is a murderous spirit.  Wherever there is jealousy, there is evil and confusion.


Queen Jezebel in the Bible killed the true prophets of God.  She wanted to be in control.  She used seduction, manipulation, false accusations, and murder to accomplish her goals.


There are many spiritual parallels in the movie and I believe the timing of its release is very significant.  It was written nine years ago but released this year.  It has been said that 2012 is the year of apostolic government being restored to the Church.  It will take both mature prophetic ministry and true apostolic authority to recognize the Jezebel spirit and displace it.


After running from Jezebel, the prophet Elijah came to Mount Horeb. It was there that he was given instructions to anoint Elisha as his successor and to anoint Jehu as king.    It was King Jehu who eventually brought an end to Queen Jezebel and fulfilled the decree that Elijah had made about her demise.   


Elisha was given a "double portion" of Elijah's spirit when he saw his mentor taken up in the whirlwind.  It has been prophesied that 2012 will be "the year of the double."  It was Elisha who instructed the prophet Jonah to anoint Jehu as king.  As soon as Jehu was anointed to be king, he "drove like a madman" to deal swiftly with Jezebel.


If we are to be victorious over the spirit of Jezebel, we must be like King Jehu and deal swiftly with the behavior that is being manifested through anyone influenced by that spirit.  If we don't, the price we'll pay is very high and could mean the destruction of our church, our ministry, and sometimes our marriage or family.


Have a Policy of No Toleration


Those influenced by this spirit will often try to become "best friends" with the leader.   They will use seduction, flattery, control, manipulation, and monetary gifts to gain a place of leadership and influence.  Once they have a position, they will systematically try to eliminate anyone they feel threatened by.  The one operating in this spirit will begin to undermine the leader and sow seeds of discord, with the goal being to discredit and destroy the leader.  When confronted, they will deny their behavior and blame shift.


As leaders, we must repent of any way we have made an alliance with this spirit out of ignorance, or fear, or for political reasons.  


We must repent of any way we have tolerated the behavior.  To be victorious over this spirit, we must have a "no toleration" policy.  


We also must repent of any way we may have compromised in the area of personal purity.  We live in an age where it is hard not to be defiled by the seductive spirit of Jezebel.  It permeates the entertainment industry and our culture.  After being cleansed by the blood of Jesus, we must resolve to live a life of purity with "no compromise."


Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord, Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.


At the end of the movie, Snow White realizes she is the one destined to the throne and she has the authority to defeat the evil Queen.  She rides a white horse into the battle and asks the question:  "Who will ride with me?  Who will be my brother?"

I believe that is the question the Church is being asked today.  The warrior bride must arise and fight against the forces of evil that want to steal, kill, and destroy.  If we do, the Kingdom of Love will be established on earth as it is in heaven.


Victory, glorious victory!


Kari Browning


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