Christians and Prescription Medication by Amy Friend

By Amy Friend
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I am writing about something few have dared to talk about - Christians and prescription medicine.  Many struggle with condemnation from the enemy and even from others concerning this issue. They may feel inadequate, or judged by the Christian community.
Let's jump right in.
Is it okay for Christians to take prescription meds? YES.
Is there any condemnation? NO.
We aren't "good enough" in our own righteousness anyway.  However, taking meds does indicate that there is something wrong with your body and therefore, there is a healing(s) that needs to take place. Is it a sin to be sick? NO. No more than it is a sin to feel certain things emotionally...but you don't want to stay there.
Prescription meds can be a stepping stone to a path of divine healing. It's what you THINK about them that can cause the bigger issue. (I am not referring to short term injury type meds that your body recovers from quickly.)
Thoughts that Hinder Because They Linger
  • I can't live without them. (For some people this may be true and this still indicates a healing need. For others, it comes from having created a dependency on the med.)
Truth:  You can't live without Jesus.
  • The sickness/disease and meds become my identity, they consume my thoughts and life.
Truth:  In Him we live and move and have our being.  Our lives are designed to revolve in Jesus.  
  • It's too late, I can never be healed. I have been sick so long.I have had this condition so long.
Truth:  Jesus is still the healer and is healing people every day. All healings - big or small, physical or emotional, come from Him.
  • I can't be used in healing others if I haven't been healed. I can't give out what I don't have.
Truth:  The healing gifts and anointing are for others.
The only thing that can stop you is the idea that you are disqualified because of your own healing needs. If you believe this, it will hinder you from being a conduit of His healing power.
You can KNOW the truth for your own healing, it not be manifested yet, AND STILL BE USED to help others. As long as you have the right mindset and beliefs! If the Lord waited for perfection of our body, soul and spirits, who would be ministering? If you have the truth (although not the total manifestation yet) then freely give. It's the TRUTH that sets people free, not the manifestation.
Difference Between Dependency and Addiction
The experts say there is a difference between dependence on a medication and addiction. I beg to differ. Your body does not know the difference and withdrawals feel the same using either wording. There is hope. The Lord can help you walk out your specific process for healing. It is not uncommon for people to be delivered from sickness/ disease with no withdrawal effects. However, it is more common for people to walk out a "healing plan" in which the Lord  supernaturally shortens and minimizes the effects of withdrawal. Either way is supernatural and we praise and honor Him. He promises to be with us in the midst of the storm.
Practical Advice
Sometimes, we must prepare for our healing.  Many Christians are on long term medications. This can be viewed as a part of healing preparation. Many long term medications are only designed for short term usage and when used longer, can actually cause more issues and more pain. Before starting a new medication, do your homework and ask yourself...Is it addictive? Are the side effects worse than the initial problem I am having? Can I safely take this with the other meds I am on? Does it interact with OTC products? When you take herbal supplements, some cooking spices, and even TUMS...they can interact with many meds. Get informed. There are many drug interaction calculators on the internet. Use one that also allows for OTC.
I do not believe anyone wants to stay on meds the rest of their lives. If you do, then there is a deeper issue and you may need to explore "why."
Maybe you like how they make you feel, or maybe fear is involved. Perhaps you have developed a soul tie to them (I know they do not have a soul, but it follows the same principle.)
Jesus wants us all healed. Medications can be a part of the process. The enemy wants us to become addicted and dependent on things other than the Lord. He will try to use meds to try to wreak havoc on your emotions, hormones, brain function, etc.
Medications are comprised of chemicals which our bodies were not created to have, so they can have adverse effects on our bodies. Hence, the long list of "side effects" that are in the pamphlet accompanying our medications.
Pray over your medications. Do not curse them. Ask a blessing over them before you take them every day. Thank Him for the help they are to you and that someday you will no longer need them. Ask the Lord to sanctify the meds, making them safe for your body, with no adverse effects. Then stay in an attitude of thankfulness...believing HE will do as you have asked (He wants this too, so it IS His will) and envision the day you will be medication free!
So do We Jump off the Med Wagon?
NO. We pray and get the plan from the Lord. We never stop taking meds without guidance. We must be in the process of healing. Right thinking comes first.
Getting our heart right about meds and allowing His Spirit to show us any deeper attachments that may have become a spiritual problem is key.
Having the right beliefs concerning His desire to heal you is key.
Removing all hindrances to your healing is key.
You can only do these things through Him. He will bring others alongside of you who are overcoming and have been there.
The Lord knows when you are ready. He will begin to lead you into wholeness by thoughts and information that begins to stir your heart and soul. When these feelings about your medication intake do not go away, perhaps it's time to ask Him if He is speaking to you.
My Testimony
He has saved my own life twice from interactions of medications that the Dr. and the pharmacist did not catch - interactions that were severe and life threatening. He has taken me from 32 pills a day, down to two medications. From a person who could not get out of bed due to pain (severe fibromyalgia, a broken disc - c 6/7 and joint pain), in and out of the hospital (Crohn's disease)...on every kind of med you can imagine (benzos, anxiety, depression) and placed me on His healing pathway. Oh, how He cares for us and if we ask and obey willingly, we shall reap the fruit of our promised land, healed and med free. It is a process until it isn't.
I pray that you do not become weary in your journey to freedom!
Remember, God loves you unconditionally, medicated or not!  
Amy Friend

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