Four Benefits of Intimacy with God by Brian Turner

By Brian Turner
In the journey of faith, a profound path beckons each believer toward a life marked by transformation and divine fulfillment. This path is illuminated by God's presence, which invites us into an intimate relationship with the Creator, offering a foundation upon which the entirety of our lives can be built. In this sacred space of closeness with God, we begin to truly experience the depth of His power, the abundance of His produce, and the clarity of His purpose for us. As we seek His face and dwell in His presence, we are not merely observers of the divine; we become participants in the supernatural. This journey is about seeking God for what He can do in our lives and discovering who we can become in Him.
Four Benefits of Intimacy with God by Brian Turner
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By Jeremy Lopez and Brian Turner
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In the journey of faith, a profound path beckons each believer toward a life marked by transformation and divine fulfillment. This path is illuminated by God's presence, which invites us into an intimate relationship with the Creator, offering a foundation upon which the entirety of our lives can be built. In this sacred space of closeness with God, we begin to truly experience the depth of His power, the abundance of His produce, and the clarity of His purpose for us. As we seek His face and dwell in His presence, we are not merely observers of the divine; we become participants in the supernatural. This journey is about seeking God for what He can do in our lives and discovering who we can become in Him. The promise of a life in God's presence is not one of mere existence but of extraordinary destiny and fulfillment. This exploration into Presence, Power, Produce, and Purpose aims to unveil the transformative impact of dwelling in the heart of God, revealing how it shapes our identity, influences our capacity, enriches our contributions, and directs our life's mission.
Presence: In the quiet of His presence, the noise of the world fades, revealing the melody of divine whispers.
At the heart of every believer's journey lies the pursuit of God's presence, a sacred quest that transcends the confines of ordinary existence and ushers us into a realm of divine intimacy and joy. The Scriptures serve as a guiding light in this pursuit, with Psalms 16:11 revealing the profound truth that in His presence, there is fullness of joy; at His right hand are pleasures forevermore. This verse is not just a poetic expression but a spiritual reality that underscores the essence of what it means to dwell in the closeness of God. It invites us into a relationship where joy is not fleeting or contingent upon circumstances but is rooted in God's eternal and unchanging nature.
Similarly, Psalms 100:4 instructs us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, signifying that our approach to God's presence is paved with gratitude and adoration. This is not merely a formula but a posture of heart that recognizes God's sovereignty and goodness. As we come before Him with thanksgiving, we align ourselves with the reality of His kingdom, where thankfulness and praise are the currency of communion with the divine.
Bill Johnson, a prominent voice in the Charismatic movement, encapsulates this beautifully by stating, “In God's presence is the fullness of joy. Outside of His presence, there's nothing but emptiness.” This profound insight serves as a reminder that apart from God, our souls wander in a desert of emptiness, searching for a fulfillment that only His presence can provide. The contrast between the fullness found in God and the emptiness of life without Him could not be starker, highlighting the indispensable need for His presence in our lives.
Thus, pursuing God's presence is not merely an addition to our spiritual routine but the essence of our existence. In embracing His presence, we find the genesis of divine joy and eternal satisfaction. This joy is not ephemeral or surface-level but is a deep, abiding delight in who God is and in being known and loved by Him. As believers, our hearts yearn for this connection; in it, we discover the true meaning of life and the source of unshakeable joy. Therefore, the journey into God's presence is the heart of true fulfillment, where every moment is an invitation to experience the profound depth of divine joy and satisfaction.
Power: Where His power descends, the impossible becomes a testimony, etching the extraordinary into the canvas of our lives.
Emerging from the sacred encounter with God’s presence is the transformative experience of His power. This divine empowerment exceeds human capacity and equips believers for a life of purpose and witness. The book of Acts speaks directly to this phenomenon, with Acts 1:8 promising, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." This passage illuminates the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit in bestowing upon us a power that is not of this world—a power for boldness, transformation, and the proclamation of the gospel across the earth.
This power is not reserved for a select few but is available to all who seek God’s presence and submit to His Spirit. It’s a power that enables us to go beyond our natural limitations, to speak truth into darkness, and to embody the love and grace of Christ in every action. 2 Timothy 1:7 further clarifies the nature of this power: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind." It is a holistic empowerment, touching every aspect of our being—spirit, soul, and body—and equipping us to face the challenges of life with a boldness and confidence that comes from God alone.
Reinhard Bonnke, a figure synonymous with God's miraculous power at work, profoundly stated, "God doesn't call the qualified; he qualifies the called." This assertion echoes the biblical truth that God’s power is perfected in our weakness. It is not our ability but our availability to God’s Spirit that matters. The divine equation is clear: our surrender plus God's power equals an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thus, the encounter with divine power is about witnessing the supernatural and becoming vessels through which God’s power is demonstrated to the world. Divine power transcends human ability, turning ordinary into extraordinary for His glory. This power transforms, heals, delivers, and propels us forward in our divine calling. In God's kingdom, the mundane is infused with the miraculous, and our lives become a testament to the power that works mightily within us, a power that is sourced in the very presence of God.
Produce: Through us, He cultivates a garden of grace, where every fruit reflects the beauty of His spirit.
In the divine garden of our souls, where the presence of God nourishes, and the power of God transforms, there grows an exquisite produce—the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. This divine yield, detailed in the scriptures, is evidence of a life surrendered to God and a means through which we extend His kingdom on earth. Galatians 5:22-23 vividly depicts the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are not mere emotional states to aspire to; they are the very character of Christ being formed in us, a transformation that occurs as we abide in His presence.
Parallel to these fruits are the gifts of the Spirit, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, which include wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, discernment, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues. The Spirit distributes these gifts to each one as He determines, designed not for personal glory but for the edification of the Body of Christ and the advancement of the Gospel. They are supernatural abilities that empower us to serve others in a manner that transcends human capability, revealing the heart and power of God to the world.
Joyce Meyer, a renowned teacher of the Word, insightfully remarks, “The fruit of the Spirit is a gift from God, and only He can produce it. They are worth the wait.” This highlights the divine origin of these virtues and abilities, reminding us that they are cultivated in us as we remain patient and connected to God, allowing His Spirit to work within us.
The beauty of God’s produce in our lives is that it serves a purpose far greater than our personal spiritual growth. God's produce in our lives is the divine harvest that feeds not just us but those around us. As we exhibit the fruits of the Spirit, we reflect the character of Jesus to those we interact with, drawing them closer to the heart of God. Similarly, as we operate in the gifts of the Spirit, we become conduits of God’s grace, healing, and power, impacting lives and transforming environments for the glory of God. This divine harvest is not meant to be hoarded but shared, spreading seeds of hope, love, and redemption that will yield an eternal harvest in the lives of others.
Purpose: We are the pen in the Author of life's hand, writing stories that echo eternity with every deed and dream.
The crescendo of our spiritual journey, underpinned by God's presence, empowered by His power, and evidenced by His produce, finds its ultimate expression in discovering and fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 offers an assurance that resonates with the heart of every believer: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This promise encapsulates God's overarching intention for His children—a life of not only surviving but thriving, marked by hope and directed toward an eternal future.
Ephesians 2:10 further elucidates our role in this divine narrative: "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Herein lies the revelation of our identity and purpose as believers. The hands of the Creator craft us, designed to fulfill the good works He has set before us, works that extend beyond our ambitions to the higher calling of His kingdom agenda.
Guillermo Maldonado, a voice of wisdom in the faith, articulates a profound truth: "God is not looking for people to work for Him but people who let Him work through them.” This insight shifts the focus from human effort to divine orchestration, inviting us to surrender our plans in exchange for the fulfillment of His purpose through us.
Discovering God's purpose is unveiling the masterpiece He's destined us to be and do. This journey of purpose is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative venture with the Divine, where each step taken in alignment with His will reveals more of His grand design for our lives. Here, in the confluence of God’s presence, power, and produce, our true purpose is discovered, and our destinies are fulfilled, not for our glory but for His.
In the divine journey from presence to purpose, we find the essence of a life truly lived in communion with God. Each step—immersing in His presence, being transformed by His power, bearing His produce, and fulfilling His purpose—is intricately woven into a tapestry of divine destiny. This journey is an invitation to each of us, beckoning us to delve deeper into an intimate relationship with our Creator, where the fullness of life awaits. Let us, therefore, with hearts open and spirits willing, pursue the presence of God, for it is in Him that we discover not only who we are but who we are meant to be. Through this pursuit, may we unlock the boundless dimensions of a life rich in joy, abundant in purpose, and overflowing with the love emanating from God's heart.
Brian Turner

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