Are You Called? by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
There were and are prophetic schools for those who had/have interest in the prophetic, but most of the leader prophets, had callings that extended out and beyond the schools. They were noted by others as such and often would teach at the schools. A school cannot make a prophetic calling, but it certainly can yield prophetic support! And called prophets can be helped by attending prophetic schools, but if they really have a calling they will often also be called apart from the schools (and comfortable places) to deliver their messages. Some messages are one-time messages (as we see in the Bible) and some are seasoned callings over an extended period of time. (If you are trying to put God in a box here, it won't work, except in your mind.)
Are You Called? by Pam Clark
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There were and are prophetic schools for those who had/have interest in the prophetic, but most of the leader prophets, had callings that extended out and beyond the schools. They were noted by others as such and often would teach at the schools. A school cannot make a prophetic calling, but it certainly can yield prophetic support!
And called prophets can be helped by attending prophetic schools, but if they really have a calling they will often also be called apart from the schools (and comfortable places) to deliver their messages. Some messages are one-time messages (as we see in the Bible) and some are seasoned callings over an extended period of time. (If you are trying to put God in a box here, it won't work, except in your mind.)
To carry the word of the Lord, you have to understand its purpose. It is to be a voice crying in the wilderness, a fire that devours the wrongs around it, and a forerunner of things to come, preparing for the coming and Presence of the Lord. This is not just an "end times" focus, but the coming of His visitations too!
The seasoning of prophets is when they have to stand for the "word" against the assaults of the world but also the religious strongholds. It can get very "crafty" if you know what I mean! Some see it as "king of the mountain" when He is the Mountain!!! (Referenced in the book of Daniel). That mountain consumes all around it, because He is God.
As powerful as the prophetic can be, it is only one-fifth of the five-fold leadership. The other four ministries of teacher, pastor, evangelist and apostle are also most worthy and significant roles in the maintenance of the Church! How we need them all so the Church will be healthy and vibrant and significant in the world and days we live in. It is very good if we will look for a balance of all these gifts functioning in our lives.
Many want to honor the pastor alone for all these gifts, but that is not balance, unless the pastor signifies the working and speaking and gives support to these ministries. I am about to go into another subject here, but I am talking about the set up God gives in the Bible.
His Story
Prophetic schools and support is greatly needed, because (1) it supports the prophets and (2) that supports the gift in the Church! Jesus embodies all the gifts and the Bible says "all may prophesy," but that does not mean all are prophets. I will say with all the conviction I have, if you did not have a personal experience where God met you in a strong and demanding way about it, you probably are not called as the office ministry. But you can seek Him and find your gift!
The same goes for the other gifts, too, really. Some have to give themselves "permission" to accept their gifts, but most are challenged because that challenge increases and proves their ministry gift calling. How does one know if you are even a Christian if you cannot proclaim Jesus??? And the "word" Jesus is not enough, it must carry all the meaning of Who He is!
The Church in many areas is "soft" today. A little of this, a little of that, a flavor of this and a flavor of that, but there is little that stands in a dark and sinful world that wants to suck people into another way of thinking and believing and actually proving their Cause. Jesus comes BEFORE any ministry gift!!! Is He a Light in your neighborhood? That speaks of your faith!!
Yes, we are in hard times but also blessed times if we are striving and contending for the Lord. These are times that will be noted in the future history books, which is His Story!!! The Bible is about many human experiences that tell His Story. That Book is still being written! Jesus is the revealing Scroll.
It does no good to challenge people who are misled unless you can help them see and understand where they CAN get it right. Some have to learn some things so that they can get into their callings and I will assert that ALL are called to do the work of the ministry, even if it is a support ministry. It's about lifting Jesus up so all will come to Him. Life IN Jesus is beautifully functional.
Pam Clark

Visitor Comments (1)

Discerning Your Call of God

What a wonderful message this is! To God alone be all the GLORY and honour! Woman of God I have so many questions to ask. I particularly love the fact that whether one is a prophet or an apostle, it's all about Jesus! Even though you didn't put it exactly like that, that's how I understood it. Maybe I should leave my email address below.

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